
Polycystic kidney disease in patients with pregnancy?

Is well known, polycystic kidney disease is an inherited kidney disease, many patients fear passed on to offspring, so I choose not to have children or polycystic kidney disease can not be pregnant this misconception, everyonehave the power to parents, if the followingconditions and precautions, and polycystic kidney disease give birth to a healthy baby is not impossible.
Polycystic kidney disease can fertility conditions: if the female kidney disease patientsdid not suffer injury high blood pressure and renal function, not a lot of proteinuria,generally able to successfully give birth to a healthy baby, nor will the original kidney disease increase . We encourage such patients as soon as possible after theestablishment of family fertility, because the extension of their kidney function may change over time and gradually decreased, and thus lose the best opportunity ofpregnancy. For male patients with polycystic kidney does not affect the pregnancy. The need for early treatment after the diagnosis of polycystic kidney disease, be possibleand must not delay the disease lead to disaster.
Pregnant women Note:
(1) Prenatal diagnostic specimens 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, embryonic human chorionic cells obtained through amniocentesis, genetic diagnosis method to determinewhether the fetus suffering of ADPKD, and to determine whether birth.
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, whether father or mother issick, their children have a 50% risk of disease. Similar hereditary kidney patients shouldalso be on the fetus during pregnancy related to genetic testing to ensure that the child'shealth and family happiness. (This may be unfair to the child, but is also good for children).
(3) does not recommend a partial eclipse. Diversified diet as much as possible. Eathigh-protein high-quality protein food to eat more fruits and vegetables.
Do not drink coffee. Quit smoking. Do not the exposure to toxic substances and radiation sources.
Late pregnancy is recommended that oral multivitamin formula nutritional supplement, thegood of the child's development.
6 to prevent the flu, avoid spicy foods to maintain a good attitude.

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