Read Kowledges about Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and Kidney Cyst. Patients with PKD and Kidney Cyst care about treatment, symptoms and diet most.
How Can Patients With Kidney Disease Prevent From Getting Cold
1. Cold face and hot feet
Clean your face with cold water every morning and evening.Foot baths can improve the resistance of body.
2. Brown sugar and ginger tea
Boiling the brown sugar and ginger with water instead of coffee,witch can avoid and treat cold effectively.
3. Hot wind blow
At the beginninf of the cold,you can use hair drier blow temple for 3-5minutes.You can below several times per day to reduce symptoms and improve recovery.
4. Breathe hot stream
Pour boiling water into a cup and then do deep breath towards the cup until the water turn to cool several times per day,witch is benefit to the incipience of cold.
5. Massage
Rub two hands till hot and then massage the point.
6. Medicine to guard
People can take some medicine during the influenza pandemic period.
7. Gargle with light salt water
Gargle with light salt water after eating breakfast and supper to eliminate the bacteria in mouth.
I am looking foward to your reply!
Can You Drink Alcohol With Polycystic Kidney Disease

can you drink alcohol with polycystic kidney diseaseWhen it comes to drinking alcohol, for anyone who can drink it safely, moderation is the key. Drinking too much alcohol—even for a completely healthy person—can cause heart disease, liver disease, high blood pressure and kidney disease, in addition to many other medical problems. Drinking too much alcohol can also impair judgment—and this could interfere with decision making related to remembering to take medicines and following fluid and diet guidelines.
Alcohol stresses the kidneys by causing dehydration, which is hard even on healthy kidneys. It may also interfere with antibiotics by causing them to move through the system too rapidly.
In order to recover from PKD, patients should give up smoking and drinking. According to the experts’ explanation, alcohol will cause the increase of the blood pressure, which is bad for the cysts to recovery. Excessive drinking will cause the loss of bound water in the muscle and abnormal metabolism of the creatine, so the serum creatinine level will increase. Drinking will affect the body’s nitrogen balance and increase the protein breakdown. This will increase the burden of the kidneys. Besides, the alcohol decomposition can produce acid metabolic acidosis which will cause nausea, loss of appetite, depression, headache and many other symptoms in the patients. Medical scientists have found out that alcohol should be prohibited to kidney patients, especially for PKD patients. Alcohol can activate the polycystic protein and speed up the secretion of cystic fluids, so the cysts will grow larger and larger. So it is very necessary for PKD patients to quit drinking.
If you are on dialysis, drinking alcohol may be allowable, but it must be counted within your normal fluid allowance and diet, and medicines must be taken into consideration. Talk to your doctor or renal dietitian before you drink to find out if alcohol will have a negative impact on your health.
For those with diabetes and chronic kidney disease alcohol may be safe to drink if you have your blood sugar level under control. After checking with your doctor or dietitian and getting the okay to drink, it is recommended that you drink with food or at mealtime. Alcohol on an empty stomach can cause blood sugar levels to drop in those with diabetes. Additional ingredients in mixed drinks may add carbohydrate that must be considered. You will also have to fit alcohol into your meal plan.
Alcohol has no nutritional benefit, but it does have calories. And calories from alcoholic beverages add up quickly. Make sure you take this into consideration when planning your daily menus.
What Is The Treatment For Renal Cortical Cyst
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What Is The Treatment For Renal Cortical Cyst |
Cortical kidney cyst (renal cyst) is a very common condition when people are getting old. Usually the cortical cyst does not need any treatment because it seldom does harms to kidneys and our human body. But sometimes it should be treated. Following are information about cortical kidney cysts and its treatment.
If you have a small kidney cysts that isn’t causing you any problems, your physician will generally leave it alone, though she may follow up with additional scans in six to 12 months. But if you experience symptoms of a renal cortical cyst, your physician will probably send you to a urologist, who specializes in diagnosing and treating kidney problems.
Your urologist will determine whether your renal cysts have grown randomly, or whether they have resulted from polycystic kidney disease (PKD)—an inherited disease the targets the kidneys and causes the growth of kidney cysts. Small or few renal cysts will generally not harm you, but multiple or large cysts can cause pain, infection and damage to the kidneys. If your urologist suspects PKD, schedule biannual scans to check for the presence of cysts in your kidneys.
A physician can drain and permanently harden small renal cortical cysts by inserting a needle directly into them. The process removes fluid and replaces it with alcohol, which causes the tissue that makes up the cyst to harden.
Larger cysts may require surgical removal. Most surgeons prefer laparoscopic surgery, which involves smaller incisions, a shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery. During the surgery, your surgeon will drain the cyst of fluid and then remove or burn away its outer layer of tissue.
Chinese Herbs For Polycystic Kidney Disease With Creatinine 4.7
Your mother's creatinine level 4.7 reflects her cysts' growth has caused her kidney filtration function's decline. Now her kidney damage degree is in stage 4 of chronic kidney disease. The high blood pressure, poor appetite, weight loss, tiedness are typical symptoms among patients with this stage. Do not worry, this stage is still in the reversible stage.
Now your mother needs a systemic treatment: 1. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to control her cysts' growth 2. oral Chinese herbal medicine, medicated bath, massage, acupuncture and moxibustion to repair her damaged glomerular cells and improve her kidney function. 3. Maikangheji plus sanqifen to improve her immunity balance.
Chinese Herb Bath Therapy is one characteristic therapy of Chinese external therapies. From the viewpoint of concept of wholism and syndrome differentiation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, proper Chinese herbal medicine has been selected and made into Chinese medicine bath liquid. It is used to whole body bath, half body bath or partial immersion baths, such as sitz bath, lavipeditum, face bath, eye bath etc. so as to prevent and cure disease.
The Therapeutical Effect of Chinese Herb Bath
1. Promoting blood circulation and removing obstruction in channels which promotes blood circulation.
2. Inducing diaphoresis to improve the discharging metabolism wastes
3. The medicine arrives at the lesions directly through main and collateral channels so as to regulate functions of organs.
4. Support healthy tendency, strengthen immunity and remove fatigue.
5. Calm the nerves and improve the quality of sleep.
Clinical Application Scope of Chinese Herb Bath.
1. Nephritic edema.
2. Chronic Kidney Failure (azotemia)
3. Skin itch, chronic skin disease.
4. Joint and muscle pain caused by rheumatic and immune diseases.
5. Kidney disease with external contraction.
6. Diabetes with peripheral neuropathy ( limbs numbness and pain).
7. Recovery health-care: alleviating fatigue and improving sleep.
8. Lower lipid and lose weight.
Diet Tips Of Polycystic Kidney Disease
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a disorder in which clusters of cysts develop primarily within your kidneys. Cysts are noncancerous round sacs containing water-like fluid.
Polycystic kidney disease isn't limited to your kidneys, although the kidneys usually are the most severely affected organs. The disease can cause cysts to develop in your liver and elsewhere in your body.
When your liver breaks down protein, it produces a waste product called urea, which your kidneys are responsible for getting rid of. That means excess protein in the diet puts a strain on the kidneys.
Track how much protein you eat on an average day and if you discover you're getting more than the USDA Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of .8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight , try to cut back. Eat less meat, cheese, and even a little less of the higher protein beans and legumes like chickpeas and lentils. Use vegetables and grains for your main dishes and if you need extra calories, add healthy fats like avocados and olive oil.
A low protein diet can make a dramatic difference. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, a well managed low protein diet can give PKD patients an average of nearly one year without dialysis in cases where dialysis would have been needed had there been no dietary intervention.
Give Soy a Try
In general, eating less protein can help your kidneys, but there's one protein you may want to get a little more of. The results of a study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology in 1999 showed that dietary soy protein can slow the progression of PKD in rats. Rats fed soy as their main protein source had lower kidney weights and fewer cysts compared to those fed casein.. Keep in mind, though, that you'll be better off with traditional fermented soy products like tofu, miso, and tempeh. Non-fermented soy products like soy milk and soy-based protein bars have been shown to cause health problems of their own.
Keep Your Electrolytes Balanced
For most people, this translates to "cut back on salt." Electrolytes are vital minerals in the body, such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. The body relies on the kidneys to keep these in balance. Most people eating a typical "Western" diet get too much salt, which can throw this delicate balance off. This is why so many people with polycystic kidney disease develop high blood pressure. In fact, in the Encyclopedia of Health published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the entry on PDK specifically recommends a low-salt diet.
To start reducing salt in your diet, use garlic powder, onion powder or other herbs and spices in place of salt. Try to use less of sauces like ketchup and soy sauce. Avoid highly processed foods like meats, soups, and vegetables that come in cans. Even low-sodium varieties of these have more salt that something you'd make at home.
What Are Renal Cortical Cysts On Kidney
Renal Cortical Cyst push us into kidney failure if we just leave it alone.; therefore, we must shrink renal cortical cyst effectively so as to avoid kidney damages. In past days, many Renal Cortical Cyst patients choose surgical operation as the treatment, which can remove Renal Cortical Cyst radically, but meanwhile causes pains as well. Therefore, many patients against surgery from their inner heart. Today we mainly introduce another treatment, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which not only shrink Renal Cortical Cyst effectively and at the same time causes no side effects.
Renal cortical cysts are simple interstitial fluid filled sacs near the outside region of the kidneys. They become more common as one grows older and usually grow to 10-15 centimeters or more. They can be found and located through an ultrasound. But usually not something to worry about, they are commonly benign.
It is very common and occurs in about 50% of people over the age of 50. Renal cysts account for 60-65% of all renal masses. Many people have them and it is usually benign. A cyst is defined as a membranous sac containng fluid. A simple renal cyst is a classification given to renal cysts that "appear round or oval... without infections, calcifications, septations or divisions of its walls. Most of these lesions are benign simple cysts that require no further evaluation, intervention or urologic
Atelectasis is the collapse of the airspaces which also results in the visual impression of increased soft tissue density. This makes it impossible to distinguish infiltrates from atelectasis on the basis of visual density alone. Considering other factors is therefore required. Atelectasis must have volume loss by definition (collapse of airspaces must reduce lung volume), whereas infiltrate does not.
As you have fibrosis in lower lobes and airspaces means lungs are not getting filled with air showing some pneumonia you should be concerned and should see a pulmonary specialist for better treatment.
How Long Can A Person Live On Dialysis With 85% Kidney Failure
He has been on dialysis and goes 4 times a week for 5 years this past 3 weeks his kidneys have shut down completely and i worry because he is a bad diebetic and has lost a leg to the knee because of it.
Generally speaking the mortality rate for dialysis is about 15% for Peritoneal Dialysis patients, at 4 years, and about 25% for Hemodialysis our to 4 years.
What that means is that after 4 year, 85% of Peritoneal Dialysis patients are still alive, and 75% of hemodialysis patients are still alive.
Since the patient is going 3 times a week, this suggest that he is doing hemodialysis. Peritoneal dialysis is generally done daily.
Other figures I have heard say that about 50% of patients are still alive after 7 years.
All of this, though, also depends on the patients original state and other diseases, like diabetes. Being "bad diabetic" is not a good sign. Diabetes does HUGE amounts of damage to the kidneys, and is probably the reason they shut down. it is doubtful that they will start back up....
Dialysis is NOT perfect. It is MUCH better to have functioning kidneys! It is possible that the doctor might recommend increasing the treatments to 4-5 times a week.
The only other possible treatment is a kidney transplant, but being a "bad diabetic" would only ruin the new kidneys, and it is doubtful that the doctor would recommend this.
Natural Cure For Corticol Cyst In Kidney
Polycystic kidney disease, or PKD, is a genetic disorder and it can be described as the condition characterized by the presence of various cysts in ones kidneys. These are the frequently asked questions regarding the topic. As an introduction, you have to know first about the roles of our kidneys. The kidneys, of course, are responsible for cleaning our blood to get rid of harmful wastes and extra fluid. As a result, urine is formed. The kidneys also regulate certain substances in our body.
As the disease develops, disturbed sleep, chest pain, bleeding, and bone fractures. Once the symptoms of kidney disease present themselves, the most recommended way to deal with these symptoms is to have one checked immediately and start living a healthier lifestyle.
What happens when Polycystic Kidney Disease cysts grow in the kidneys?
Cysts in the kidneys are filled with fluid. They can enlarge the kidneys, take the place of the structure, and cause the decreased kidney function. Worse, these cysts lead to kidney failure.
What are the other effects of PKD?
PKD does not stop at the kidneys. It can also cause cysts in the liver and other complications or problems in other organs. These complications can be in the blood vessels in our heart or brain.
What are the major inherited forms of PKD?
There are two major inherited forms the Autosomal Dominant PKD and the Autosomal Recessive PKD. The former is the most inherited form, which begins earlier although it shows its symptoms from 30 to 40. On the other hand, the latter form is a rare inherited form, whose symptoms show at a very young age (even in the mothers womb).
What are the symptoms of PKD?
The symptoms, which can develop from infancy to adulthood, include headaches, blood in the urine, kidney cysts, liver cysts, other organ cysts, back pain, and pain on the lower sides.
How do I know if I have PKD?
You would need to get an ultrasound imaging of the kidney to check if there are cysts, as well as other organs. You may also check your family medical history or opt for genetic testing.
Is there a cure for PKD?
No, there is no cure for Polycystic Kidney Disease. However, treatment can be done for patients. These treatments can resolve infections, reduce pains, and control further complications. For kidney failure, dialysis is needed to replace the kidneys.
Chinese Medicine Control Polycystic Kidney Disease Cyst
Kidney Cysts will become bigger with your age become old. If the kidney cysts become big enough, they will press the kidneys tissues and damage your kidney function, the final result of kidney disease is Kidney Failure if you can’t control the disease well.
Please don’t worry about your disease. Our hospital is the largest kidney disease specialized hospital in China, we have hospital in Shijiazhuang City, Guangzhou City, Xingtai City. We have treated 1,052 patients with PKD from 2008, so we accumulated many experience on this subject.
Our characteristic treatment is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has the curative effect for kidney disease, which can treat the kidney disease from root. (1)Chinese Medicine is abstracted from Chinese herbs, without any side-effect. (2) With the help of penetrant and osmosis devices, effective Chinese Medicine are penetrated into renal lesion by external application. (As you know, any oral taking medicines will affect kidney more or less). (3) The therapeutic mechanism of this therapy is to block the process of renal fibrosis, dilate blood vessels, promote the micro-blood circulation, repair the damaged renal intrinsic cells, and remove the stasis in channels. At the same time, Chinese Medicine has the effect like anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, preventing blood viscosity and degrading extracellular matrixes. The main functions of Chinese Medicine are: block+ repair.
Control Polycystic Kidney Disease With Creatinine 12
My mather suffering form polycystic kidney disease ,she age 60 and creatinine level is on 16-5-2012 was 12, how to control my mother disease ?
Your brother told me your mother only takes medicines for blood pressure, no any treatments or medicines for PKD. I suggest your mother should take treatments immediately to prevent the cysts from growing and shrink those cysts. Those cysts will compress the kidneys leading to serious damage on the kidneys. You told me your mother's father also has such disease, I think you should know the aggravating process of this disease, without effective treatments, patients need to take dialysis and kidney transplant at last.
In our hospital, we use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to treat PKD, such treatment is really effective and won't cause any side effects, so more and more foreign patients come to our hospital for treatments, such as patients from UK, USA, Canada, Greece, Italy, Saudi, and so on.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a kind of osmosis therapy. The core medicines of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy come from natural plant medicines. After superfinely shattered, these medicines become so tiny that they can permeate into patients’ body though the help of osmosis device.
These natural plant medicines, after entering into patients’ body, can make cysts shrink gradually. Through promoting the permeability of cyst wall, cyst liquid will be reabsorbed into blood vessels, then will be discharged out of body along urine. Through dilating the renal blood vessels, more nutrients in blood will be transferred into kidney lesions, so kidneys will get more nutrients. Combined with the function of degrading the extracellular matrix, the internal environment of ischemia and hypoxia in the kidneys will be improved, and the perfusion flow of the blood to the kidneys will be increased, so the filtered ability of the kidneys will be improved. In such improved environment, the epithelial cell of cystic wall will be prevented from further secreting, so small cysts won’t grow any more.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy not only help patients prevent small cysts from growing, also can make those big cysts shrink. If you are interested, I can send you some pictures about such treatment, then you will know it better.
How To Control Renal Cortical Cyst By Chinese Medicine
My mother has been diagnosed with left renal cortical cyst of 5.6 cm and 4.5 cm and beside this, she has also been diagnosed with 12 mm prostatic cyst , however both kidneys are shrinking . what could be the most effective treatment for this.
Your motheris having renal cortical cysts and prostatomegaly. Let me assure you that these renal cortical cysts are common ultrasonogram finding incidentally seen in old ages especially. Most of the time, these renal cortical cysts are asymptomatic and they doesn't cause any problems. Prostatomegaly is also common when the age advances. This condition is known as BPH .
Coming to the treatment, asymptomatic renal cysts doesn't require any treatment, but serial ultrasonogram is indicated to watch their prognosis. If the renal cortical cyst got infected or if it is malignant, then you should think about the surgical options, recommended by a urologist.
For prostatomegaly grade -1, medical treatment will be sufficient. But over a period of time, if the prostate volume increases and if it become grade 2 or grade3, better to have a surgery from a urologist.
Anyway, I advise you to consult a nephrologist and get done the urine analysis to rule out any infection or haematuria, and follow the instructions of nephrologist and urologist.
You can control you mother renal cortical cyst by chinese medicine ,Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can reduce the formation of cystic fluid, alleviate the oppression of glomeruli, tubules and renal vessels, promote the circulation of the damaged kidney organization, improve the state of renal anoxia and provide a favorable environment for accelerating the repair of damaged kidneys.
Natural Therapy and Diet Plan For Polycystic Kidney Disease
PKD is genetic chronic kidney disease, at present there are three methods to cure PKD:
The first is remove the cysts by operation, the methord is effective ,but the incision’s recover is very slow and the recurrence rate is very high.
The second is minimally invasive decompression surgery,the method sideeffect as the first.
The third is conservative therapy,as before said the Chinese medicine therapy, The treatment effect is relatively slow but the methord has high cure rate and low relapse rate,I think it is a better choice for I know you are interest in external application of Chinese medicine,this is a branch of Chinese medicine therapy.the principe of external application of Chinese medicine is according to Chinese medicine active substance permeate into the kidney to reduce the pressure in the cysts and improve the blood circulation around the cysts,promote cyst’s fluid back to the absorption,so this methord can avoid the recurrAs you said ,when you sleeping,you always feel sweating and need oxygen,I think that because your immune system, heart system,and nervous system are affected,I advice you make a reasonable diet plan and then do a examination of heart,the body health is the most important ence effectively.
Diet Plan For Polycystic Kidney Disease
1.Prevent catching cold. PKD is a hereditary disease which will accompany the patients for lifelong time. Cold and infections will speed up the illness progression.
2.Prevent physical traumas. The multiple cysts in the kidneys will experience progressive enlargement and increase the capsule internal pressure. In such case, any light trauma like bump, sprain will further increase the pressure and have impact on large cysts which will cause the cysts to rupture and bleed.
3.Well control of hypertension. High blood pressure will speed up renal damages and cause cerebrovascular damages, therefore it is crucial to bring the blood pressure well under control for slowing down the deterioration of renal function.
Can the Patients with Renal Failure Drink Milk
Patients with kidney disease are always told to limit the intake of protein, and especially the Renal Failure sufferers. Meanwhile, they have to take certain quantity of food with high-quality protein. In this case, many patients will wonder what kinds of foods they can eat and what should they stay far away from. As one of the most common drinks we take in daily life, milk becomes the focal point of this topic.
Can they drink milk when they are suffering from kidney disease? Is that suitable for them to drink milk if they are in thestage of Renal Failure?
Experts point out that 80% of the protein in milk is high-quality, and the construction of elements in it are very close to the structure in our human body, which are easy to be absorbed. Moreover, there are various kinds of microelements in milk which are important to keep balance of the nutrition in the body. Therefore, patients with renal failure can drink milk in their daily life, and even the patients with Diabetic Nephropathy can drink 250ml milk daily.
However, the function of milk in the body can act out more quickly and effectively if the patients can follow some tips when drinking milk.
Firstly, please do not take chocolate while drinking milk. Because the protein and Ca in milk with the oxalate in chocolate can react with each other and produce insoluble calcium oxalate which will affect the absorption of Ca, and cause some side effects.
Secondly, don’t add sugar when cook the milk, you can add some after the milk is prepared well to drink but pay attention to the quantity, especially for the patients with Diabetic Nephropathy.
Thirdly, boiling milk can make the milk sugar coking and lead to cancer, warm milk is enough for us to feel good.
Fourthly, avoid taking medicines with milk. Ions in milk combine with the medicine can produce salt which is hard to be dissolved, and then makes the medicines difficult to be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. That is to say, milk can reduce the function of the medicine in the body. Therefore, patients had better give half an hour’s interval between taking medicine and milk.
Drinking milk is helpful to the recovery from Renal Failure, but the patients should also remember when and how to drink the milk in a proper way, which will certainly do goodto your body. If you still have doubts and questions, please feel free to send me an e-mail at
Learn more about diet plan for renal failure
How To Treat PKD Cyst On Kidney
PKD means you have many cysts grow on your kidneys. With age become old, the kidney cysts will become bigger, and then press the kidney tissues and damage the kidney function. At that time, patients will present the symptoms like foam in urine, hematuria, dizziness, swelling, backpain, fatigue etc. With the kidney cysts become big enough, the patients will secrete the cystic liquid which is very easy to get infection in the kidneys. The final result of PKD is kidney failure.
The root of your disease is the kidney cysts, therefore, you should reduce the size of kidneys. Normally, according to our medical technology, Chinese acupuncture has very good function for dredging the channel, but it can't reduce the size of your kidney cysts. And You said you take some Chinese Medicine, it is a kind of oral-taking medicines? After taking these medicines, dose your kidney cysts reduce? Do you know the size of your biggest kidney cysts?
Maybe the operation of endometriosi has damaged your kidney function, maybe not. But we think the main reason is the kidney cysts. And your right kidneys are swollen, which means you have many cysts grow on your kidneys, and the size of kidney cysts are much bigger, not because of the extra work it is doing to compensate the left kidney.
There are many Chinese people do the Chinese acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in the foreign countries. Maybe you are not familiar with the Chinese Medicine, there are special recipe can't get in foreign countries, some herbal only grow in China, and Chinese government don't allow take outside of China. What's more, For PKD treatment, we don't suggest the patient take any oral taking medicines. That is because kidneys have already get damaged, kidneys are the main organs to discharge all the medicines, if the patient take all the medicines, they can increase the burden of kidneys.
Two 2 Ways Treatment For Kidney Cyst Naturally
Western medicine treatment:
In terms of the kidney cysts,western medicine will follow these steps to treat polycystic kidney:1) wait the cysts become enough big. 2.) 95%anhydrous alcohol is inputed into renal cysts for solidifying capillary, then liquid can’t go into renal cysts.3) abstract the cystic liquid from renal cyst-----this operation may be called puncture. Please notice that these measures will damage the kidney, especially for the nephron which is the basic part of kidney. At present, all Western Medicine just treat the symptoms of kidney, they can’t treat the disease from the root.
Chinese Medicine treatment:
We use the Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotheraphy to treat the cyst.
It is the conservative treatment- Shrink them.Chinese medicine will improve the poor blood and oxygen then make the blood circulation around the cyst wall successful ,the cyst fluid will flow away along with the blood circulation.What is more, Chinese medicine will restrain the epithelial cell of cysts secrete the fluid, because it can make the epithelial cell lose the inactivation,so the cysts can not develop to large again .At the same time ,the chinese medicine have the function of anti-inflammation ,it can help to repair the damaged kidney.
When the cyst do not grow any longer,the cysts shrink more and more slowly as the time, then it can not develop to the kidney failure,so u can far away from the kidney failure,and extend yr life.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a conservative therapy without pumping fluid or relieving pressure.It is not the surgery or the oral medicine, It is a kind of external application on the back. Micro-chinese osmotherapy is smash the active ingredients of drugs,let them micronized into ten thousandth of its original size,by the mean of infiltration device and penetrating agent,let the active ingredient enter into the disease point from body external directly with the help of meridian conduction and skin permeate,it is high efficent because of the high targeting.It will arrive directly at the renal lesions through the skin on the back.
Will Renal Cyst of 4.8cm Cause Blood in Urine
My father recently has had a scan which shows a renal cyst on his left kidney. He has blood in his urine. I want to know is it normal for a cyst to cause bleeding or the bleeding is related to other things. He has only one cyst and it is approximately 4.8cm. He has high blood pressure, but is not on any medicines. His blood pressure is around 175/96. He is much stressed and worried now.
Best Answer
Your father’ renal cyst is 4.8cm and it has reached the size in which a series of clinical manifestations will be caused such as blood in urine, bubbles in urine, hypertension and pains in the back and belly. Of cause the bleeding is not definitely caused by the cyst, but it is the most possible reason. To confirm the root cause, it is recommended that your father can go to the hospital and take related tests such as CT scan and B ultrasound to make clear the cause because hematuria usually indicates aggravation of the illness condition.
There are three reasons that the renal cyst can cause blood in urine.
1. The enlarged cyst cause the vessels on the renal capsule to rupture and cause blood in urine;
2. In case of infections of bumps, the cyst will rupture and cause bleeding;
3. One of the common complications of renal cyst is stone in the kidneys. When the stone moves, it is easy to cut the blood vessels in the kidneys and cause bloody urine.
Learn about blood in urine and kidney cyst
Chinese Herbal Medicine for 2.7cm Renal Cortical Cyst
I have cortical kidney cyst of 2.7cm, my age is 52 years old. Prostate volume is 27.6, albumin is 4.0 and urea is 34. I suffer from back pain, weakness. Should I take some medicines?
Best Answer
From your description, your prostate has a slight enlargement because the normal volume is 4x3x2cm and it is called prostatic hyperplasia which is a common disease of elderly men and it often occurs to people over their 50s. So long as you have reasonable daily nursing cares it will not affect your normal life.
Your main concern should be the renal cortical cyst. Renal cyst of 3cm will cause obvious symptoms. You said that you are suffering from back pain and weakness and these are the early symptoms. In such conditions, you should receive effective treatments as soon as possible to bring the illness under control in the early stage.
You can first take some medicines to control the illness conditions. Chinese herbal medicine is a good choice because it not only aims at alleviating the symptoms, but also can work on the cysts. Through expanding blood vessels and eliminating blood stasis, the fluids in the cyst will be gradually re-absorbed by the blood vessels and be discharged out of the body with blood circulation. And with persistent treatments and healthy lifestyles, the cyst can be well brought under control.
Learn about Renal Cortical Cysts: Cause and Treatment
What Side Effects Western Medicines Have
I am taking western medicines in treating the cysts, is it the best way; does the medicine have side effects? What are they?
Best Answer
Firstly, the western medicines are important way of treating Renal Cyst and it also have effects.
Secondly, the western medicines contain hormones which will do harm for your health;
Finally, the side effects are as following: Infection, Hypertension and edema, Ulcer, Osteoporosis, Electrolyte disturbance, Mental disorder, Hyperlipidaemia, do harm to patients’ figure and Steroid glycosuria.
It is common to see the patients who take medicines have moon-shaped face which is the effects of the hormone. In fact, there are many ways in treating Renal Cyst, you can take our Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cells Transplant into consideration for the treatments are natural, effective and have no side effects.
General Treatment for Cyst On Kidney
Kidney cyst is always found by chance when you have a routine examination in the hospital. So many sufferers with kidney cyst do not realize they have such kind of cyst disease. If the kidney cyst is left without any treatment, it may deteriorate into chronic renal failure at last. Nevertheless, that serious kidney cyst is rarely seen.
Kidney cyst is a kind of cyst disease, and usually it can be categorized into simple kidney cyst and complex kidney cysts. Actually, the poor result of simple kidney cyst is malignant cyst, and also, in case of Polycystic Kidney Disease, chronic kidney failure will occur.
If you suffer from simple kidney cyst, you can not even know the existence of your cyst in kidney, because when the cyst is small, you will have no feeling of it. Once you have a test, and the cyst can be detected. Doctors will suggest you to have other tests to have an exact diagnosis, such as ultrasound exam. Then, you may wonder how to treat the cyst. Always, doctors will tell you that when the cyst is small and you can not feel any discomfort, the cyst can be just let alone, and no special treatment need to be done. However, cyst will grow persistently, and then you begin to feel painful in the low back especially in the kidney region, and sometimes you will also find blood in the urine. So, you realize the disease deteriorates constantly, and you are about the seek for treatment. When you ask your doctors, they will answer you with a calm voice and tell you there is no effective treatment, and if your cyst is really too big, you can have a surgery to cut it off. Also, they will also mention that the cyst will continue growing after being cut by the surgery, but no other choice for this kidney cyst. What's worse, the kidney cyst may be malignant in some cases, so at that time maybe nephrectomy is inevitable.
Mostly,several months later after you have the puncture surgery to cut off the kidney cyst, you will start to have low back pain again since the cyst is growing without any stop. Having suffered from the surgery for several times, you may be at a loss finally.
In our hospital, puncture surgery is not the only method in treating kidney cyst, and if you are interested in Chinese medicine, you are welcome to talk with the consultant online or leave a message to
Learn more about kidney cyst treatment by chinese medicine
What Are Simple Renal Cysts Mean
Simple Renal Cysts may be a congenital abnormality that there is one or several cysts with different sizes usually in a kidney. As we are getting old, we have more chances of suffering from Simple Renal Cysts. As is reported, fifty percent people over 50 years old will have those cysts which can be diagnosed through B ultrasound and CT (Computed Tomography). Compared with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), Simple Renal Cysts have its own characters.
Simple Renal Cysts is a genetic disorder
So far, scholars have not found out what cause Simple Renal Cysts, but some consider this disease as a congenital abnormality, while others think it is acquired after birth because of local lack of blood and oxygen in kidney or the blockage in kidney tubules. When people get old, the blockages easily occur in distal tubules and manifolds. The fluid blocked in tubules will stimulate kidney tubular epithelial cells developing into cystic cells. As those cysts grow, they will break away from kidney tubules and will not connect with outside.
The cysts usually locate in one kidney
Through B ultrasound and CT, Simple Renal Cysts usually show one or several cysts in one kidney, but sometimes they can be found in both kidneys. They locate in renal cortex and renal medulla. Their diameter can be 0.5 to 1cm or 3 to 8cm. With paille ropy fluid inside and thin transparent wall, they tend to shrink automatically, but if they are infected, the wall will become thick, fiberized and calcified. As those cysts are not linked with other renal tissues like kidney pelvis, they usually do not arouse great damage to the whole kidneys.
Simple Renal Cysts will not damage renal function
Commonly, severe symptoms will not occur among patients with Simple Renal Cysts. This disease is usually found unconsciously in checking other diseases. Some big cysts stress blood vessels nearby, cause anoxia and increase rennin, which occasionally cause hematuria, low back pain and high blood pressure. There are indeed some dangers of renal calices blockage and secondary infections. When they are removed or shrunk through operation or decortication, renal function is normally not damaged by them.
Thus, usually, there is no need for patients to receive treatments to remove Simple Renal Cysts, but it is important for them to prevent the cysts breaking and the secondary infection which may cause fatal complications.
Learn about Simple Renal Cyst Treatment
When Should Dialysis be Taken into Consideration
Dialysis is a replacement therapy for patients with Kidney Failure, especially the End Stage Kidney Failure. It is take over the functions of kidneys when the two kidneys both fail, which often make patients mistake that the later dialysis is taken, the better patients feel. Actually, the late dialysis will increase the chances of complications as well as the total expenses for the severe complications will prolong and increase the hospitalization. What’s worse; the quality of life after late dialysis is usually not better than that of the early dialysis and the patients live a shorter life than those who take early dialysis.
When to take dialysis depends on some values
Chronic Kidney Disease can be divided in to five stages. At the last two stages, namely the stages of Kidney Failure and the previous Kidney Failure, dialysis is usually adopted. The reference values may be different in different places. In China, when serum creatinine is up to 8mg/dl or 707.2umol/L, doctors will advise patients to receive dialysis, while in other countries, the reference creatinine is more than 443 umol/L and Ccr (Creatinine Clearance Rate) is less than 10 ml/min.
The suitable time for dialysis depends on the general medical condition
Besides those reference values, doctors will take the general medical condition into account and then determine the suitable time for dialysis. For instance, as Diabetic Kidney Failure often deteriorate quickly at its late stages and the patients tend to be accompanied by many complications, doctors will suggest those patients take dialysis much earlier to effectively slow down the deterioration and prevent the severe complications. At that time, Ccr is still at the level of 15 ml/min. As for old people or people of malnutrition, with less amount of muscle, they normally have less creatinine in their blood, so the common values are not enough to determine the time for dialysis. Apart from those clinical values, doctors will take their symptoms into consideration, such as swellings, electrolyte disturbance, high blood pressure and heart failure.
The general standard to determine dialysis
In general, it is suitable time to receive dialysis, when patients’ hemoglobin is over or close to 8.0g/dl and have no symptoms of uremia like malnutrition, bleeding and anuria. The following is the general standard for determining dialysis:
1. Occurrence of severe symptoms: skin itching, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite.
2. Severe electrolyte disturbance: edema, high blood pressure, heart failure, acidosis (PH < 7.1) and high blood potassium (> 6.5mmol/L).
3. Anemia, bleeding, malnutrition, stroke, somnolence and other peripheral neuropathy.
Learn about dialysis treatment for kidney cyst
Stem Cell and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy For PKD
Kidney dysfunction is caused by your Polycystic Kidney Disease, your normal kidney function is about 25%, at stage 4 of CKD. We suggest you should come here for treatments as soon as possible. We will try our best to help you protect your normal kidney function, and repair your damaged kidneys. If you take the treatments, follow the instruction of our doctors and keep on strict diet, there is high possibility that your kidneys can be repaired to 30%, the stage 3, in this stage you will have no symptoms, such as back pain, high blood pressure, and can enjoy a normal life like others.
The treatment we suggest for you is the joint application of Stem Cell Transplant and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which is much better than the pure Stem Cell Transplant.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has following functions:
1) Through promoting the permeability of cyst wall, cyst liquid will be reabsorbed into blood vessels, then will be discharged out of body along urine , so cysts will shrink gradually. And it also can restrain the secretion of cyst wall epithelial cell, so prevent cysts from growing again.
2) Through dilating the renal blood vessels, more nutrients in blood will be transferred into kidney lesions, so kidneys will get more nutrients.
3) Through degrading the extracellular matrix, the internal environment of ischemia and hypoxia in the kidneys will be improved, and the perfusion flow of the blood to the kidneys will be increased, so the filtered ability of the kidneys will be improved.
Stem Cells can differentiate into new renal cells, to replace the necrotic cells, repair the damaged kidneys, so kidney function will be improved gradually.
After the treatment of Stem Cell Transplant and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, you will feel much better, and you will see the improvement even during treatments in our hospital.
Many PKD patients have been treated through the joint application, including foreign patients, such as patients from India, Italy, Greece and so on. Now a Greek PKD patient is accepting treatment in our hospital, she is introduced here by her friend, Mr. Nikos. Mr. Nikos has returned home after treatments, and he was introduced here by his cousin, Mr. Stefano. Mr. Stefano is the first patient from Greece. We have treated many Renal Failure patients who had taken dialysis or only had less than 300 ml urine output every day. So pls don’t worry, let’s fight together to get the best treatment results.
How To Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease In Stage 3
For the PKD patients, many cysts on the kidneys can give huge burden to the kidneys and severely influence kidney function. If you are in stage 3-4 of PKD, your creatinien level must higher than normal, which is the sign of kidney function damaging. Chinese herbal medicine can dilate blood vessels, restrain the hyperplasia of cystic cells, and increase the permeability of cystic cells. With the increasing of permeability of cystic cells he liquid in the cyst can discharge with the blood. By taking this treatment, cysts can stop enlargement and begin to shrink gradually, which can effectively reduce cysts’ pressure on kidneys.
For the existing cysts, we cannot let them stay here, so we will use medicine to increase the permeability of the cyst walls and the microcirculation. The cyst liquid will be reabsorbed and discharged out through the urine. If the size of the cysts are reduced, the pressure on the around renal tissues will be lower, and the renal function will be better.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a conservative therapy without pumping fluid or relieving pressure. It is a kind of external application on the back. The Chinese medicine are micronized into one thousandths of its original size. With the action of the microwave, the medicine will permeate into the renal lesions directly through the skin and channels. We use Micro-Chinese Medicine to expand blood vessels, speed up blood circulation on cysts walls, and improve the permeability of the cysts thus making the cysts shrink and decrease. It will restrain the proliferation of the epithelial cells, so the secretion of cyst liquid will be reduced. When the internal pressure of the cyst declined, the size of the cyst will gradually become smaller, thus relieving the compression of the tissues around, improving microcirculation, and blocking the progressing of renal fibrosis. Besides, the cysts are not easy to recur after disappearance, and the symptoms will thoroughly disappear. The kidney function will also be better.
Creatinine Level 3.2 And Have PKD 10 Years
I have bee diagnosed with PKD about 10 years now. My treatment was mainly to treat my blood pressure, and to have a low sodium low protein diet.
Recently my blood pressure when really high and some test was done, this is how I know my creatinine is 3.2. However I am being treated for my hight blood pressure and I have to be tested once per month to see if the creatinine level will go down.
My doctor said if this does not happen I will have to consider dialysis or maybe a transplant. I have heard that the cyst can be reduce but was told that it can be painful and it does not make sense because the cyst can grow back.
However I was wondering if there are any alternative treatment this is why I was researching your sight. I do not know the size of the cysts but from a renal ultrasound done in 2005, it indicated that - and I quote-" simple cortical systs of varying sizes on both kidneys ranging in size from 1cm to 3cm. It also stated that both kidneys are enlarged, the right measuring 14.5 cm long X 7.2 cm AP and left kidneys measuring 14.2 com long X 6.4cm AP. Two curvi-linear foci of clacification are noted in the left lower ple measuring 1.0cm and 0.9cm long.
These may represent dystrophic parenchymal calcification byt can also be non-obstructing lower pole renal calculi.
Now your creatinine level 3.2 reflects your more than 50% kidney tissues have been damaged. And now you only have 30% kidney function left, this means the cysts' growth have caused the damage to your surrounding renal tissues. So timely treatment to repair your damaged renal tissues and protect your remaining kidney function is suggested for you.
At present, in most western countries, the PKD's end results are the endless dialysis or kidney transplant. However, in China, we use the conservative treatment to shrink the cysts and improve the kidney function. We apply mainly the Immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Besides, we also apply the traditional Chinese medical sciences, like the medicated bath, massage, acupuncture and moxibustion, pedicure, scraping therapy, Taichi etc. These are a systemic treatment to treat your disease from all aspects.
Though PKD is an inherited disease, no one can change the gene, but we can help PKD patients live a normal ife, they can attend the social party, doing their jobs, give birth to babies, live a normal life without dialysis or transplant. We can achieve this.
Here I attach the introduction of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Please find the attachment. Believe this will give you more confidence to avoid the dialysis or transplant.
Fatigue And Tried In Polycystic Kidney Disease
Q :
1. PKD means you have many cysts grow on your kidneys. With age become old, the kidney cysts will become bigger, and then press the kidney tissues and damage the kidney function. At that time, patients will present the symptoms like foam in urine, hematuria, dizziness, swelling, backpain, fatigue etc. With the kidney cysts become big enough, the patients will secrete the cystic liquid which is very easy to get infection in the kidneys. The final result of PKD is kidney failure.
Now, you are very young, only 49 years old, and the most important thing is that you still have the urine output, which means your kidneys still working, so you have more chance to enhance your kidney function and delay the development of kidney disease.
2. The root of your disease is the kidney cysts, therefore, you should reduce the size of kidneys. Normally, according to our medical technology, Chinese acupuncture has very good function for dredging the channel, but it can't reduce the size of your kidney cysts. And You said you take some Chinese Medicine, it is a kind of oral-taking medicines? After taking these medicines, dose your kidney cysts reduce? Do you know the size of your biggest kidney cysts?
3. Now you feel tried is because the kidney cysts begin to press your kidney tissues, the kidneys can't secrete enough EPO to produce the red blood, so your body lack of enough nutrition and red blood, so the muscle lack of strength, you always feel fatigue, tried.
1. Yes, I have many cysts on my left kidney's exit. When they have detected this ilness with the CT scan in 2008, they did not see cysts in the right kidney, but the right kidney was very swollen, perhaps because of the extra work it is doing to compensate the left kidney. The back pain has started right after my second operation to cure endometriosi. I think anesthesia has done a very bad effect on my kidneys, and on my hormonal system
2. I don't think the size of the cysts have been reduced with acupuncture, I am not sure they are reduced, since lately i observe more symptoms. As for the herbal medicine, it is taken orally, and i think it has delayed the development of the disease because i am treated with herbs, chinese and other since 2008, and because the first blood tests after discovering the cysts was desastrous: high levels of creatinine, uric acid and the percentage of filtration was only 54. The latest blood tests i took, three months ago, the filtration level was about 70 and the uric acid and creatinine has decreased below the highest accepted level. The herbs are oral taken. I feel lately that i need more than this.
The size of the cysts altogether, according to what i remember from the CT scan are about the third of my kidney, and as i said they block the total exit to the tube, perhaps the biggest one is about two or three centimeters. The right kidney, as it is swollen, looks a third time bigger than the left one.
3. Yes, i think you are right. Actually, I have anemia since i was very young, and my red blood cells are smaller than what they should be.
4. I don't know if i have cysts in my pancreas or liver, but from the symptoms, i have pains in the liver from time to time, and i am also on herbal treatment and essential oils to enhance my liver function, as it seems to be feeble as well.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy For PKD With Gfr 80
As you said your GFR is 80ml/min at present, so I think the Chinese medicine must have a very good effect on your kidney, and your renal cysts have be controlled well. But it is a long time for taking the medicine and your renal function has not improved that much, so I think the alternative treatment I mentioned will have a better effect for your case.
You know when our kidney is damaged; the blood flow volume in kidneys will reduce, so our hospital will use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to increase the blood flow volume in kidneys. You may have a certain understanding of Chinese medicine (Chinese herbs) as you are using the medicine at present. Here only a simple affix "Micro-" is added before it, but it means a lot improvement in treating kidney disease. Traditional Chinese herbs are oral medicine. Firstly, they burden the kidneys, because the kidney is the organ responsible for filtrating fluid. Secondly, most of Chinese herbs decoction have bitter taste. Many patients cannot bear them. Lastly, the rate of sorption by kidneys is very low, for it arrives at renal lesions through many tracts, such as digestive tract and gastrointestinal tract, which is why your GFR has not improved that much even you have taking so long time Chinese medicine.
However, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is different from traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Here, Chinese herbs are superfinely shattered into powder and packaged in a sack. When used for you, the sack should be soaked in the special penetrant for around two hours and then be heated for one hour or so. After all is ready, you just need to lie in a bed with two sacks attached to renal regions. What’s more, the sacks are connected with an osmosis device, the mechanism of which is to promote permeation of medicine by vibration indirectly controlled by electron pulse. In this way, the ingredients of Chinese medicine can efficiently permeate into the renal lesions, realizing the goal of treating kidney disease effectively. You would feel massaged during the treatment, very comfortable. And I mentioned earlier, for your case, this treatment will be given 2-3times every day and 45mins each time. Specifically speaking, Micro-Chinese Medicine can increase the permeability of cyst wall, make more cystic liquid filtered out and stop the lining cells from secreting cyst liquid and at the same time in order to be alive the lining cells will absorb the cyst liquid which both factors will make they cysts shrunk. But continued Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, there is no cyst liquid at all the lining cells will be under controlled as there is no cyst liquid for them to be lively, and then the renal cysts will not be bigger again once they are shrunk. And Micro-Chinese Medicine can dilate blood vessels and decrease blood coagulation, thus improving blood circulation of kidneys. In addition, it can also decrease inflammatory reaction and degrade extracellular matrixes (ECM) both of which contribute to fibrosis of renal functional cells. In this way, Micro-Chinese Medicine can effectively prevent your kidneys from fibrosis and thereby stop kidney disease from progressing and have the renal function improved by repairing the damaged renal cells.
Kidney Cyst Control By Chinese Medicine Treatment
Kidney cysts are round pouches of fluid that form in the kidneys. Kidney cysts can be associated with serious disorders that may impair kidney function. But more commonly, kidney cysts are a type called simple kidney cysts — noncancerous cysts that rarely cause complications.
Simple kidney cysts are very common, especially in people over age 50. The Mayo Clinic says that up to 50 percent of people in that age range have at least one cyst. These kidney cysts are almost always benign and harmless. They only require treatment if they get large enough to interfere with other organs. If this happens, treatment consists of surgical removal of the cyst.
Treatment is usually not necessary if imaging tests depict a simple cyst and the patient exhibits no symptoms. Instead of treatment, the doctor will advise a computed tomography scan or ultrasound to periodically examine if the kidney cyst enlarges or develops into a complex cyst, according to the Kidney Cancer Institute. Treatment may be suggested at a later date if the kidney enlarges or if symptoms occur.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural herbal therapy applied externally on acupoint of lower back (kidney area). Herbal bags containing dozens of herbal medicines are soaked previously in penetrants, and then placed on the lower back part. With the help of osmosis device, effective ingredients of herbal medicines will infiltrate into kidneys through the main and channels. There is no pain, and it is kind of like a massage.
The main curative effect of this herbal therapy is to promote whole body blood circulation, and especially the blood circulation within the kidneys. If analyzed from cytology, when kidney function decline occurs, there are three types of cells in the kidneys. There are healthy cells that are overburdened: damaged but still reversible cells: and completely necrotic cells that have no function left. The necrosis is an absolute loss, but this herbal therapy helps removing blood stasis or thrombus, degrading extracellular matrixes, and dilating each level blood vessel to promote blood flowing into the kidneys. In this way, sufficient blood supply creates a great environment for the self-repairing of these damaged but still reversible cells, and prevents kidney function from further declining.
Chinese Medicine Treatment High Creatinine 3.2 With Polycystic Kidney Disease
My cousin sister, age 56 is having ADPKD and hypertension.have creatinine 3mg% , BUN50.urine output has history of ADPKD. how to prevent progress of the cysts.children aged 30 &26 are not having by ultrasound. How To Treat PKD ?
She has PKD and her creatinine level is 3.2, urea is 67 which both are very high. I guess you must have a certain understanding of the western medicine for treating PKD right? All Western Medicine just treat the symptoms of kidney, they can't treat the disease from the root as the cysts will come out anytime after they have the surgery. That is why most patients do not want to have that puncture. What’s more, they will put the patients on dialysis or suggest them for kidney transplant when their kidneys fail.
Not sure whether you have ever heard of Chinese medicine for treating PKD? Not the same as western medicine , in China, Micro-Chinese Medicine are used to treat renal cysts which can reduce the size of renal cysts, enhance the renal function, delay the growth of renal cysts. It is not surgery or oral taking medicine, it used as an Osmotherapy. And the medicine is abstracted from the Chinese herbs, without any side-effect for the human body. And the cysts will start to become smaller in 4-5 days after receiving the treatment, and the cysts wall will become softer and softer at that time. And the medicine course depends on our cooperation which needs you to control your diet and pay more attention on your daily life except for the medicine.
Life Span For Patients With Polycystic Kidney Disease
There is a genetic kidney disease which is Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), which usually manifests a familial feature for this disease. That is to say, several family members would be haunted by PKD. In the clinical cases, the majority of patients present obvious symptoms over 35 years or older. Back pain, elevated blood pressure, hematuria as well as fatigue would be the prevalent discomforts. USG examination can tell the cysts have enlarged a lot and pressed renal parenchyma when patients have apparent discomforts. Nearly 70% patients with PKD will develop into End Stage Renal Failure over time. So it is quite necessary to find a proper treatment to control the enlargement of cysts and block the aggravation of renal function.
Actually, lifespan for PKD patients would be quite hard to predict. Because it not only decided by cyst size, but also related with patients’ general condition. As well know, PKD patients would complicate with polycystic liver, polycystic pancreas as well as aneurysma etc. Upper respiratory tract diseases, like cold, cough and asthema, might exacerbate the inflammatory reaction in the body. These inflammatory factors can decrease your immunity and your renal function will get damaged as well. Liver, pancreas are very important organs which can secrete bile and insulin respectively. Once these parts get invaded by cysts, their original function would be disrupted and internal systems will face a disorder. In that case, patients can not expect an longer lifespan.
Traditional treatments for cysts are cyst decortications and tapping, These treatments are surgeries, which remove the fluids with a minimally invasive injury. We have to acknowledge these treatments are effective to remove big cysts in a short time. Whereas, they can do nothing to settle small cysts. Over time, small cysts will enlarge rapidly because they have get less pressure caused by big cysts. In this case, patients have to endure many times operation. As we know these operations are invasive, they are probably to injure renal parenchyma. Herewith, invasive surgery may not benefit patients but exacerbate their condition.
Lifespan for Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should be the most concerning issue, worry and depression can be understandable. However, worry and depression have no any help to control the development. On the contrary, these gloomy mental status can exacerbate the illness condition. Patients should learn more about the pathological reason of cysts, meanwhile, they should realize the treatment mechanism of different methods. Also, patients need to pay attention to some tips in their daily life, avoid conflicting exercises, say play box, play basketball as well as other sports,, because these strenuous activities can make cysts rupture. For any help, you can send email to, our medical staff will check your condition and give pertinent treatment advice.
Can Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease Drink Wine
In many countries, wine is a kind of necessary in people’s daily life, such as in Russia, The Czech Republic and Rumania, people would like to drink wine no matter they are happy or not. However, can they drink wine if they have Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)?
Some experts have proved that patients with PKD are strongly suggested to cut out wine. This is mainly for protecting their kidneys as well as their general health. Wine can stimulate the liveness of protein in the cysts, and speed up the secretion of sac liquid as well as the growth of the cysts, thus damaging the renal function quickly.
In addition, the recovery of PKD needs a fine environment in the body. Frequently drinking will arise many problems in the body:
● Increase the blood pressure
● Reduce the bound water in the cells
● Rise the level of creatinine
● Lead to metabolic acidosis symbolized by vomiting, nausea, poor appetite, blue spirit and headache and so on.
● Anemia and disorder of the functions of soterocyte which can lead to bleeding.
● Poor gastrointestinal absorption ability which is the reason of depressed absorption rate of Vitamin B1 and B2 as well as increased excretion of Vitamin B6.
Apart from the general damage in the body, too much wine is able to change the balance of the elements in the kidneys such as the nitrogen and the protein. These changes make no difference in a normal people, but it will be a big mountain to the patients with PKD or Renal Failure. That’s why the doctors strongly against the opinion that patients with PKD can drink wine as their willing.
Prevention of Polycystic Kidney Disease
Polycystic Kidney Disease is the most common life-threatening genetic disease. For genetic diseases, it is impossible for us to change our genes, but patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease can do some other things to prevent its aggravation.
● Prevention of Cold
Polycystic Kidney Disease is a lifelong disease, and patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should be cautious all their lives. Cold is common in our daily life and it can be caused by careless living habits. For patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, they should try every means to avoid cold, especially repeated cold, because cold can aggravate illness condition, accelerating the progress of renal damage.
● Reasonable Diet
Reasonable diet is inevitable for the controlling of Polycystic Kidney Disease. Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease should adopt low-salt diet with two to three gram every day. Beyond that, foods which contain large amount of potassium, phosphorus, calories, and protein should be avoided. Try to ingest enough vitamin and plant crude fiber. Keep defecating.
● Prevention of External Injury
The unceasing expansion of cysts gives rise to the increase of intracapsular pressure, which will enlarge the bilateral kidneys. The enlargement of kidneys increases the internal pressure of enterocoelia. Thereby, if patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease suffer from internal injury at this moment, cysts may rupture and bleeding, which will cause infection.
● Better Control of Blood Pressure
For most of the patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, the appearance of high blood pressure is earlier than that of renal damage. High blood pressure can accelerate renal damage. Meanwhile, it also can causes damages to heart and blood vessels of brain, which will result in the emergence of a series of serious complications. Therefore, a better control of blood pressure is significant in postponing renal damage and preventing complications.
In this world, there are so many things which are not under our control, but we can change ourselves to avoid or postpone its happening. Therefore, as long as patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease take more care of themselves, they will avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles.
Can Acupuncture Cure My Kidney Cysts
For all patients with kidney disease, most of them have low- immunity and Renal Anemia, otherwise, they will not suffer from kidney disease. Please avoid catch a cold or get infection, because this will increase the production of immune complex, later these immune complex will deposit in the kidneys, cause the kidney inflammatory reaction.
What's more, there is no useful treatment for reducing the kidney cysts in Western Medicine,we have treated many patients from Europe, most of them only take the high blood pressure medicines.
Chinese acupuncture can't reduce your kidney cysts, this treatment can help you to alleviate your discomfort feelings, or treat other disease. Our treatment has treated more than 4000 patients with PKD, but all of them need come to China, because our kidney experts need to check their body, and make the detail treatment, then we know which kinds of treatment plan is suitable for you.
Normally, our treatment need the patient stay in our hospital for 2-3 weeks, then take Micro-Chinese Medicine go home, the patient can stick to the treatment at home.
After our treatment, most patients can reduce the kidney cysts, and the discomfort feelings like backpain, high blood pressure, fatigue will be disappeared, and the kidney function can be enhanced.
You can learn about how to treat kidney cyst by chinese herbs
Best Treatment For Polycystic Kidney Disease By Chinese Medicine

1.PKD means you have many cysts grow on your kidneys. With age become old, the kidney cysts will become bigger, and then press the kidney tissues and damage the kidney function. At that time, patients will present the symptoms like foam in urine, hematuria, dizziness, swelling, backpain, fatigue etc. With the kidney cysts become big enough, the patients will secrete the cystic liquid which is very easy to get infection in the kidneys. The final result of PKD is kidney failure.
2. The root of Polycystic Kidney Disease is the kidney cysts, therefore, you should reduce the size of kidneys. Normally, according to our medical technology, Chinese acupuncture has very good function for dredging the channel, but it can't reduce the size of your kidney cysts. And You said you take some Chinese Medicine, it is a kind of oral-taking medicines? After taking these medicines, dose your kidney cysts reduce? Do you know the size of your biggest kidney cysts?
3. Now you feel tried is because the kidney cysts begin to press your kidney tissues, the kidneys can't secrete enough EPO to produce the red blood, so your body lack of enough nutrition and red blood, so the muscle lack of strength, you always feel fatigue, tried.
Best Treatment For Polycystic Kidney Disease By Chinese Medicine
The Chinese medicine are micronized into one thousandths of its original size. With the action of the microwave, the medicine will permeate into the renal lesions directly through the skin and channels. Micro-Chinese Medicine can expand blood vessels, speed up blood circulation on cysts walls, and improve the permeability of the cysts thus making the cysts shrink and decrease. It will restrain the proliferation of the epithelial cells, so the secretion of cyst liquid will be reduced. When the internal pressure of the cyst declined, the size of the cyst will gradually become smaller, thus relieving the compression of the tissues around, improving microcirculation, and blocking the progressing of renal fibrosis. Besides, the cysts are not easy to recur after disappearance, and the symptoms will thoroughly disappear. The kidney function will also be better.
Introduction of Polycystic Kidney Disease
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is an inherited disease which can be divided into two kinds including Autosomal Dominant PKD and Autosomal Recessive PKD. Both men and women are at a risk to get the disease if they are in a family with the history of PKD.
● Autosomal Recessive PKD (ARPKD) mainly occurs in infants, and can lead them die in a very early age, and a few part of them can survive their childhood and little of them can keep alive until their adulthood. Even though ARPKD is a kind of inherited disease, neither of the children’s parents may have symptoms in their whole life. In addition, ARPKD is rare in clinic.
● Autosomal Dominant PKD (ADPKD) is always found in adult even though people in any ages may get the disease. It is so common that 5%-10% of the patients with it are at risk to get end stage of Chronic Kidney Disease. Patients with ADPKD are likely to have the symptoms of renal cyst, hematuria, proteinuria and high blood pressure and so on.
Patients get ADPKD from their parents, which means that they are carrying the factors of the disease from the very beginning of their life, but their disease can be found after they grow up. ADPKD can attack a family easily due to its character of heredity. Half of the children may have the disease if one of the parents has PKD, and the percentage will get up to 75% if both of parents have the disease. This is also a key factor which should be noticed, if one of the family members has PKD, other members should be careful and try to delay the occurrence of it.
Recent years, more and more people began to pay attention to the avoiding of the disease which helped a lot to have a better prognosis after accepting a treatment.
Both kinds of polycystic kidney disease can cause agony for a whole family, and even from generation to generation, therefore, an effective and fundamental treatment is very important for them. PKD Clinic has made great improvement in treating PKD in recently years, and you can find more information in our website.
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital In China
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is located in Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei Province and is adjacent to Beijing and Tianjin. It was founded in 1986 and has already been a modern Nephrology Institution with a system of medical treatment, teaching and research after 25 years’ development.
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is the largest kidney disease specialized hospital with the most complete equipment in China. The construction of the hospital was designed and projected according to the standard of fully-good first class specialized hospital of the government. Our hospital is situated at No.5 Feiyi Road, Shijiazhuang City and is beside the Water Park. The hospital covers an area of 48,000 acres and the total building area is 46,000 ㎡. It is divided into four inpatient buildings A,B,C,D and two multiple-use buildings E and F. There are 1115 staff members and 1090 open beds. Our hospital is one of the kidney disease specialized hospitals with the largest scale and the most abundant medical power.
a. The inspection center is equipped with 96 sets of relevant equipment. The total investment is over 12 million RMB.
b. There are 26 sets of inspection machines in the molecular lab including PCR detector and flow cytometer. It forms a complete system from cell detection to molecular inspection. The total investment is about 8 million RMB.
c. There are 40 dialysis machines and 3 blood filtrating machine and one multi-functional blood purification machine IQ21. There are also 58 sets of blood purification equipment in total with the investment about 10 million RMB.
d. In order to establish webcast hospital, we have bought the most advanced webcast equipment 24 sets including many kinds of video camera and monitor unit 660 sets in total and the software system as well. The total investment is over 16 million RMB.
e. We have realized computer management and achieved full-automatic operation. There are more than 960 computers in total. The total investment is 8 million RMB including the investment on software system.
II. The Treatment Characteristics of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
After many years’ research and experiment, a three-dimensional treatment system has been established in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital with its own characteristics. That is four big technological systems including three characteristic core technology systems and one safeguard technology system, which is called core technology system of “ three characteristics and one safeguard”.
Three Characteristics Technology Supporting System
a. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
The core technology of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is to make the effective prescriptions of kidney disease superfinely shattered. Then with the help of effective penetrant and osmosis devices, the effective medicines are permeated into kidney lesions by external application, thus achieving the goal of treating kidney disease. Clinical practices have proven that this application method is both effective and convenient. At present, this therapy has become the core and most basic treating technique of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. The therapeutic mechanism of this therapy is to block kidney fibrosis, repair damaged renal intrinsic cells and rebuilds the normal kidney structure, and the realizing of these purposes is based on Chinese medicine curative effects like dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, preventing blood viscosity and degrading extracellular matrixes. These stages are named as block, repair and rebuild.
b. Stem Cell Transplant Treatment Technique System.
Our hospital has introduced Stem Cell Transplant to kidney disease treatment as a brand new method, which has showed its tremendous vitality. The application of this treatment technology in our hospital has greatly improved the treatment effect of kidney disease. Stem cells have self-renewing ability which means stem cells can regenerate mass of offspring that may have exactly the same characteristics as these original stem cells. in addition, stem cells also have the potential of differentiating into functional cells of various tissues. So, Stem Cells Transplantation Therapy has a promising future in treating kidney diseases due to their powerful vitality in repairing and regenerating various kidney intrinsic cells. and this method is named as Repair and Rebuild. And this treatment technique has effectively improved the therapeutic effects of our hospital.
c. Immunoadsorption-focus Blood Purification Technical System.
It constitutes the third supportive characteristic core treatment technical system of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. The core function is providing an easier therapeutic milieu for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Transplant. The therapeutic mechanism is that through hemodialysis we can clear up micro-molecular harmful substances in blood; through hemofiltration and hemoperfusion, we can get ride of moderate molecular harmful substances and micra-molecular harmful substance in blood separately; through blood immunoadsorption, we can eliminate immune complexes. By this, the blood will become relatively more clean, which provides a favorable therapeutic milieu for the application of Stem Cells Transplantation and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and makes them more effective. so, this method is named as Absorption and Purification.
We can conclude from the above three supportive characteristic core treatment techniques have been used in shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital as the special technique on treating kidney diseases, thus forming our characteristic therapy. From the forming of the three supportive characteristic core treatment technical systems we can find: the joint action of the three characteristics highlighted the five therapeutic effects of kidney treatment: blocking, adsorption, purification, recovering, rebuilding. These five functions will have an epoch-making influence in kidney disease treatment field.
The guarding effect means that these commonly used western and traditional Chinese medicine therapies are adopted during the treatments as an accompanying support to the curative effects. And this accompanying role is based on these three core medical techniques. Thus these four parts combine with one another closely and achieve an effect of mutual promotion.
Recipes For People Living With PKD
Polycystic kidney disease is a cystic genetic disorder of the kidneys .
All the renal diets we discussed before exhibited similar differences. And a PKD diet is no exception. The following components are common to all renal diets we already discussed:
High blood pressure is a consequence of PKD, further straining the ability of diseased kidneys to function properly. As a result, salt and salty foods will cause further strain and so one of the fundamental features of a polycystic kidney disease diet is the intake reduction of this harmful compound.
Water was already shown to be beneficial in other diets discussed in this blog. In a polycystic kidney disease diet, drinking water becomes even more important.
Since one of the symptoms is usually blood in the urine, this means drinking lots of water to deter clots from forming in the urinary tract. Water also has other benefits in other kidney diets such as a diet plan for kidney disease, diets to avoid kidney stones and diets made for renal patients.
It goes without saying that smoking should be stopped so as to prevent high blood pressure that is associated with this disease. And regular exercise should be started unless already doing so. Thirty minutes a day would be ideal.
Keep your body weight close to the ideal as advised by your dietician. Keep in mind that kidney disease could have a noticeable effect on body weight as filtration is affected. This results in bloating and swelling of limbs thereby increasing body weight.
Potassium levels increase when affected by PKD. This is because diseased kidneys have trouble removing excess potassium so levels start to rise. Although potassium is important for proper muscle functioning, the heart and nervous system, it is very dangerous when present in high levels because it can result in heart malfunctioning and death.
Protein intake has to be also kept to a minimum.
End Stage Renal Failure Life Expectancy
Are you in the end stage renal disease and have been told you only have a certain amount of time left to live ?
Take matters into your own hands and learn how a simple diet and supplement can help your kidneys regain function!
The life expectancy of someone with end stage renal failure will vary greatly. Sometimes, a person with end stage renal failure may have several weeks to live. Other times, someone with end stage renal failure may suffer for years. This can also depend on the treatment options that are available to someone with renal failure, and how bad their renal failure is. At times, renal failure can result in other problems with organs, such as heart problems.
Chronic kidney disease is a progressive syndrome in which the kidneys lose their ability to filter blood, concentrate urine, excrete wastes, and maintain electrolyte balance. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is the end result of many forms of CKD. It is characterized by severely limited kidney function that is insufficient to maintain life. Thus, patients with ESRD require renal replacement therapy via dialysis or kidney transplantation.
The term uremia refers to the constellation of ESRD sequelae that include shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, lethargy, encephalopathy, asterixis, pruritis, pericarditis, seizures, and coma. Further, more than half of patients with ESRD are malnourished, which is associated with increased mortality.
Life expectancy for ESRD patients has improved since the advent of dialysis in the 1960s. Nonetheless, the 5-year survival is less than 50%.
Risk Factors
African Americans have a significantly higher prevalence of chronic kidney disease compared with other racial groups, due, in part, to higher rates of hypertension. Other risk factors for chronic kidney disease and ESRD include:
Older age.
Family history of chronic kidney disease (CKD).
Urinary tract disorders: urolithiasis and urinary tract obstruction.
Systemic medical disorders: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, autoimmune disorders (eg, systemic lupus erythematosus), and systemic infections.
Nephrotoxic medications, for example NSAIDs and contrast dye.
Tobacco use.
Many patients ask about life span of esrd ,if you have question ,click end stage renal disease find your answers.
Chinese Medicine Treatment Creatinine Level 6.6 Avoid Dialysis
Your creatinine level is 6.6 and you have the diabetes for about 15 years .
Generally when the creatinine level is higher than the normal range,it means that more than 60% of the kidney fucntion has been damaged.As your creatinine level is so high,I think you are in the End Stage of Kidney Failure.If you have serious symptoms,dialysis or even kidney transplant is suggested.
Since you have the diabetes for about 15 years,I think it is the main reason to cause the kidney damage.
Most patients think it is enough to keep sugar under control when they have the diabetes problem. However, it is far from enough. Because for diabetes patients, there are also lipid metabolic disorder and protein metabolic disorder which can forming many harmful matters in body. Therefore, we should also adjust the whole body metabolic system for diabetes patients, instead of only focusing on sugar level. And more basically, well treated diabetes is too much important if we want to stop the progression of the kidney damage.
Due to the metabolic disorder of diabetes, too much metabolic waste will deposit in blood vessel, especially the inner wall of blood vessel, making blood vessel narrowed. Gradually, kidney is also in a condition of ischemia and anoxia due to narrowed blood vessel. Then, kidney damage occur gradually. So, when we treat the kidney problem due to diabetes, the first thing we need to do is to dilating blood vessel. Then, more blood can reach to kidney with oxygen. The condition of ischemia and anoxia in kidney can be relieved. With more blood and oxygen reach to kidney, partly damaged renal cells can also get repaired. Then, kidney function can get improvement, and you can also avoid dialysis.
Micro Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a kind of external application. The herbal medicine is micronized into ten thousandth of its original size. With the microwave of the microscope it will arrive directly at the renal lesions through the skin on the back. It can help improve the blood circulation, anti inflammation, anti coagulation and provide necessary nutrition for kidney repair.
The active ingredients of Chinese medicine can activate the self renewal of the damaged cells thus protecting the remaining kidney cells and the renal function. At the same time, other treatment should as be used to reverse the nephrons undergoing pathological changes, improve the complications, slow down the progressing of renal failure and improve the quality of life.
We have seen many patients with similar condition. In about one week, their bp, sugar can be controlled well, and the discomforts can be relieved greatly. Besides, there is also change in daily urine, which means the harmful matters is discharged out of body. From the long term, both kidney and pancreas can be repaired and improved, which creatinine and sugar will be reduced gradually, and finally kidney function is improved. As a result, you can live a normal life.
How To Treat Kidney Cyst With Kidney Function 65%
Obviously, your kidney cysts have already press your kidney tissues, and damage your kidney function. Now, you have backpain, sweating, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, etc, which are the symptoms of kidney disease. Please notice that, kidneys are very different from other human organs, the clinical symptoms always lag behind the pathological damage, if the patient present some discomfort feelings, which means the kidneys have already get damaged. Therefore, if the patient is in the stage of CKD3( Chronic Kidney Disease 3), the patient should receive the CKD4 treatment to enhance his kidney function and delay the development of kidney disease.
2. Maybe the operation of endometriosi has damaged your kidney function, maybe not. But we think the main reason is the kidney cysts. And your right kidneys are swollen, which means you have many cysts grow on your kidneys, and the size of kidney cysts are much bigger, not because of the extra work it is doing to compensate the left kidney.
3. There are many Chinese people do the Chinese acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in the foreign countries. Maybe you are not familiar with the Chinese Medicine, there are special recipe can't get in foreign countries, some herbal only grow in China, and Chinese government don't allow take outside of China. What's more, For PKD treatment, we don't suggest the patient take any oral taking medicines. That is because kidneys have already get damaged, kidneys are the main organs to discharge all the medicines, if the patient take all the medicines, they can increase the burden of kidneys.
4. If you can get the medical reports, we need your B ultrasound, Blood test, urine test, renal function test reports, such as the index like creatinine, urine, BUN, uric acid, potassium, sodium, hemoglobin, and the size of your biggest kidney cysts etc. After carefully analyzing your illness condition, we can give you the proper suggestions.
Renal Cyst Symptoms And Causes
Renal cyst pain is a common symptom of renal cysts, renal cysts usually no symptoms, B ultrasound examination revealed only by long on one or several kidney cysts. Renal cyst renal cyst pain is probably caused by compression of the kidney tissue, or swelling of the kidney and surrounding tissue compression caused. Few people can grow multiple cysts, but cysts are rare bilateral co-exist. The cyst wall is thin, intracapsular to clarify with yellow liquid, cysts mostly walnut size. Causes of renal cysts is not very clear, generally considered to belong to the kidney degeneration, and thus the incidence were mostly elderly. Small cysts do not cause any symptoms. Recently, because of the extensive development of B-ultrasound, so renal cysts were also found to have increased.
Renal cysts because what is it? Cysts can grow with age gradually increases, which appeared intractable hypertension, urinary protein and occult blood, and even renal insufficiency, uremia, so clinically for more than 3cm cyst or there is abnormal urinalysis and renal function tests, it requires active treatment.
What do renal cysts obvious symptoms do? What are they? waist, abdominal discomfort or pain: the reason is because the left renal cyst Japanese expansion, so that tension increases renal capsule, renal pedicle by pulling or pressure caused by the adjacent organs. In addition, polycystic kidneys cause kidney water content, becomes heavy, falling stretch, can also cause back pain. Pain is characterized by pain, dull, fixed on one side or both sides, back toward the lower waist. If intracapsular bleeding or secondary infection, then make the pain suddenly intensified. If the merger stones or urinary tract bleeding blood clots, there may be renal colic.
What Are Symptoms Of Polycysic Kidney Disease
Polycystic kidney disease is a kidney disorder passed down through families in which many cysts form in the kidneys, causing them to become enlarged.
The early stages of PKD, there are often no symptoms. Some people are never diagnosed because their symptoms are mild. Most symptoms appear in middle age.
The main symptoms of PKD include:
- pain or tenderness in the abdomen
- blood in the urine
- frequent urination
- pain in the sides
- urinary tract infection (UTI)
- kidney stones
Other symptoms include:
- pain or heaviness in the back
- skin that bruises easily
- pale skin color
- fatigue
- joint pain
- nail abnormalities
If you experience any of these symptoms do not assume it is due to PKD. These symptoms may be caused by other, less serious health conditions. If you experience any one of them, see your physician.
Complex Renal Cyst Symptoms
The complex renal cyst has irregular cyst lining and may show irregular shape and internal structure. The internal walls may divide it into many parts. These walls or the septum inside the complex renal cyst can be thin or thick and coarse. The presence of multiple internal walls give rise to the possibility that the cyst may develop into kidney cancer. Calcification of the cyst is another characteristic of these cysts. A radiology imaging test such as CT scan or ultrasound, can detect the presence of calcium inside the kidney cyst.
In most of the cases, complex kidney cysts hardly show any symptoms. Their presence can be detected only when an individual undergoes a sonography or a medical examination for some other ailment. However here are a few symptoms of this kidney disease.
Complex Renal Cyst Symptoms
- A dull throbbing pain can be felt in the lower back region, especially where the kidneys are located. This symptom is similar to the kidney stones symptom.
- Blood in urine (hematuria), as a sign of kidney infection can be observed. The individual may also feel burning sensation while urinating.
- Upper abdominal pain and pressure is also one of the symptoms of a complex renal cyst.
- Some individuals may also suffer from fever, vomiting induced nausea and generalized body weakness.
Can A Cyst On Kidney Cause Protein In Urine
Protein in the urine (proteinuria) can usually be detected by dipstick. Protein may appear constantly or only intermittently in the urine, depending on the cause. Proteinuria is usually a sign of kidney disorders, but it may occur normally after strenuous exercise, such as marathon running.
protein is released into the bloodstream by the muscles. Even completely healthy kidneys often cannot filter all this excess protein, and some is lost into urine. A similar process occurs in individuals who are exposed to extreme temperatures or under emotional stress. These elevated protein levels are temporary and relatively harmless.
The presence of cysts on or within the kidneys can also lead to increased urine protein. Frequently, these are simple cysts with no specific causes. Seldom do these cysts require surgical intervention. In some cases, however, kidney cysts can be caused by serious genetic conditions such as polycystic kidney disease or medullary cystic kidney disease. These conditions cause multiple reoccurring cysts and often lead to significant kidney damage.
Many illnesses can lead to kidney damage and chronic kidney failure. Diabetic kidney damage is among the most common causes, but high blood pressure can also frequently be a factor.Amyloidosis, a condition in which excess proteins are produced by the body, can overwork and consequently injure the kidneys. In addition, most types of cancer originating in the urinary system can also lead to kidney damage.
Can Cortical Renal Cyst Be Cured
Cortical renal cysts are benign non-neoplastic masses of unidentified aetiology that form in renal parenchyma. Some of the symptoms associated with cortical renal cysts include back pains, dark urine and fever.
Renal cortical cysts are cysts that are found at the kidney at the site called cortex. They are usually an incidental findings during the ultrasound. They are benign conditions and usually do not cause any symptoms.
Symptoms of Cortical Renal Cysts
Symptoms of renal cortical cyst include :
pain in your back and abdomen and along your side between your ribs and hip;
frequent urination;
bloody or dark urine;
Cortical Renal Cyst Treatment
Larger cysts may require surgical removal. Most surgeons prefer laparoscopic surgery, which involves smaller incisions, a shorter hospital stay and a faster recovery. During the surgery, your surgeon will drain the cyst of fluid and then remove or burn away its outer layer of tissue.
Traditional Chinese medicine iontophoresis is a new development of Chinese medicines. It is an external therapy and the effective integrants of medicines can enter into kidney lesions by blood circulation without absorption of stomach and intestinal tract. Therefore, the patients can avoid the problems such as irritation, inadequate abruption and so on caused by oral medicines. After the medicines enter into kidney lesions, they can restrain the cyst fluid secretion by the epithelial cells thus making them stopping enlarging. In addition, the medicines can dilate the blood vessels thus improving the permeability and blood circulation of cysts wall. After the differential pressure in and outside of the cysts changed, the cyst fluid will flow into blood vessels and then enter into urine. Finally, the cyst fluid will be discharged out of body in urine. As a result, the disease will stop progressing.
For the existing cysts, we cannot let them stay here, so we will use medicine to increase the permeability of the cyst walls and the microcirculation. The cyst liquid will be reabsorbed and discharged out through the urine. If the size of the cysts are reduced, the pressure on the around renal tissues will be lower, and the renal function will be better.
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