Read Kowledges about Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and Kidney Cyst. Patients with PKD and Kidney Cyst care about treatment, symptoms and diet most.
How Can Patients With Kidney Disease Prevent From Getting Cold
1. Cold face and hot feet
Clean your face with cold water every morning and evening.Foot baths can improve the resistance of body.
2. Brown sugar and ginger tea
Boiling the brown sugar and ginger with water instead of coffee,witch can avoid and treat cold effectively.
3. Hot wind blow
At the beginninf of the cold,you can use hair drier blow temple for 3-5minutes.You can below several times per day to reduce symptoms and improve recovery.
4. Breathe hot stream
Pour boiling water into a cup and then do deep breath towards the cup until the water turn to cool several times per day,witch is benefit to the incipience of cold.
5. Massage
Rub two hands till hot and then massage the point.
6. Medicine to guard
People can take some medicine during the influenza pandemic period.
7. Gargle with light salt water
Gargle with light salt water after eating breakfast and supper to eliminate the bacteria in mouth.
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Can You Drink Alcohol With Polycystic Kidney Disease

can you drink alcohol with polycystic kidney diseaseWhen it comes to drinking alcohol, for anyone who can drink it safely, moderation is the key. Drinking too much alcohol—even for a completely healthy person—can cause heart disease, liver disease, high blood pressure and kidney disease, in addition to many other medical problems. Drinking too much alcohol can also impair judgment—and this could interfere with decision making related to remembering to take medicines and following fluid and diet guidelines.
Alcohol stresses the kidneys by causing dehydration, which is hard even on healthy kidneys. It may also interfere with antibiotics by causing them to move through the system too rapidly.
In order to recover from PKD, patients should give up smoking and drinking. According to the experts’ explanation, alcohol will cause the increase of the blood pressure, which is bad for the cysts to recovery. Excessive drinking will cause the loss of bound water in the muscle and abnormal metabolism of the creatine, so the serum creatinine level will increase. Drinking will affect the body’s nitrogen balance and increase the protein breakdown. This will increase the burden of the kidneys. Besides, the alcohol decomposition can produce acid metabolic acidosis which will cause nausea, loss of appetite, depression, headache and many other symptoms in the patients. Medical scientists have found out that alcohol should be prohibited to kidney patients, especially for PKD patients. Alcohol can activate the polycystic protein and speed up the secretion of cystic fluids, so the cysts will grow larger and larger. So it is very necessary for PKD patients to quit drinking.
If you are on dialysis, drinking alcohol may be allowable, but it must be counted within your normal fluid allowance and diet, and medicines must be taken into consideration. Talk to your doctor or renal dietitian before you drink to find out if alcohol will have a negative impact on your health.
For those with diabetes and chronic kidney disease alcohol may be safe to drink if you have your blood sugar level under control. After checking with your doctor or dietitian and getting the okay to drink, it is recommended that you drink with food or at mealtime. Alcohol on an empty stomach can cause blood sugar levels to drop in those with diabetes. Additional ingredients in mixed drinks may add carbohydrate that must be considered. You will also have to fit alcohol into your meal plan.
Alcohol has no nutritional benefit, but it does have calories. And calories from alcoholic beverages add up quickly. Make sure you take this into consideration when planning your daily menus.
What Is The Treatment For Renal Cortical Cyst
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What Is The Treatment For Renal Cortical Cyst |
Cortical kidney cyst (renal cyst) is a very common condition when people are getting old. Usually the cortical cyst does not need any treatment because it seldom does harms to kidneys and our human body. But sometimes it should be treated. Following are information about cortical kidney cysts and its treatment.
If you have a small kidney cysts that isn’t causing you any problems, your physician will generally leave it alone, though she may follow up with additional scans in six to 12 months. But if you experience symptoms of a renal cortical cyst, your physician will probably send you to a urologist, who specializes in diagnosing and treating kidney problems.
Your urologist will determine whether your renal cysts have grown randomly, or whether they have resulted from polycystic kidney disease (PKD)—an inherited disease the targets the kidneys and causes the growth of kidney cysts. Small or few renal cysts will generally not harm you, but multiple or large cysts can cause pain, infection and damage to the kidneys. If your urologist suspects PKD, schedule biannual scans to check for the presence of cysts in your kidneys.
A physician can drain and permanently harden small renal cortical cysts by inserting a needle directly into them. The process removes fluid and replaces it with alcohol, which causes the tissue that makes up the cyst to harden.
Larger cysts may require surgical removal. Most surgeons prefer laparoscopic surgery, which involves smaller incisions, a shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery. During the surgery, your surgeon will drain the cyst of fluid and then remove or burn away its outer layer of tissue.
Chinese Herbs For Polycystic Kidney Disease With Creatinine 4.7
Your mother's creatinine level 4.7 reflects her cysts' growth has caused her kidney filtration function's decline. Now her kidney damage degree is in stage 4 of chronic kidney disease. The high blood pressure, poor appetite, weight loss, tiedness are typical symptoms among patients with this stage. Do not worry, this stage is still in the reversible stage.
Now your mother needs a systemic treatment: 1. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to control her cysts' growth 2. oral Chinese herbal medicine, medicated bath, massage, acupuncture and moxibustion to repair her damaged glomerular cells and improve her kidney function. 3. Maikangheji plus sanqifen to improve her immunity balance.
Chinese Herb Bath Therapy is one characteristic therapy of Chinese external therapies. From the viewpoint of concept of wholism and syndrome differentiation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, proper Chinese herbal medicine has been selected and made into Chinese medicine bath liquid. It is used to whole body bath, half body bath or partial immersion baths, such as sitz bath, lavipeditum, face bath, eye bath etc. so as to prevent and cure disease.
The Therapeutical Effect of Chinese Herb Bath
1. Promoting blood circulation and removing obstruction in channels which promotes blood circulation.
2. Inducing diaphoresis to improve the discharging metabolism wastes
3. The medicine arrives at the lesions directly through main and collateral channels so as to regulate functions of organs.
4. Support healthy tendency, strengthen immunity and remove fatigue.
5. Calm the nerves and improve the quality of sleep.
Clinical Application Scope of Chinese Herb Bath.
1. Nephritic edema.
2. Chronic Kidney Failure (azotemia)
3. Skin itch, chronic skin disease.
4. Joint and muscle pain caused by rheumatic and immune diseases.
5. Kidney disease with external contraction.
6. Diabetes with peripheral neuropathy ( limbs numbness and pain).
7. Recovery health-care: alleviating fatigue and improving sleep.
8. Lower lipid and lose weight.
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