
Something You Should Know About Polycystic Kidney Disease

A lot of people who unfortunately suffer from polycystic kidney disease fear that their life come to an end quickly, but how long can they survive with Polycystic Kidney Disease?
Polycystic kidney disease is a familial hereditary kidney disease. Once people are diagnosed with this disease, they are scared and worried about that they can not be cured. Also, they are eager to know how long can they survive. Actually, they are afraid just because they do know little about polycystic kidney disease?
Polycystic kidney disease does not develop to kidney failure if it is treated timely and effectively.Some people, through effective treatment, can live as longer as a normal people.
Besides, symptoms of Polycystic kidney Disease  usually appears after they grow up to 30.The common symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease include high blood pressure, back pain, foamy urine, blood urine and frequently fatigue.
Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic disease, but not everyone with PKD gene will suffer from it. The occurrence of Polycystic Kidney Disease has close relationship with the patient's immune system and immunity. Generally speaking, the poorer the immunity is, the more possible that people with PKD gene suffer from this disease. Therefore, to avoid PKD, people with PKD gene need to do physical exercises regularly so as to increase their immunity.
If you want to know more, please leave message to us and we will reply you within 24 hours.

Suffering from Polycystic Kindey D.isease

1. PKD is a hereditary disease, patients with this disease when they were born. Normally, it is not easy for people to test the PKD before 20 years old, and Western doctor suggest patients have the regular body check, and observe the growth condition of renal cysts.
2.  When PKD patients at the age of 30-40, the renal cysts begin to grow quickly. Western doctor suggest no treatment for this period, just observe the growth of renal cysts. If some patients present high blood pressure, they just need to treat the high blood pressure.
3.  After the age of 40, patients go into a period which is called 'enlargement period'. The renal cysts become more and more big, and the size of the biggest renal cyst is over than 4 cm, the renal cyst have the chance to burst. Patients begin to present some symptoms like backpain,hematuresis,proteinuria,high blood pressure etc.
Normally, Western medicine will follow these steps to treat polycystic kidney:
    1) wait the cysts become enough big.
    2.) 95% anhydrous alcohol is inputed into renal cysts for solidifying capillary, then liquid can't go into renal cysts.
4.  abstract the cystic liquid from renal cyst-----this operation may be called puncture. Please notice that these measures will damage the kidney, especially for the nephron which is the basic part of kidney. At present, all Western Medicine just treat the symptoms of kidney, they can't treat the disease from the root.
This period is the most important for PKD period, if they can get the proper treatment as soon as possible, the growth speed of renal cysts can be delayed, the remaining kidney function can be protected, and the renal cysts can become more and more small by self-reabsorption.
5. Renal cysts will bust under effection of some external factors, if the renal cysts are big enough. It is very easy to get infection in this period, patients should prevent the occurrence of Ichorrhemia and Renal Failure.
6. Uremia(end stage renal failure) Period. This is the end stage of kidney disease.


Best Treatment for PKD

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the best treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease. This article mainly focuses on explaining how Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats PKD. If there is anything unclear after you read this article, please contact us and we will try our best to help you solve your problem.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for PKD
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is created on the basis of traditional Chinese medicines and with  the occurrence of it, PKD becomes not as terrible as before.
Polycystic Kidney Disease is inherent kidney disease, so it is common that a Polycystic Kidney Disease patient always have many relatives who are also suffering this disease. Polycystic Kidney Disease affects our life through impairing our kidney functions, which occurs when enlarged cysts oppress the surrounding renal functional cells. In this light, we can get the conclusion that as long as we shrink cysts, kidney damages are avoided and kidney functions are reserved.
In order to help Polycystic Kidney Disease reduce sufferings, medical experts do lots of medical experiments and clinical practices to find the treatment which can help to reduce cystic fluids. Eventually, kidney disease experts found that cysts in kidneys can be reduced through Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Chinese herbs have many functions, one of which is to promote blood circulation. Improved blood circulation is helpful in lowering blood pressure. We know cysts in kidneys are full of yellow fluid and the pressure inside of the cysts is extremely high. Therefore, when pressure outside the cyst is lower than that inside of cysts, cystic fluids ooze out of cyst, as a consequence of which, cystic fluids are reduced and cysts are shrunk.
In mild cases, PKD can be brought under control effectively and patients avoid dialysis and kidney transplant. 
In serious cases, through Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, PKD patients who are on dialysis can get rid of dialysis effectively. 
If you want to know more about PKD or Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, welcome to contact us.


Kidney cyst causes blood in urine

When simple kidney cyst causes blood in urine, it tells that kidneys are damaged seriously.
kidney cyst means there is one or more than one cyst in one or both two kidney. These cysts are filled with yellow fluids and over time, they enlarges.
When kidney cyst enlarges to a certain degree, these cysts oppress the surrounding renal functional cells, which causes kidney damages. Blood urine is a symptom of kidney cyst and it can be caused through the following several pathological changes.
one, when kidney cyst rupture, blood urine appears.
two, when kidney cyst is associated with infection, blood urine occurs easily.
thirdly, when kidney cyst is associated with kidney stone, blood also occurs easily in urine.
when  kidney cyst causes blood in urine, we must take some actions immediately. blood in urine also can be called hematuria and it refers to the condition that account of red blood cells is out of the normal range. In clinical, hematuria is divided into two types which include gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria. Microscopic can not be found if we do not do urine test, but concerning gross hematuria, we can detect it without doing any medical tests. With gross blood urine, our urine usually appears to be dark-orange, tea-colored, red or color of water where flesh was washed.
Long-term hematuria makes us loose lots of red blood cells from urine. If we do not stop this condition, more and more red blood cells will be lost and finally, anemia will be caused. Therefore, when  kidney cyst causes blood urine we must receive effective treatment as quickly as possible so as to get it controlled.
Red blood cells get out of our body because of serious kidney damages, so to recover, we must repair kidney damages. In many countries, simple kidney cyst patients take surgery as their treatment. Surgery is indeed effective in removing cysts in kidneys, but it can not repair kidney damages. To repair kidney functions, we need to receive Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, a external natural treatment for simple kidney cyst.
At the moment, the best treatment for kidney cyst with blood urine is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, a natural external treatment. Through Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, not only cysts in kidney can be shrunk, but also kidney functions are recovered. What is more, this treatment causes no side effects.
As long as simple kidney cyst is treated fundamentally, blood in urine disappears therewith. If you are suffering blood urine caused by kidney cyst, you can have a try about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.


Why Polycystic kidney disease cyst rupture ?

Patients with polycystic kidney cysts usually increase, up to a certain extent, occurs when the cyst ruptured, under normal circumstances, renal cysts more than 3cm more damage to the kidneys, cysts oppression of the kidneys causing kidney ischemia and hypoxia, that when there may be rupture of the cyst. Timely standard treatment for this group of patients recommended early, conservative treatment, inhibition of cyst epithelial cells of cystic fluid from the fundamental, so that the cyst gradually reduce, inhibit growth, it will not affect future life. In addition some patients because of trauma caused by the bursting of the cyst.
Polycystic kidney disease cyst rupture have any effect?
Polycystic kidney disease cyst rupture can cause infection, causing inflammation, severe bleeding than secondary infection or acute renal failure. Cyst secondary infection, the patients presented with chills, fever, back pain, frequent urination, urgency or dysuria, blood culture positive urine culture can also be positive. CT scan showed the cyst CT value than the infected cyst CT value increased wall thickening of the wall after the injection of vascular contrast agents contrast enhancement (enhanced).
Polycystic kidney disease cyst rupture and how it treated?
Cysts on the kidney, the lower pole or the side edge, B ultrasound-guided or CT-guided needle aspiration of the cyst fluid sent to the stereotypes Attorney and bacterial cultures, normal saline cysts. General aspiration, body temperature can drop puncture again every 2 to 3 days until the capsule fluid clear, the temperature dropped to normal.
Application of effective antibiotics, consideration should be given drugs cyst penetrating: penicillins, aminoglycosides and Vanguard ADM antibiotics easily into the cysts derived from proximal renal units, and not easy to enter the cyst of the distal nephron.Erythromycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, clindamycin, TMP is easy to enter the cyst of the proximal and distal nephron.
If the cyst is repeated puncture granules with effective antibiotics, intravenous drug use is generally 2 to 3 weeks in control of infection. Such as cystic needle aspiration is an effective antibiotic to take eight weeks or more before manipulation.
Renal cyst rupture, the best way to tap its roots of traditional Chinese medicine of the adoption of Chinese medicine micro-penetration therapy. Infiltration therapy of active substances of micro-based medicine to improve blood vessel wall and cyst circulatory disturbance state to soften the wall, increasing the external wall of the permeability quickly take away the cyst fluid, and the inhibition of wall cells to secrete the role, so that the cyst is no longer increase even retraction, effectively relieve symptoms and prevent its recurrence, so that diseases are the basic treatment .

Clinical diagnosis of left renal cyst?

The clinical performance of the left kidney cyst more than waist and abdominal pain,abnormal urine, increased labor. Patients trance, nocturia, hypertension, urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, hematuria, insomnia and other complications.
An inspection of the urine: urine normal, if the capsule in the oppression of the renal parenchyma or in combination with intracapsular infection, there may be a small amount of red blood cells and white blood cells in urine.
2, B-: understand the number of cysts, size, wall. Renal mass can be differentiated as the preferred screening method. Typical B-super-performance anechoic lesion, wall smooth,clear boundary should be alert to the malignant transformation; wall show irregular echoor limitations of echogenic wall thickening; secondary infection, lesion fine echo, intracystic bleeding echogenic. When imaging prompted to have multiple cysts withmultilocular cysts, polycystic kidney disease to distinguish.
3, intravenous pyelography (ivp) shows the cyst oppression of the extent of the renal parenchyma, and can and hydronephrosis phase identification.
Chinese medicine treatment of the left kidney cyst
The Shijiazhuang nephropathy hospital after 10 years of clinical practice, the Groupproved that the activity factor of the left renal cyst prescriptions processed by themicro-technology, which can be targeted to penetrate into the kidneys, can be long-lasting inhibition of renal epithelial cell proliferation and extracellular matrix (ECM)secretion of fluids, to prevent the enlargement of the cyst wall membrane continues, increasing the permeability of the wall, reverse the capsule and external pressure, making the intracapsular liquid absorbed by the vascular reflux thylakoid withered, and ultimately achieve the goal of cure kidney cysts. Renal cyst expert Cho Chang andcontain high quality protein, high fiber foods can be reduced to some extent, the left kidney cysts, and subtypes in patients with left renal cyst can be tried first as atherapeutic feeding program.

Polycystic kidney disease can be sexual

On polycystic kidney disease can be sexual? , Polycystic kidney disease can be sexual? Polycystic kidney is a hereditary disease.Married men and women suffering from polycystic kidney disease are often afraid of sex, that sex life will affect the treatment of disease, increased disease, renal damage, in fact, this is a misunderstanding. Of course, sex life need to consume the body ... following the introduction will make your sex life for polycystic kidney disease? , A new understanding.
Polycystic kidney disease can be sexual? Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease. Married men and women suffering from polycystic kidney disease are often afraid of sex, that sex life will affect the treatment of disease, increased disease, renal damage, in fact, this is a misunderstanding. Of course, sex life need to exhaustion, renal insufficiency, advanced stage or severe proteinuria or hematuria in the urine, you really should stop some of the timing of life. But a chronic lack of sex life but to patients and their spouses to cause serious mental burden. Therefore, the kidney patients can generally be a normal married life, just pay attention to appropriate, not to increase the fatigue female patients, particular attention should be clean and contraception, to prevent infection and pregnancy.
Based on genetic characteristics, divided into autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and autosomal recessive hereditary polycystic kidney disease two categories.Common autosomal dominant polycystic kidney. ADPKD, autosomal dominant, which is characterized by familial aggregation of both men and women to the disease, gender involvement opportunity equal, successive generations may occur in patients. There are multiple factors leading to polycystic kidney disease. Thus, prevention of polycystic kidney disease, the boycott of polycystic kidney disease patients I to enhance preventive measures.
Polycystic kidney disease can be sexual? Housing excessive labor, namely sex life is uncontrolled, excessive sexual intercourse. These are bad for your health, of course, also affected the cystic disease of the change. In addition, excessive ease, that is, excessive carefree, do not participate in the labor, not the movement is also easy to make poor human blood, causing disease, is a long time lying hurt gas, "the truth.
Early prevention and treatment of complications: hypertension, urinary tract infection, cyst rupture is polycystic kidney disease common complication, but also induce or aggravate renal damage, must be timely treatment and control. But in the course of medication should be taken to avoid renal toxicity of the drug. Such as more than hematuria, or severe back pain, abdominal pain, most likely a cyst infection with the issue of blood or cyst rupture due, should be timely to the hospital, so as not to delay treatment, and increased renal failure.
Early detection of the disease: According to statistics, the polycystic kidney disease have a 60% -70% of the genetic predisposition, and the chance of falling ill of men and women are roughly equal. Therefore, a family history of polycystic kidney disease families may have more than one person sick. Polycystic kidney disease onset is usually in the 25-35 year-old began the onset of symptoms, some patients even in the event of symptoms of renal failure before being discovered. Therefore, the staff of the polycystic kidney disease family history, to do a census and followed up regularly for early detection and timely treatment.

Polycystic kidney disease can not drink tea

Polycystic kidney patients can drink tea, kidney disease medical treatment network experts advise: try not to promote the tea, especially tea, to avoid increasing the burden on the kidney, is not conducive to the recovery of the disease. Polycystic kidney disease patients really want to drink tea, drink some light tea.
Why do not encourage patients with polycystic kidney tea?
Tea contains caffeine, about a cup of tea containing the equivalent of a cup of coffee, 30% to 50% of the caffeine, a large number of tea more caffeine. Has been proven that caffeine can cause distortion of the body's normal cells, the possibility of carcinogenic, and had a lot of drinking tea, the human nervous system excitement, heart, kidney burden, the promotion of gastrin secretion, induced peptic ulcer, and tannic acid combines with iron to reduce the iron uptake of hematopoietic growth factors, kidney disease patients is not recommended tea.
Polycystic kidney disease can not drink tea? Another tea time should also be particular about the tea immediately after a meal should not be best after a meal and a half hours to 1 hour. Cups of tea should not be too much time has been sufficient, generally 300 to 400 ml. Tea and the best water is distilled water, boil and then burn 2 to 3 minutes, cooled to 90 ° C water tea is the best, not only can reduce the destruction of vitamin C in the tea, and able to maintain the unique green and aroma of tea The best bubble now is to drink.
In addition to the polycystic kidney disease patients not advocate drinking tea, especially tea, the following is to try not to eat.
A fermented food, fermented food here by mainly bacteria change fermented foods, such as fermented bean curd, rotten eggs class. Avoid the consumption of such cyst growth rate will be favorable
2, high protein foods, and kidney disease should be low-protein diet to avoid body Nitrogen metabolites, reducing kidney excretion of force. Such as soybeans, tofu and other soy products.
3, coffee, chocolate, non-edible.
4, made of offal food, animal offal cooked food is not suitable for polycystic kidney disease in patients with eating animal liver Chinese sentence messenger, what to eat, make up what is, but it is not a lot of toxins in the process of slaughtering animals left in the liver, renal, especially the liver, liver function is detoxification, many animals metabolic toxins left in the gut, patients taking these substances invisible to the kidneys to increase the burden and aggravate the condition.
, Alcoholic beverages, alcoholic liquor, should quit speaking for polycystic kidney disease patients, alcohol and kidney irritation excellent. It can stimulate the polycystin activity to accelerate cyst growth.
Polycystic kidney disease in addition to pay more attention in their daily lives, more importantly, the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, only the standard treatment, inhibiting the secretion of cystic fluid, shrink the cyst, to avoid kidney damage.
Medical treatment network nephrologist recommended for the treatment of polycystic kidney infiltration therapy of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine, the therapy to improve the wall around the oxygen conditions, to soften the wall, increased permeability, so that the cyst fluid was taken away by the increased blood circulation, cyst fluid to reduce the cyst naturally decreases.
The same time, the drug substance, the role of the wall of the inner secretory cells repair their normal function, blocking its abnormal secretion, not secretion of cystic fluid, the cyst gradually decreases from the fundamental. Achieve the purpose of the treatment of cysts.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmosis treatment of renal cysts: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmosis treatment of renal cysts: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmosis treatment of renal cysts:

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmosis treatment of renal cysts:

The ① Huoxuetongluo (kidney diseased tissue oxygen):
Characteristics therapy of traditional Chinese medicine active substances selectively targeting positioning in the arteries at all levels, and its close integration to promote the expansion of the renal artery, increasing effective blood perfusion of the kidneys, increase the supply of oxygen to damaged glomerulus, thereby improving microcirculation. promote metabolism.
Through a series of role, the renal hemodynamic changes, can ease sclerosis, mesangial proliferation, leading to necrosis of glomerular perfusion, alleviate glomerular pressure and hyperfiltration state; the same time, promote kidney around blood vessels to dilate, improving the surface circulation, promote porokeratosis open, so that the toxins discharged with the sweat; and improve gastrointestinal mucosal microcirculation, reduce mucosal edema, promote the secretion of digestive juice, increase patients' appetite, thus easing the progress of the disease.
The clinical manifestations of this process: urine creatinine increased, renal hypertension have been alleviated, to alleviate the symptoms of systemic poisoning, such as fatigue and reduce the vomiting disappeared, increased appetite, and began to sweat, urine output gradually increased, color, turbidity and the smell of change.
② Quyu (lesions cleared) process:
Micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances in the selective targeting localized in the lesion, the renal artery after the first phase of expansion, increase oxygen supply and microcirculation, close integration with the diseased tissue and immune complexes, a sudden outbreak of the attack power of the lesions immune complexes and the proliferation of mesangial cells, stromal sclerosis glomerular lesions shattered, cracking, broken down into small fragments, discharge with blood circulation and metabolism.
The clinical manifestations of this process as follows: urinary protein, occult blood started to decrease, the serum creatinine began to decline, and a variety of laboratory markers stabilized, as long as the influence of predisposing factors, is not subject to the clearance of the stage will be lasting play it.
(3) Health (Reorganization and reconstruction, repair) process:
Experience in the kidney, blood circulation, blood stasis and pathological evolution of full access to new health and stage of repair. Lesions of various functions of the kidney is a fundamental turn for the better, and finally to the clinical symptoms and laboratory markers returning to normal. Above, we know that Chinese medicine micro-medicine treatment of the right kidney cyst is the best choice!
The right kidney cyst Chinese medicine treatment? From the Western medicine treatment, renal cysts after treatment effective, and can quickly alleviate the pain of patients with renal cysts, but the biggest flaw is easy to relapse. The use of the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of the right kidney cyst, you can play to block the effect of renal fibrosis, and gradually absorb the cystic fluid, thereby essentially eliminate the cyst, to avoid repeated illness, to achieve the best therapeutic effect.

Polycystic kidney disease can be pregnant

Had polycystic kidney disease as a hereditary kidney disease, can be pregnant? If polycystic kidney pregnancy requires what conditions? Polycystic kidney disease during pregnancy and what precautions? Polycystic kidney disease patients with pregnancy which Taboo problems.?
Polycystic kidney disease pregnant prerequisites:
A female kidney patients without high blood pressure and renal function of injured, there is no large amount of proteinuria, generally able to successfully give birth to a healthy baby, but do not make the original kidney disease increase.
Tips: such patients with a family as soon as possible after birth, because their kidney function may change over time extend gradually decreased, and thus lose the best pregnancy chance.
Women of childbearing age after renal transplantation also do the mother with the medical standards of progress, more kidney patients choose kidney transplants. 1.5 to 2 years in women after renal transplantation with normal renal function, high blood pressure or hypertension can be controlled, and urine protein negative or trace, no acute rejection, there is no expansion of the renal pelvis or calyces can be pregnant. However, because these mothers taking anti-rejection drugs may be immunosuppressive effects on neonatal, and so should not be the baby to breastfeed.
So, the women of kidney disease prior to conception to be carefully considered, whether the pregnancy conditions; should be closely observed after conception, whether to continue the pregnancy (if necessary, timely termination of pregnancy); post-natal attention to follow-up observations.
Polycystic kidney disease during pregnancy Precautions
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, whether father or mother is sick, their children have a 50% risk of disease. Similar hereditary kidney patients should also be on the fetus during pregnancy related to genetic testing to ensure that the child's health and family happiness.
2 prenatal diagnostic specimens in 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, embryonic human chorionic cells obtained through amniocentesis, genetic diagnosis to determine whether the fetus suffering of ADPKD, and to determine whether birth.
(This may be unfair for children, but also good for children)
(3) does not recommend a partial eclipse. Diversified diet as much as possible. Eat high-protein high-quality protein food to eat more fruits and vegetables.
Do not drink coffee. Quit smoking. Do not the exposure to toxic substances and radiation sources.
5 to prevent the flu, avoid spicy foods to maintain a good attitude.
Late pregnancy recommended oral multivitamin formula supplement nutrition, the child's development will be good
Polycystic kidney disease under what circumstances should not be pregnant?
A. The polycystic kidney disease patients with renal failure with caution pregnancy
Suffering from polycystic kidney disease patients with renal failure chronic renal failure caused by sexual weakened due to decreased sexual functioning:
① physiological dysfunction: patients with chronic renal insufficiency often have anemia, high blood pressure, creatinine and urea levels induced nausea , vomiting, poor myocardial function, these factors can cause sexual dysfunction.
② hormone metabolism disorders: women with severe renal insufficiency often show symptoms of estrogen deficiency, such as amenorrhea, after a few months of infertility, breast atrophy, atrophic vaginitis, vaginal lubrication and decreased; male patients serum testosterone levels were significantlyThe decline, equivalent to only a normal 1/2. Some patients had hypothyroidism, showing low libido and impotence.
Uremic patients with caution pregnancy
The majority of women of childbearing age suffer from uremia amenorrhea or irregular anovulatory menstruation, unable to bear children. After the regular hemodialysis treatment, there are some women pregnant for the recovery of reproductive function. Will have more complications after pregnancy in patients receiving hemodialysis, and the mother to bring a lot of harm, often water overload, hypertension, deterioration, such as pre-eclampsia, even life-threatening, and therefore not suitable for fertility, if pregnancy should be carried out the abortion. Patients with a family history can not ignore the relevant examination in patients with kidney disease have a certain genetic background, detailed advice and check such patients should do before giving birth.

News treatment for polycystic kidney disease

The treatment of polycystic kidney disease is the most used is the use of surgery (decompression surgery to the top, or pumping the liquid curing surgery) to a temporary solution to a large cyst the oppression of the renal parenchyma, but can not resolve after the removal of the large cyst caused by a small cyst due to the pressure to reduce the problem but will rapidly increase. Surgical therapy is only an expedient measure, with limitations. For this reason, many kidney specialists for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, is not respected surgical cure polycystic kidney disease from a comprehensive understanding of polycystic kidney disease start!
What is polycystic kidney disease, which is the premise to understand the choice of the treatment of polycystic kidney.
Polycystic kidney disease is a congenital genetic disease, because of its mode of inheritance (16 pairs of autosomal dominant) polycystic kidney disease in the family from generation to generation genetic predisposition. Polycystic kidney disease risk of recurrence: If either parent for polycystic kidney disease patients, each birth to a child there is 50% of the opportunities the risk of suffering from polycystic kidney disease. The disease can be seen at any age, no significant difference in the incidence of men and women.
The form of polycystic kidney disease, showing there are many thin-walled spherical cysts in the kidneys, its diameter is usually from a few millimeters to several centimeters size, there are bright yellow liquid, when encountered infection or trauma, bloody fluid.The cyst also increases with age, gradually increases, and to promote the kidneys gradually swelling. Viewed from the outside of the kidney resembles a bunch of ripe grapes. Compression of renal units due to the gradual enlargement of the cyst, causing partial renal obstruction in the kidney, direct injury of renal function. With the growth of the patient's age, the cyst gradually increased, and renal function gradually worsened, and even the development of renal failure and uremia.
Second, the clinical characteristics of polycystic kidney disease, the treatment of polycystic kidney disease on a timely basis.
1, adult polycystic kidney disease from birth, with multiple cysts, but there are many patients has no clinical manifestations, not the disease, they will not use the special treatment.
2, the general to the adult 30 years of age began clinical symptoms, the earlier the age at onset, the more severe clinical symptoms, the later age of onset of clinical symptoms are relatively mild, the male is more important than women.
3, about 30 percent of the polycystic kidney disease patients with polycystic liver, but normal liver function, without any symptoms. Spleen, pancreas, lung, ovarian cysts exist, about 2% of intracranial vascular malformations and aneurysms exist, can easily lead to intracranial hemorrhage.
4, the patient developed symptoms after the general development of renal failure an average of more than 10 years, but there are great individual differences.
Third, what is the incidence of polycystic kidney disease early, which is selecting the right timing of the treatment of polycystic kidney disease.
Patients with polycystic kidney disease increases with age, the cyst gradually swelling, compression of the kidney tissue affects kidney function, the first performance: the blood pressure began to increase urine laboratory abnormalities, hematuria or proteinuria. At this point, to remind the majority of patients, must pay attention to more than performance, constantly vigilant, blood pressure, do urine tests, and found that the above performance, as soon as possible to take effective control method, if the cyst rupture appears hematuria. should go to hospital for treatment.
Polycystic kidney disease treatment of a variety of methods:
1, the traditional treatment of polycystic kidney disease, the following two aspects:
First, decortication surgery
Pumping liquid curing surgery
Upon completion of the above two procedures, in addition to cyst-related pain and high blood pressure symptoms eased, the entire cyst pressure on the kidneys is to reduce, and also reduced its rupture, the risk of bleeding, but after all to the other small cysts around the The rapid enlargement of the growth of space frees up other small cysts due to the surrounding pressure to reduce the development of faster, never gone, renal damage will continue to aggravate, not solve the underlying problem.
2, micro-based medicine infiltration therapy, how can the treatment of polycystic kidney disease?
We use the governance of disease outside the motherland medical treatment thinking, effective traditional Chinese medicine treatment of polycystic kidney disease treated, micro-processing has a strong biological activity, and has targeted positioning for cystic lesions targeted therapies. Therapeutic effect of the therapy played the following two aspects: First: expansion of the blood vessels of polycystic kidney disease around the vessel wall, accelerating wall of blood circulation, prompting the wall permeability increases; prompted the pressure drop in the wall of blood vessels; reversal due tointravascular pressure higher than the differential pressure of the intracapsular pressure; accelerate the fluid within the cyst moisture absorption to the blood vessels in the back.The second is: The infiltration therapy of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances to inhibit the continued secretion of the epithelial cells of the cyst wall; prevent the wall of blood vessels and cysts continue enlargement.
The above treatment, and infiltration therapy of active substances in micro-based traditional Chinese medicine treatment improved the vascular wall and the cyst circulatory disturbance state, softened wall, an increase of the external wall of the permeability and the inhibition of the role of the wall cells to secrete. Above can be seen that the following four areas: micro-based traditional Chinese medicine penetration treatment of polycystic kidney disease:
First: to reduce the formation of cyst fluid, to alleviate the oppression of glomerular and tubular renal blood vessels to promote blood circulation to the damaged kidney tissue, and improve local hypoxia, and accelerate the repair of damaged kidney tissue to create a loose repair the environment.
Chinese medicine after the Second: Micro active substances, blocking cyst oppression kidney leading to renal fibrosis (scarring) caused by the loss of renal function. As congenital cysts gradually increasing oppression of the glomeruli, tubules, renal interstitial, and renal vessels, leading to renal ischemia, hypoxia, and start the injured kidney fibrosis (scar formation) . Renal fibrosis is the formation of kidney tissue structure is destroyed, and renal function will be lost. The micro-penetration therapy of traditional Chinese medicine active substances in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, the key is: blocking the deterioration of renal fibrosis due to cyst oppression and start the chain, blocking due to compression caused by renal hypoxia, the vicious cycle of kidney damage, to ensure that residual The kidneys are no longer oppressed, protect renal function.
Third: Micro medicine infiltration therapy of active substances can damage the kidneys repair material, such as various vitamins, trace elements, organic acids, amino acids, and accelerated damage to the kidney repair.
Fourth: the micro-based traditional Chinese medicine infiltration therapy of active substances into the damaged kidney tissue, the activation damaged the organization of DNA within the cell and promote its synthesis to accelerate its replication and accelerated damage to the protein synthesis within the organization, improve infiltration therapy of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine active substances on the repair and reconstruction of damaged kidney tissue mechanisms to accelerate the reconstruction function of play, prompting polycystic kidney damage kidney structural improvements, and accelerated damage to the recovery of renal function. The theory of acupuncture for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease has laid a solid treatment foundation for clinical rapid treatment of polycystic kidney disease, renal injury, and achieved a good clinical effect.


Renal cyst classification

Renal cyst classification of renal cysts in the clinical manifestations vary, the classification of types of renal cysts is more diverse. Common renal cyst classification of simple renal cysts, acquired renal cysts and congenital renal cysts. The following classification for everyone on the classification of renal cysts -
1. Polycystic kidney disease
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease, showing the cortex and medulla of the kidney appeared in numerous sizes of the cysts, they have gradually grown up, squeezed in renal tissue, resulting in renal damage and renal dysfunction, when the renal clearanceloss of function of the body of waste, due to the accumulation of toxins, the final form of uremia and life-threatening. Divided into autosomal dominant adult polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) and autosomal recessive infantile polycystic kidney disease (of ARPKD), two types of polycystic kidney disease, according to their genetic characteristics.
(2) simple renal cysts
Simple renal cysts are the most common form of human renal disease, mainly seen in the adult aged over 50 is more common, simple renal cysts usually presents one side or one or a few cysts in both kidneys in general was isolated spherical, located in the renal cortex (also located in the deep cortex or medulla), and altered kidney shape.
(3) acquired renal cystic
Acquired renal cystic other than those due to renal disease (cystic kidney disease) caused by renal failure, renal cystic disease, on each side of renal cysts have more than one performance of multiple symmetry cyst " . More than 40% of the renal parenchyma by multiple cysts replaced by B ultrasound or CT can be found in more than four of the cyst.
4 dysplastic polycystic kidney disease
This disease is the most common neonatal abdominal mass, one of the reasons, the lesions often has the unilateral, segmental stenosis of the renal collecting system, bilateral often life-threatening. The majority of patients with prenatal ultrasound can be confirmed that the clinical manifestations of asymptomatic abdominal mass. Suffering from renal loss of normal shape, instead of the irregular size of the cyst, ipsilateral renal function, and is often accompanied by ureteral obstruction, the contralateral kidney compensatory hypertrophy, 10% of the contralateral input urinary obstruction.
5 medullary sponge kidney
Renal medullary sponge kidney is a common renal medullary cystic disease, one of. Is a relatively common renal abnormalities, the incidence rate of approximately 1/5000, the majority to 40 to 50 years old before onset. Which is characterized by medullary collecting duct cystic expansion to approximate the sponge from the gross appearance point of view, hence the name.

What are the complications of the left kidney cyst?

Generally do not have symptoms appeared early left renal cyst, cyst secondary infection, the patient showed chills, fever, back pain, may also have frequent urination, urgency or dysuria, blood culture positive urine bacterial culture can also be positive. CT scan showed the cyst CT value than the infected cyst CT value increased wall thickening of the wall after the injection of vascular contrast agents contrast enhancement (enhanced). Cysts on the kidney, the lower pole or the side edge, B ultrasound-guided or CT-guided needle aspiration of the cyst fluid to send a routine examination and bacterial culture, cavity with normal saline. General aspiration, body temperature can drop puncture again every 2 to 3 days until the capsule fluid clear, the temperature dropped to normal. Application of effective antibiotics, consideration should be given drugs cyst penetrating: penicillins, aminoglycosides and Vanguard ADM antibiotics easily into the cysts derived from proximal renal units, and not easy to enter the cyst of the distal nephron. Erythromycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, clindamycin, TMP is easy to enter the cyst of the proximal and distal nephron. If the cyst is repeated puncture granules with effective antibiotics, intravenous drug use is generally 2 to 3 weeks to control the infection. Such as cystic needle aspiration is an effective antibiotic to take eight weeks or longer to control.
Complications of the left kidney cyst and left kidney cyst complications of treatment:
Spontaneous infection in a simple left renal cyst is rare, and the event would be difficult to be identified with renal carbuncle. Sometimes the cyst bleeding, sudden, can cause pain, bleeding from the cyst wall associated with cancer. The cyst is located in the lower pole of kidney and close to the ureter, can exacerbate the hydronephrosis, urine on the oppression of the renal pelvis can cause back pain. This obstruction can also make kidney infection.
When the cyst complicated by infection, antibiotic treatment should be strengthened, Muther and Bennett1980 low concentration of antibiotics that can be achieved in the cyst fluid. And they often need to pass through the puncture and drainage. This puncture and drainage fails to take the surgical excision of the cyst wall of the renal outer part and drainage, also proved to be quite good effect. Hydronephrosis occurs, removal of obstruction caused by the cyst wall can be lifted to ureteral obstruction. Pyelonephritis involving the kidney suggests the presence of urinary tract obstruction, and then the ureter drainage is not smooth. After excision of the cyst, the natural ease the urinary tract pressure so that more effective anti-bacterial treatment.
Early treatment of the left renal cyst, and left kidney cyst symptoms is to help patients choose the treatment method in accordance with or to prevent its appearance, but for people not suffering from a left renal cyst of the left kidney cyst closely related to daily lifeIn order to prevent liver cyst, the patient in daily life is necessary to maintain good habits.
Daily life of the measures of prevention of the left kidney cyst
1, eating unclean, the light prone to cause gastrointestinal disease, severe cases, poisoning and even life-threatening.
2, improper diet, such as hunger is inadequate nutrition; fed injuries to the spleen and stomach digestion and absorption occur and blood circulation obstacle; overeating is easy Feiganhouwei metaplasia heat.
, Eating partial addicted, such as more fresh raw cold, easily hurt the stomach yang, eat more hot Xin Wen will enable the gastrointestinal accumulated heat, flavors partial addicted for a long time, easily hurt internal organs.
The left kidney cyst complications are not treated in time, so patients found that the disease, it is necessary for treatment, choice of treatment should care, of course, in the time of treatment, the promotion of good treatment. Remind you that the treatment of left renal cyst in a timely manner to prevent the emergence of complications.


Drug for the treatment of renal cysts

Drug for the treatment of renal cysts - for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease is not what the effects of oral western medicine, Chinese medicine is more than some of the decoction is to open a vein, disease fluctuations, but the large amount of oral medicine, but to see no effect. This is because the traditional oral medicine because of the way to slow the drug can not do lesions effective absorption and thus efficacy is slow or even no effect phenomenon.
Drugs for the treatment of renal cysts, the most important traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Chinese medicine in the treatment of renal cysts and polycystic kidney disease treated conservatively (taking traditional Chinese medicine), the effect is very good. Chinese medicine to the overall concept and diagnosis and treatment, renal cysts are the result of both external and internal factors, Cascade Diversion, and gradually the cyst liquid discharge to achieve the purpose of the cyst gradually narrow. Chinese medicine also can not overcome the genetic problems, but conservative treatment is Western medicine can not be compared, and the basic non-toxic side effects, no recurrence. Specific medicine in square needs vary from person to person.
But if the inherited polycystic kidney disease, is necessary based on the current condition of patients, specifically to develop the system of Integrative Medicine program, systematic treatment. Necessary to be taken to the top of the decompression surgery. In addition, has entered the end-stage renal failure patients, dysentery take dialysis, and dialysis preferred. Polycystic kidney disease in patients with renal transplant prognosis is usually poor.
Drugs for the treatment of renal cysts using the newly developed micro-penetration therapy of Chinese medicine treatment, herbal medicines through the micro-processing, medicinal components overflow more fully, more robust efficacy, and clinical validation.More importantly, the micro-based medicine penetration not oral therapy, but with drug penetration instrument issued by an electrical impulse promote penetration administration in the patient's lumbar region, for the treatment of a long cycle of polycystic kidney disease patients, may be exempted from long-term oral medicine, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal symptoms.
Micro-treatment of Chinese medicine through the skin penetration of the way, the wall of blood vessels to dilate, to accelerate local blood circulation, quickly taken away by the cystic fluid at the same time, reducing the intracapsular pressure, inhibition of cyst epithelial cells continue to secrete, to reduce the cyst fluid generation , so that the cyst continuous retraction, can effectively prevent cyst increases, reducing the damage of intrinsic renal cells for therapeutic purposes.

Polycystic kidney disease how to cure the effect?

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease based on genetic characteristics, divided into autosomal dominant polycystic kidney (ADPKD) and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney (of ARPKD) categories. Autosomal dominant inheritance, multi- common cystic kidney. of ADPKD is an autosomal dominant inheritance, which is characterized by familial aggregation, both male and female incidence of gender involvement opportunities equal, successive generations can appear in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney known as adult polycystic kidney disease, is common in polycystic kidney disease. deepening understanding of the disease, the prognosis is significantly improved. of ARPKD autosomal recessive parents, almost all the same history of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney, also known as infantile polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease in a rare type. often die shortly after birth, only a handful of lighter type, can survive and even adults to childhood.
Polycystic kidney disease treatment have?
A general treatment: In general, patients check out of polycystic kidney disease, first of all to maintain an optimistic attitude, if not yet affect the normal life of the patient, usually need to pay attention Do not eat less salty, spicy, spicy food and rest time rule, emotional smooth optimistic; affect the normal life of the patient, usually pay attention more than a few, but also for treatment, and the sooner the better, otherwise let it spread to renal failure and uremia. too late.
Cyst top decompression: this surgery to alleviate the oppression of the cysts of the renal parenchyma, and to protect the majority of the remaining renal unit from the extrusion and further damage, renal ischemia situation has improved, some renal units have been restored delayed the development of the disease and the key to successful operation at the earliest possible surgery, cyst decompression must be thorough, do not give up a small cyst and deep cyst decompression. bilateral shall surgery, general bilateral surgery time interval for the six months over the advanced cases, such as existing renal dysfunction in azotemia, uremia, whether or not the combination of hypertension, decompression therapy is no longer justified, the surgery to combat anti-may aggravate the condition.
Chinese medicine treatment: Chinese medicine in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease treated conservatively, taking Chinese medicines, the effect is very good medicine with a holistic concept and TDS that polycystic kidney disease is the result of the role of external and internal factors, through the cascade diversion cyst liquid discharge gradually, to achieve the purpose of the cyst gradually narrow. Although Chinese medicine can not be overcome genetic problems, but conservative treatment is Western medicine can not be compared, and basic non-toxic side effects, no recurrence.
4 Dialysis and Transplant: enter the end-stage renal failure, in the dialysis treatment, the preferred hemodialysis and kidney transplant survival rate of the polycystic kidney disease and other reasons, the treatments are similar, but at the same time associated with the disease, the postoperative management difficulties, the impact of transplantation.
Treatment of hematuria: hematuria, unless treated as soon as possible clear reasons should be reduced activity or bed rest. Dialysis or about dialysis patients, such as recurrent severe and beyond the control of hematuria can be considered by transcatheter renal artery embolization surgery.
Infection treatment: renal parenchymal infection and cyst infection is the main complication of this disease, the general principle of combined antibiotics.
7 with upper urinary tract stones treatment: treatment according to the location and size of stones in the urinary tract stones principles.
The treatment of hypertension: renal ischemia and renin - angiotensin - aldosterone system activation is the main reason of hypertension, antihypertensive drugs should so choose.
Scientific treatment of the polycystic kidney disease?
Hospital to take a comprehensive treatment measures of integrative medicine, penetration treatment of ionic medicine-based therapy for cyst growth trend, this method is characterized by: (1) to reduce the source of the cyst fluid, cyst epithelial cellsinactivated, inhibit the secretion of cystic fluid, the cysts stop growing. (2) increase the excretion of cyst fluid, increasing the permeability of the cyst surface blood circulation, speed up the excretion of cyst fluid, so that the cyst retraction.
Treatment of kidney disease characteristics therapy - traditional Chinese medicine, kidney area iontophoresis
Ion of Chinese medicine penetration blocking renal fibrosis therapy is the hospital's original technology, which is a modern plasma processing technology on the basis of traditional Chinese medicine prescription of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease, uremia, according to the traditional concept of disease outside the rule. " talk about drug plasma treatment, the use of Chinese medicine biological characteristics of the active substance after the plasma treatment, and with modern technology - ion Chinese medicine permeability tester, blood circulation for renal lesions, Qufeng network, in addition to saprophytic, a specific blocking renal fibrosis, the latest methods of treatment of kidney disease.

Proteinuria on the hazards of children with nephrotic syndrome:

Various types of protein, proteinuria, plasma can be lost, causing several metabolic disorders and dysfunction, and even complications occurred. Hypoalbuminemia itself or associated with low-expansion pressure of lipid metabolism can change, along with lecithin - cholesterol acyltransferase-converting enzyme from the urine, resulting in hypercholesterolemia, then the proportion of different types of lipoprotein and activity changes, prone to cause vascular endothelial damage and impaired renal function, the cardiovascular disease risks.
2, urinary protein excretion and protein synthesis changes, loss of balance in vivo coagulation factors and anticoagulant factors, increased clotting factors II, III, IV, and Ⅴ and the Ⅹ level, the body's clotting mechanism, platelet activity, thrombolytic process disorders. Therefore, the blood in children with nephrotic syndrome in a hypercoagulable state, are at high risk of thrombosis sick.
With urinary protein can also be a variety of other protein loss would give rise to the corresponding results, such as vitamin D-binding globulin is lost, resulting in abnormal vitamin D and calcium metabolism, vitamin D deficiency, hazards of proteinuria in children with nephrotic syndrome . Affect bone development of children. Thyroid binding globulin and albumin loss caused by thyroid dysfunction, thereby affecting the growth and development in children.
Hypoproteinemia caused edema of the nephrotic syndrome in children: nephrotic syndrome in children with blood albumin with the urine, resulting in hypoalbuminemia and blood vessel dilation pressure drop, fluid water into the tissue space, the occurrence of edema. Eyelid edema of the nephrotic syndrome in patients with edema in the early onset seen in early morning, and then spread to the legs, back, abdomen, or even the whole body. Edema is one of the nephrotic syndrome with characteristic clinical manifestations, and often the direct cause of parents with children seeking treatment.
Hypoproteinemia children with nephrotic syndrome: hypoalbuminemia and edema caused by hypovolemia, resulting in the renin - angiotensin - aldosterone axis irritation caused by sodium retention. So that some of the nephrotic syndrome in children to produce high blood pressure, oliguria, sinus tachycardia and other symptoms, especially prevalent in patients with minimal change nephrotic syndrome. Proteinuria in children with nephrotic syndrome harm. Therefore, children with nephrotic syndrome edema must be given full attention. Edema is the symptoms should be treated and more difficult to work. Treatment measures including salt restriction, diet, and taking diuretic drugs.Children with nephrotic syndrome with pleural effusion, ascites affect breathing and oliguria can be used furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide plug, or spironolactone.


Polycystic kidney hematuria how it treated?

Renal be some damage due to kidney, caused by lower kidney filtration function.Polycystic kidney disease in patients with hematuria Description cysts appears to cause some damage to the kidneys. Many patients consulting polycystic kidney hematuria patients prone to complications, many patients with polycystic kidney disease are discovered medical examination at the occurrence of hematuria suffering from polycystic kidney disease, patients suffering from polycystic kidney disease basically have hematuria occurred on the treatment of polycystic kidney hematuria up the cause of hematuria compared with other kidney disease is quite difficult, which is characterized by recurrent, under normal circumstances can hematuria medication after 4-8 days to stop bleeding, but separated soon right again by the hematuria situation, especially in patients with anemia, stop bleeding is more difficult, but this must also attach great importance to the patients and their families, polycystic kidney disease in patients with hematuria continuous occur, and the urine was bright red, or urethral discharge congestion blocks more This situation can easily cause severe anemia, a sharp decline in the number of platelets in the blood clotting mechanism will and poor, to patients with severe shock or decreased conduction fat body organ bleeding and death due to the clotting mechanism, such as severe anemia not only difficult to stop bleeding, and this time the blood is also difficult to effective treatment of renal bleeding is a very important one.
The treatment of polycystic kidney disease caused by bleeding from the multi-pronged approach, the first occurrence of hematuria control the infection first occurs, because most patients hematuria, can easily lead to kidney infection, such as not pay attention to high fever, or body edema, kidney enlargement, this situation will lead to the sharp decline of renal function, thereby increasing the occurrence of hematuria, treatment of hematuria should also pay attention to the degree of anemia, blood should be original there are symptoms of anemia in patients with early, increasing the content of the platelet, a large extent, to improve the injection of hemostatic injection, you can quickly play a hemostatic effect to reflect the general effect of oral medication for the body of coagulation.
Ineffective in patients with recurrent bleeding and clotting injection, you can take the Chinese medicine decoction is also very good, the effect can persist in a multi-service treatment in order to avoid repeated to produce hematuria. Nephropathy of kidney disease hospital experts based on years of rule of renal experience with TCM research and summed ion penetration characteristics of Chinese medicine therapy and treatment of polycystic kidney hematuria how to solve this issue made a breakthrough. Ion penetration characteristics of Chinese medicine therapy is the motherland medicine, moxibustion, guidance, based massage, combined with modern high-tech medical means, for the induction of drug fire. Characteristic of TCM treatment of special acupoints on the human body. Through the meridian points of this feature, fumigation or warm ironing surface of certain parts of mild and lasting fire, easy-deep through the skin, qi and blood circulation, promote renal blood flow, microcirculation slowly agitation Gate of Fire, Return Fire yuan, inviting kidney regulate the nature of kidney germinal kidney disease tend to move towards more Chinese medicine treatment has been a consensus on the rehabilitation polycystic kidney hematuria, traditional Chinese medicine the kidney area iontophoresis treatment of polycystic kidney hematuria has been a major breakthrough.

The late symptoms of polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease. The late symptoms ofpolycystic kidney disease? Patients to understand. The following will be analyzed.
Polycystic kidney disease late symptoms What is it?
Cysts increased kidney volume increased about 10 times the normal. The morphological abnormalities, such as the renal pelvis shaped, the complete structure of the cone of the renal papilla and renal damage. Sleek, section shows fusiform or columnar cyst, theradial distribution. Epithelial cells were cylindrical, and collecting duct epithelial cells.Renal pelvis and calyceal expansion of the renal parenchyma compression andnarrower, smaller.
The cyst was spherical, large and small.
Final polycystic kidney dirty as the cyst increases, complete injury of renal units, havecaused the loss of renal insufficiency and uremia, renal function.
Hematuria, kidney cyst volume increases lead to cyst rupture, and thus give rise to thephenomenon of hematuria. The main reason leading to the rupture of renal cysts may bestrenuous exercise or overworked, this situation must be timely medical treatment, or thecyst will rupture, the condition will deteriorate.
Some complications such as retinopathy. Hypertension causes retinal arteriosclerosis,retinal blood supply to decline; a lot of hematuria led to the Hb sharp decline, further aggravating the original damage on the basis of optic neuropathy and blood supply, resulting in occurrence of secondary optic atrophy.


Pyelonephritis and nephritis is the same disease

Pyelonephritis and nephritis is the same disease
Many patients have such doubts, pyelonephritis and nephritis are the same disease?Pyelonephritis and nephritis are two different meanings. Pyelonephritis due to upper urinary tract infection caused by pathogenic microorganisms (including bacteria, fungi, etc.) to invade the renal pelvis caused by infectious diseases, evolved more than urethritis and cystitis. Nephritis is caused by human immune response to certain risk factors.
Pyelonephritis due to upper urinary tract infection caused by pathogenic microorganisms (including bacteria, fungi, etc.) to invade the renal pelvis caused by infectious diseases, evolved more than urethritis and cystitis.
Acute pyelonephritis, the majority of abrupt onset, chills, fever, often low back pain, kidney area, percussion pain, but examination showed normal renal function, generally with an antibacterial anti-inflammatory drugs timely and thorough treatment, it can be cured.
Acute pyelonephritis is not treated in time or recurring, and rough examination revealed renal cortical scarring, with the calyceal expansion and blunt, that is, chronic pyelonephritis, not the length of time to sub-acute and chronic.
Nephritis is caused by human immune response to certain risk factors.
Nephritis, also known as glomerular nephritis, generally considered to be caused by human immune response to certain risk factors. Nephritis is not pathogenic factors directly caused by kidney infection or damage, can not use anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory drugs to treat.
Nephritis common symptoms include foam increased urine, hematuria, edema, lower back pain. Foam increased urine often expressed protein in the urine, in general, the more foam, more protein; do not see the blood under the microscope is not red blood cells in the urine in the naked eye under normal circumstances, if there is gross hematuria means that urine inside the red blood cells. Color red, but this does not mean urine is hematuria, much less certain is nephritis. In addition, lesbians hematuria should pay attention to is not for the menstrual period, so the urine to avoid the menstrual period.
Chronic nephritis insidious onset, and more difficult to be perceived by patients with chronic kidney disease. In general, the common symptoms of nephritis, edema, bubble increased in urine, hematuria, lower back pain, high blood pressure.
Edema, nephritis, edema often first appear in the place of loose eyelids, face, scrotum, and later appear lower extremity edema, in severe cases can also be edema, a few people may also have ascites.
Urine foam bubble increase is often an increase in urine protein phenomenon, in general, more foam, more protein.
The hematuria Under normal circumstances, urine naked eye can not see the blood under the microscope is not red blood cells, if there is gross hematuria means that the urine inside the red blood cells have a lot. However, this does not mean that urine color red is hematuria, of course, does not mean that necessarily nephritis. In addition, lesbians hematuria should pay attention to is not for the menstrual period, so the urine to avoid the menstrual period.
Nephritis patients often do not have significant back pain lower back pain, but some patients after the nephritis thought nephritis waist is sick, why we feel back pain, this back pain as pyelonephritis and kidney stones, back pain, The pyelonephritis back pain for more than one side, more than a very severe back pain of kidney stones and to the inner thighs radiation.
Nephritis with hypertension patients may be associated or not with hypertension, but if developed into uremia, often accompanied by high blood pressure, and difficult to control, in general, nephritis the prognosis of patients with hypertension often than those without hypertension the patients poor.

what should pay attention to Polycystic kidney disease patients during pregnancy

The experts have warned that patients with polycystic kidney during pregnancy do measures, or may not be passed on to offspring. So how do we do? Patients with polycystic kidney disease in the tenth week of pregnancy, go to the hospital to be a cyst gene detection of amniotic fluid or chorionic villus cells, due to the inheritance of about 50% of the polycystic kidney disease in this genetic disease probability, the molecular genetic test can help capsule of the kidney families to choose a healthy child, and children will no longer return to carry genes affecting future generations, it can be said that this disease can be prevented.
At the same time, patients with polycystic kidney diet during pregnancy is very important.Be careful not to eat salty foods (including pickled); can not eat spicy class including pepper, wine, shrimp, crabs, etc.) food; have to eat contaminated food (including the rotten leftovers leftovers, etc.) as well as fasting barbecue foods. Pay attention to rest, can not be too tired.
Polycystic kidney disease patients can do more than note a few points, birth to a healthy baby is not a big problem! Small of cysts in polycystic kidney disease is very small, even difficult to distinguish some large cysts reach a few centimeters large renal pelvis is significantly deformed. The intracapsular have urine liquid, bleeding or infection showed a different appearance. The cyst was progressively grow up, may be related to the process of cell proliferation, changes in cell function and cysts surrounding tissue damage related.

Renal cyst puncture before prepare?

Renal cyst puncture attention to what issues?
Renal cyst puncture Note - puncture contraindications
Polycystic kidney disease, solitary kidney, contralateral kidney development and poorrenal artery stenosis, renal tumors, renal cysts, renal infection (including renal tuberculosis or renal abscess), bleeding disorders, malignant hypertension, uremia,anticoagulant therapy period, massive ascites, etc., are not suitable for renal biopsy.
Renal cyst puncture Note 2 - puncture indication
Diffuse lesions, such as kidney damage caused by various types of glomerulonephritis,nephrotic syndrome, systemic diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, allergicpurpura. Unexplained hematuria, excluding non-glomerular hematuria. unexplained and persistent proteinuria. renal dysfunction, especially acute onset, believed to be rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. Do renal cysts surgery
Renal cyst puncture Note III - the preparatory work of the different conditions
Who have kidney abnormalities, congenital kidney disease patients before the morningfasting, regular cleaning enema.
(2) infection bleeding first anti-inflammatory to stop bleeding to heal after surgery
(3) have high blood pressure first blood pressure control after surgery.

Why nephrotic syndrome is recurrent?

Patients with nephrotic syndrome recurrence inducing factors are summarized: summed up the recurrence of nephrotic syndrome factors, noting that patients with nephrotic syndrome relapse prevention to follow the five steps. Here is the site this concerns the systematic introduction:
Patients with nephrotic syndrome recurrence inducible factors:
Some patients did not strictly follow the doctor's orders medication, medication and physical therapy once once more, arbitrary; some patients with excessive considering the adverse drug reaction, lack of treatment will be self-medication, and even withdrawal; some feel sick in the body, should be "nourishing strength, excessive intake of protein in the diet; others live restraint, fatigue, eating unclean, do not pay attention to change clothes every few days of diarrhea, colds; others because of psychological barriers can not keep a good attitude is also very poor quality of sleep. These are the common factors that cause nephrotic syndrome recurrence. Recognize that these causes, how to prevent recurrence of the problem will be solved.
Patients with nephrotic syndrome to prevent relapse to follow five steps:
1, nephrotic syndrome recurrence should closely cooperate and consult their doctor as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis. Qualified for renal biopsy, the level of cell structure to determine the nature of the disease and then develop a specific individualized treatment plan.
2, nephrotic syndrome recurrence after the enactment of the program, patients have to do is strictly as directed. The repair of the kidney is a long process, and must adhere to the micro-based medicine to penetrate therapy; taking certain doses, take the cycle to reach the doctor prescribed a course of treatment; regular outpatient follow-up, adjustment of medication compliance with medical advice. Especially in patients taking hormones, and more When prednisone reduction to 20 to 25 mg a day, the chance of recurrent disease. Relapse, do not panic, and quickly and doctors, according to the condition adjustment programs, can often regain ease. Nephropathy treatment process is relatively long, prolonged treatment is easy for some patients to produce slack mood, and therefore stressed that "adherence, regular follow-up is particularly important for reducing recurrence.
3, nephrotic syndrome relapse positive careful response to colds, infections.Predisposing factors of recurrence from a statistical point of view, the cold is the most major predisposing factor. Patients with nephrotic syndrome, a large number of proteins in the blood loss from the urine, loss of material, including the important ingredients that make up our immune defenses, such as immunoglobulins, complement, etc.. Leukocyte function in vivo decline in zinc and other trace elements are also lost. These have seriously weakened the body's resilience to external pathogenic factors.
Western medicine treatment, regular use of corticosteroids, cytotoxic drugs, immunosuppressive drugs, which patients have weak immune defense is tantamount to worse. Nephropathy in patients prone to infections, including respiratory infections, intestinal infections, peritonitis, pleurisy, subcutaneous soft tissue infections. The event of infection, should be careful to take the two principles: positive and prudent, and at the same time for medical treatment. Patients in the treatment of the attitude to be positive.Patients not only prone to infection, but infection can quickly spread. The early and aggressive treatment, can be infected with nipped in the bud.
After infection, the patient must be carefully treated, must not be taken lightly. Not think that a little upper respiratory infection, buy antibiotics eat on it, which committed a taboo on the kidney disease treatment. Because the antibiotics currently in use, the majority of liver and kidney toxicity, such as the aminoglycoside gentamicin card kanamycin, as well as tetracyclines, sulfonamides, antipyretic and analgesic class. This time bought the wrong clothes the wrong medicines, your kidney is tantamount to worse, counterproductive. So this advise patients with kidney disease are faced with infection, even if it is a little cold should also go to the hospital to see a doctor or hospitalization the doctor in charge, under the guidance of a doctor medication side is a good way.
4, nephrotic syndrome recurrence should be appropriately strengthen their health, proper exercise, improve physical fitness. Patients often get such advice from doctors, family members or friends and family: "We must pay attention to rest!", "Do not tired!" As a result, patients with kidney disease naturally break and interest rates, did not dare take a activities. What is more, in this bed-ridden from the clothing to hand out food to mouth, comfortable life. In this regard, the medical experts believe that over-reliance on the rest of the way of life for the rehabilitation of patients with nephrotic syndrome and disadvantages of Victoria.
The experts believe that walking is a simple exercise. Walking exercise intensity in patients with nephrotic syndrome, experts believe to be within our capabilities. Poor health can be put on hold, a short time more; physical strength, Rush, the hours are long.Or stroll in the park, or the Fleet of Foot in the forest, and so on. Perseverance will be able to benefit.
5, nephrotic syndrome relapse to maintain a good attitude and good eating habits.Psychological state and eating is a very important factor for hospital treatment and prognosis of patients with nephrotic syndrome conservation. Maintain a good mental state, do not give yourself to increase adverse psychological suggestion, not angry, irritable, relieved to learn to treat things. Prescribed reasonable diet with a diet, must be restrained eating habits not conducive to disease recovery.

Right renal cysts in patients with diet should pay attention to what?

Reasonable diet will help to promote the rehabilitation of the disease improved the patients got the right kidney cyst, rather than the standard diet may lead to sustained disability progression.During the daily diet to restore the right renal cysts in patients with diet should pay attention to? Experts suggest that the right kidney cysts need high-quality low-protein, low potassium diet is appropriate. What food contains protein?
With more protein foods include: livestock, milk, goat's milk, mare's milk; meat, dog meat such as cattle, etc.; such as chickens, ducks, geese, quail, ostrich, etc.; eggs, such as eggs, duck eggs, quail eggs and the fish, shrimp, crab, etc.; there are soy, including soy beans, green beans and black beans, of which the highest nutritional value of soybeans.Shellfish food such as shrimp, crab, oysters (oysters), clams, razor clams, snails, scallops, etc., the delicious taste and high nutritional value, contain high levels of protein, a variety of amino acids and vitamins, minerals ...... chicken taste delicious better than other livestock, nourishing food in the top grade chicken protein content as high as 29.2%, pig, sheep, goose, 1/3 or more than double the protein.
Addition to and select the correct treatment, food conditioning is also very important link in the rehabilitation of the right kidney cysts. Potassium is an important material to maintain body acid-base balance, but because of the right renal cysts in patients with renal regulation of potassium metabolism significantly lower in the case of acute endogenous and exogenous potassium load increase, it is difficult to maintain the potassium metabolism balance, and hyperkalemia. Can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension, cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest and other serious consequences.Therefore, the right renal cysts Shensi high potassium foods. High potassium foods are following right renal cysts is best to avoid eating:
Grains: whole grains, wheat germ.
Dairy products: All kinds of flavored milk, milk.
Meat: goose, sardines, poultry, fish and lean meat, potassium content was also high.
Beans: red beans, mung beans, soybeans, black beans, broad beans.
Vegetables: dark-colored vegetables (especially the red the Amaranthaceae mining, green amaranth, spinach content is high) and another seaweed, kelp, carrots, mushroom, broccoli, spinach, seaweed, potatoes and so on.
Fruit: bananas, tomatoes, hard persimmon, guava, longan, melons, dates, oranges, mangoes content. Citrus, apples, apricots, cantaloupe, cherries, papaya, grapes potassium is greater.
Other: chocolate, cocoa, peanuts, Yakult raw potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apricots, prunes, raisins, nuts, especially hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and canned pickled products.
Note: orange juice, salt, soy sauce potassium high unfit for human consumption.

The hazards of renal cysts

Many people have asked the hazards of renal cysts, the hazards of renal cysts, in fact, renal cysts are benign, it was classified as renal cystic disease and harm because of the different types or incidence of renal cysts, there is great difference, it was many years have renal cysts and normal life, but some people may soon lead to renal injury. Renal cystic disease, the capsule wall thickness rather than smooth, liquid to bloody, suggesting the possibility of malignancy, the malignancy rate of 3% to 7%. Located under a huge renal cysts, may compress the ureter causing obstruction, effusion, and infection. The cause of this disease is not fully understood, the infection may be associated with congenital glomerular and tubular structural anomalies and acquired injury.
The hazards of renal cysts, lumbar, abdominal discomfort or pain: The reason is that the tension increases due to kidney enlargement and expansion of the renal capsule, the renal pedicle by traction, or to adjacent organs caused by compression.
The hazards of renal cysts, abdominal mass: sometimes the main reason for treatment of patients 60 to 80% of palpable enlargement of the kidney. Greater the kidney, the renal function was worse.
The hazards of renal cysts, hematuria: can be expressed as microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria. The onset of cyclical. Attack of low back pain, often exacerbated by strenuous exercise, trauma, infection can be induced or aggravated. The causes of bleeding because of the wall below the number of arterial pressure to increase co-infection, so that the wall of blood vessel rupture due to excessive traction.
The hazards of renal cysts, urinary protein: in general the amount of not more than 24-hour urine, not more than two grams, it will not happen nephrotic syndrome.
The dangers of five of the renal cysts, hypertension: solid cyst compression kidney, causing renal ischemia, renin secretion increased, causing high blood pressure. With normal renal function, more than 50% of patients with hypertension, renal dysfunction, higher incidence of hypertension.
Endanger six of the renal cysts and renal dysfunction: progressive cyst oppression, mass, a significant reduction in the normal kidney tissue, renal function decline.
The hazards of renal cysts is caused by kidney failure uremia.
Renal cysts will give the body a lot of dangers, the most obvious hazard is the only hazard of a single renal cysts may develop into a malignant cyst, but this rarely happens, polycystic kidney disease may lead to chronic renal failure, but that is also rare If you have a unity of renal cysts, often to check for other diseases, was found. Because cancer cells may be of the cyst.

Renal cysts diet Note: What should not eat food?

Renal cysts diet should avoid spicy classes: such as pepper; Jijiu class, smoking(including passive smoking); avoid chocolate, coffee, fish, shrimp, crab "hair thing";avoid salty foods, especially pickled; avoid contaminated food, such as unhealthy food,rotten leftovers; avoid grilled food;
Renal cysts diet Note: to respond to what foods to limit taking?
The control of protein: modern medicine, protein intake is too low or too much, the kidneys are no benefits. In particular, high intake of protein, can produce an excessivenumber of metabolites are basically nitrogen (protein) of metabolites, urea, creatinine,guanidines, polyamines, and some medium molecular substances such as uremic toxins.Control protein (renal failure, low-protein diet) play an important role to alleviate theburden on the kidney to reduce the generation of uremic toxins, the remission of disease.
Salt intake restriction adjusted according to the patient's condition and the degree ofrenal function: the control of salt, but not all, chronic renal insufficiency patients must strictly limit salt.
And water intake: simple renal cysts, kidney function decreased concentration,metabolites in the body need more water can be excreted from the kidneys, therefore,patients with simple renal cysts, such as edema, heart failure, hypertension should not blindly water restrictions.
Overall, renal cysts diet should be fresh and light, nutritious, eat more fruits. Renal cystseating habits for the body's influence is evident, renal cysts diet directly or indirectly affect the cystic changes of the disease progress. In this regard, patients with renal cysts dietshould bring attention to the


Renal insufficiency can not eat vegetables

Chronic renal insufficiency is a variety of kidney disease late. Chronic kidney disease due to various reasons, such as chronic nephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, if you can not get a timely and effective treatment, the disease continues to develop to a certain stage, the majority of renal tissue destruction and loss of function, the body excrete waste , especially the ability to excrete protein metabolites gradually decreased, these renal units can initially rely on the overloaded run, barely completed the task of waste removal, but over time, some patients with renal insufficiency not pay attention to the protection of their own damage kidneys, still according to the usual diet, and even excessive intake of protein food, it will make the nephron function remaining health rapidly deteriorating the quality of nitrogen metabolites did not break out, accumulate in the body lead to the production of uremia.
Patients with renal insufficiency in the diet is most of the restrictions, then, patients with renal insufficiency, which can not eat vegetables on this, we make the following summary can be of help:
First, the beans
Mainly refers to soybeans, soy, beans, red bean, mung bean, and to beans as raw material processed into tofu, tofu skin, vegetarian chicken, tofu, gluten, roasted bran and other foods.
Those instruments nutrient-rich, low in fat, and because cholesterol-free protein contained in them than the lamb, and vegetable protein, is the better dishes of the elderly, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis.
For patients with renal dysfunction, large amounts of protein diet can increase proteinuria qualitative excretion increased with impaired renal function, and thus the best to eat.Normal renal function of kidney disease patients may be appropriate to eat soy products, but should not be too much.
Second, ginger
Of warm, spicy flavor. Ginger ginger factors will stimulate the mucosa of the bladder and urinary system, so that it can increase the inflammation of urinary tract infections.
Therefore, for patients suffering from urinary tract infections, cystitis or urethritis should not eat ginger.
Third, the pepper
Urinary tract infectious diseases, traditional Chinese medicine that is a hot and humid place bets bladder caused by "hot cream" card. Pepper Okara heat, can easily help heat flare up, the Qing Dynasty Wang Meng also believe that the more food to flare up the dry liquid, gas consumption Shangyin. Thus, the heat Yun bladder, urinary tract infection patients, do not eat the pepper, or is bound to aggravate the condition.
IV., Spinach
Sweet, cool, and some areas that it is a "hair thing" food. "Doctor Lin compile to" think: eat more fat sores. "Medical food in the Qing Dynasty, Wang Meng has pointed out that:" patients avoid the "
Clinical observation of modern medicine, some of the nephritis patients to eat spinach, you can see the urine tube or salt crystals increases, urine discoloration muddy.Therefore, the person suffering from kidney disease, eat spinach eat or caution.
Five, wild rice
Six, and bamboo shoots
Sexual panic, sweet, Qingre water. According to modern research in bamboo shoots contain more insoluble calcium oxalate, and that the nephritis and renal dysfunction, it should not eat

Stage 3 of chronic renal failure

Stage of chronic renal failure, renal failure treatment network of experts, at this time friends of patients glomerular filtration rate decreased to the normal 10% -25%, serum creatinine was significantly higher (approximately 442-707umol / L ), anemia is more obvious, nocturia increased water and electrolyte imbalance, such as light or moderate metabolic acidosis Water is satisfied that retention stay, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, etc., generally without hyperkalemia. And may have symptoms of mild gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and central nervous system. During this period, three of chronic renal failure patient's condition has been very serious, so I hope to patients with timely medical treatment.
Chronic renal failure 3 how the treatment of it? In general, experts recommend that patients choose TCM therapy - of the micro-penetration therapy of Chinese medicine, the one hand, efficacy significantly less recurrence, and no pain, no side effects. Use of infiltration therapy of micro-based traditional Chinese medicine to regulate the systemic immune function, repair of the glomerular basement membrane penetration and diffusion of the active ingredients of drugs through the acupuncture points in patients with kidney, active through the kidney, blood circulation, reduce turbidity detoxification pathway in order to clear the kidney, activate kidney function. Promote and improve the already shrinking necrosis of the renal microcirculation, accelerate the lesions of kidney metabolism, so that the active ingredients in drugs to fully play its role, repair damaged glomerulus, enhanced glomerular reabsorption, restoring the kidneys of normal physiological functions.
In addition, three patients with severe chronic renal failure, renal transplant, it is healthy kidney transplant for kidney disease and loss of kidney function in patients. The surgery is an effective means of treatment of chronic renal failure, renal transplantation because of donor kidney sources were divided into autologous renal transplantation with nephrectomy, transplantation, and the heterogeneous renal transplantation. Customary renal allograft referred to as "autologous renal transplantation. Two kidney transplant, dubbed the "autologous" or "dissimilar".


Polycystic kidney disease to produce reasons for back pain of

Polycystic kidney disease is a kind of kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease is prone to back pain symptoms, many patients are very troubled. The following to analyze the causes polycystic kidney disease of produce back pain.
Polycystic kidney produce the reasons of back pain:
① As the kidneys or cysts grow up, or capsule acute massive bleeding, stretch the renal capsule or traction renal pedicle vessels and nerves causing pain.
(2) after the merger stones or bleeding blood clots blocking the ureter, ureteral obstruction can be caused by renal colic.
③ physical activity, walking for too long, sedentary.
④ polycystic kidney disease complicated by urinary tract stones, kidney or ureteral stones urine erosion, caused by activities that move can cause kidney pain.
The ⑤ cyst complicated by urinary tract infection can cause kidney pain.
The ⑥ cyst is a sharp increase in rupture caused by perirenal hematoma or abscess andcause pain.
The ⑦ increased renal fall stretch the renal pedicle, can cause the waist and abdomendull.
The above analysis of the reasons for back pain, polycystic kidney disease and helppatients!


Polycystic kidney disease in patients with pregnancy?

Is well known, polycystic kidney disease is an inherited kidney disease, many patients fear passed on to offspring, so I choose not to have children or polycystic kidney disease can not be pregnant this misconception, everyonehave the power to parents, if the followingconditions and precautions, and polycystic kidney disease give birth to a healthy baby is not impossible.
Polycystic kidney disease can fertility conditions: if the female kidney disease patientsdid not suffer injury high blood pressure and renal function, not a lot of proteinuria,generally able to successfully give birth to a healthy baby, nor will the original kidney disease increase . We encourage such patients as soon as possible after theestablishment of family fertility, because the extension of their kidney function may change over time and gradually decreased, and thus lose the best opportunity ofpregnancy. For male patients with polycystic kidney does not affect the pregnancy. The need for early treatment after the diagnosis of polycystic kidney disease, be possibleand must not delay the disease lead to disaster.
Pregnant women Note:
(1) Prenatal diagnostic specimens 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, embryonic human chorionic cells obtained through amniocentesis, genetic diagnosis method to determinewhether the fetus suffering of ADPKD, and to determine whether birth.
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, whether father or mother issick, their children have a 50% risk of disease. Similar hereditary kidney patients shouldalso be on the fetus during pregnancy related to genetic testing to ensure that the child'shealth and family happiness. (This may be unfair to the child, but is also good for children).
(3) does not recommend a partial eclipse. Diversified diet as much as possible. Eathigh-protein high-quality protein food to eat more fruits and vegetables.
Do not drink coffee. Quit smoking. Do not the exposure to toxic substances and radiation sources.
Late pregnancy is recommended that oral multivitamin formula nutritional supplement, thegood of the child's development.
6 to prevent the flu, avoid spicy foods to maintain a good attitude.

Few incentives for the development of polycystic kidney disease is it?

1.A congenital dysplasia
Congenital dysplasia can produce a variety of diseases, the main cause for cystic kidney disease, medullary sponge kidney, dysplastic polycystic kidney disease, congenital abnormalities of genes is generally no exception, so it is genetic or gene mutation There is a difference.
2 gene mutation (non-genetic)
For polycystic kidney disease, mostly through the parents' genetic divided into autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive, but some patients with polycystic kidney neither genetic parents did not belong to congenital dysplasia polycystic kidney disease, but the gene mutation in embryogenesis. In the process of embryogenesis, the role of various factors, the gene mutated form of polycystic kidney disease, although such cases are rare, but still can occur, therefore, some patients with polycystic kidney history of the genetic parents.
3, a variety of infections
Infection to enable the body abnormal changes to the environment, resulting in environmental conditions conducive to cyst gene changes, so that the internal factors of the cyst increased activity, and this can promote cyst generation to grow up; the body of any part of any infection, but also through the blood into the kidneys thus affecting the cyst, such as cyst infection, in addition to the clinical symptoms intensified, but also enable the cysts to further accelerate the growth rate, and renal damage aggravated.Common infections of upper respiratory tract infections (including colds), urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal infections, skin infections, trauma, infection, appliances infection, etc., that is, whether bacterial infection or viral infection, can have a significant impact on the cyst.
4, toxin
The role of toxins in the body, allows a variety of cell tissue and organ damage, which occurred in the disease, and even life-threatening, and also have a gene mutation, one of the major congenital abnormalities such phenomena. Common toxins such as pesticides, certain chemical agents, radiation, pollution and so on. In particular should be noted that a number of drugs with renal toxicity, if used improperly, could easily lead to kidney damage, these drugs include: card kanamycin, gentamicin, sulfonamides, rifampin, indomethacin, etc. Western medicine, and Nux child and other traditional Chinese medicine.
5, dietary
Perhaps you may not know that poor eating habits may result in the generation of many diseases, of course, the cystic disease, an important factor in the development and changes. Including: (1) improper diet, such as hunger is inadequate nutrition; fed hurt the spleen and stomach, digestion, absorption and blood circulation disorders occurs; overeating Feiganhouwei metaplasia heat. (2) eating unclean, the light prone to cause gastrointestinal disease, severe cases, poisoning and even life-threatening. (3) partial addicted to diet, eat more raw cold, easily hurt the stomach yang, eat more hot Xin Wen enable the gastrointestinal accumulated heat, and then there are flavors Preference of a long time is easy to hurt internal organs. These eating habits for the body is obvious.They are also directly or indirectly affect the development of cystic disease of the change.For cystic disease, clinically, with special emphasis on the following aspects, spicy classes: such as pepper, alcohol, smoking (including passive smoking), chocolate, coffee, fish, shrimp, crab and other "fat things" ; salty foods, pickled; contaminated food, such as unhealthy food, rotten leftovers; grilled food; In addition, it should limit animal protein, high fat and greasy foods, the above Feiganhouwei; limit the beans and soy products, especially in patients with renal insufficiency should pay more attention.
6, Lo Yat Shiyi
(1) labor is excessive, excessive force or strenuous exercise for a long time is easy to overwork.
(2) excessive trouble: that is, thoughtful too, the psychological pressure is too large, too heavy ideological burden.
(3) Housing labor is excessive, that is, the sex life is uncontrolled, excessive sexual intercourse. These are bad for your health, of course, also affected the cystic disease of the change. In addition, excessive ease, that is, excessive carefree, do not participate in the labor, not the movement is also easy to make poor human blood, causing disease, is a long time lying hurt gas, "the truth.
7, and emotional factors
Modern medical research shows: adverse changes in mood can make the body's nervous and endocrine disorders, and neurohumoral effect change within the environment of the human body. Environment within the exception of the cysts had an impact. And bad emotions can also make the reduced immunity, thus contributing to the invasion of bacteria and viruses, causing the cyst to be affected. A large number of clinical practice has proved a bad mood can make sicker, especially cystic disease, photo transfer to the mood, not sad not impatient, the condition often can be gradually improved.
8, pregnancy
Under normal circumstances, the impact of pregnancy on the course of polycystic kidney mainly depends on renal function, although there is currently no information to confirm the pregnancy make polycystic kidney disease duration of acceleration, but the multiple pregnancy associated with hypertension, the prognosis is often poor and 1/4 of polycystic kidney disease of women in pregnancy hypertension or aggravate existing high blood pressure, multiple pregnancy is an adverse impact on the prognosis of polycystic kidney disease female. Of course, to say here or renal function is still normal, abnormal renal polycystic kidney disease female pregnancy more dangerous.