
Will Renal Cyst of 4.8cm Cause Blood in Urine

My father recently has had a scan which shows a renal cyst on his left kidney. He has blood in his urine. I want to know is it normal for a cyst to cause bleeding or the bleeding is related to other things. He has only one cyst and it is approximately 4.8cm. He has high blood pressure, but is not on any medicines. His blood pressure is around 175/96. He is much stressed and worried now.
Best Answer
Your father’ renal cyst is 4.8cm and it has reached the size in which a series of clinical manifestations will be caused such as blood in urine, bubbles in urine, hypertension and pains in the back and belly. Of cause the bleeding is not definitely caused by the cyst, but it is the most possible reason. To confirm the root cause, it is recommended that your father can go to the hospital and take related tests such as CT scan and B ultrasound to make clear the cause because hematuria usually indicates aggravation of the illness condition.
There are three reasons that the renal cyst can cause blood in urine.
1. The enlarged cyst cause the vessels on the renal capsule to rupture and cause blood in urine;
2. In case of infections of bumps, the cyst will rupture and cause bleeding;
3. One of the common complications of renal cyst is stone in the kidneys. When the stone moves, it is easy to cut the blood vessels in the kidneys and cause bloody urine.
Learn about blood in urine and kidney cyst 

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