
How Do Polycystic Kidney Disease Family Have a Healthy Baby

The Odds of Giving Birth to a Healthy Baby:
Generally, the genetic odd between boy and girl is equal. If one parent is suffering from PKD, their children are at 50% chance of experiencing this disease. If parents are suffering from the disease, their children are at 75% chance of experiencing this disease.
That is to say, to give birth to a healthy baby, patients with PKD had better not marry patients with PKD. And then they have 50% chance of giving birth to a healthy baby.
If gene therapy for patients with PKD occurs, patients are more likely to have a healthy baby.
What Should Patients Do to Give Birth to a Healthy Baby:
Patients should control the growth of the cysts, which will help prevent kidney damage or Kidney Failure. If their cysts can be treated in the early stage of this disease, it is probable for patients to have a healthy body. That is to say, patients can live without discomfort with the multiple cysts in the kidneys. And then they have energy to give birth to a baby.

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