
What are the Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease?

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is a kind of genetic disease which is quite common in clinic. It refers to the numerous cysts in both kidneys which are fluid-filled and distribute symmetrically. In order to have proper precaution in advance, it is important for everyone to know more about Polycystic Kidney Disease and especially its commonsymptoms.
☆ Swelling in kidney. The disease condition of both kidney differs from each other. The two kidneys will have different sizes and they can occupy all the space in abdomen in the later period of the disease. There are many cysts in the kidney, so the kidney will have irregular shapes and a hard texture.
☆ Pain in renal region. Usually the sufferers will have pressed feeling and dull pain in loin or abdomen. The pain will appear or aggravate after hard work, long-time walking and sitting, and it will release after a rest in bed.
☆ Hematuria. About half of the sufferers will have microscopic hematuria, and sometimes it is gross hematuria. Hematuria is caused by the rupture of blood vessels in cysts' wall, and it is always accompanied with proteinuria, but the volume of urinary protein is small (<1.0g/d). Besides, the pyuria will be obvious when there is infection in the kidney.
☆ Hypertension. Before the increase of serum creatinine, half of sufferers will have Hypertension. It is related to the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS). Hypertension will have influence on the prognosis of sufferers with renal cysts.
☆ Renal insufficiency. Generally speaking, only a few people can have renal insufficiency in the age younger than 40, and about half of the sufferers with PKD will retain their renal function at the age of 70. However, in some cases, the sufferers will deteriorate into renal failure during the adolescence.
☆ Polycystic liver. People who are diagnosed as ADPKD in their middle ages are usually accompanied with Polycystic Liver. Generally speaking, polycystic liver will appear 10 years later after PKD. Besides, sometimes there may be cysts in pancreas and ovary as well.
There are all the common symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease. I hope all the information above can be helpful for you. PKD is a genetic disease, so if you have the familial history of PKD, you should have examinations regularly. As long as you have some clinical symptoms, you had better go and see a doctor in order to have a proper treatment in time. If you have any questions, you are welcome to talk with our consultant online or leave a message to ckdsite@hotmail.com .

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