
Enlarged Kidney : Causes ,Symptoms And Treatment On pkdclinic.org

Enlarged Kidney : Causes ,Symptoms And Treatment
Enlarged kidneys are uncommon and are usually related to a few specific disorders that are caused by birth defects, structural abnormalities, infection, pregnancy, blockage and injury. Normal sized kidneys cannot be felt with a physical examination.An enlarged kidney can be a painful and recurring condition that requires specialized treatment.
Enlarged Kidney Causes
Common causes for enlarged kidney are as follow:
Polycystic Kidney Disorder- is a disorder in which several cysts grow in the kidneys, leading to enlargement in the kidneys. Mostly this disorder affects both the kidneys. Continuous growth of the cysts begins interference with the natural functionality of the kidneys and can gradually cut off the supply of blood to the kidneys.
Hydronephrosis-on of the significant causes for enlarged kidney, this is a disorder which occurs in conditions when the urethra gets blocked, mostly because of kidney stones. The disorder occurs mostly because of another disorder. Blockage occurring in the tube of urethra might cause urine to flow back up towards the kidney and lead to swelling.
Pyelonephritis- Pyelonephritis is an infection of the kidneys resulting from a bladder infection that spreads to the kidneys or from an infection in the blood. Signs and symptoms may include enlarged kidneys, tenderness on one or both sides of the lower back, chills, fever, painful and frequent urination, foul-smelling urine, cloudy urine and spasms that can cause intense pain .
Symptoms of enlarged kidneys
Pain - Burning or pain during urination can be a sign of a urinary tract infection that can cause enlarged kidneys. The pain may be localized near the pelvis, over the bladder or near the lower part of the abdomen. Men with an infection often feel pain at the end of the urethra, while women often experience pain near the opening of the vagina. Pain felt in the side of the lower abdomen is often associated with a rapidly swelling the kidney. The pain also may originate in the lower back or radiate out from the abdomen when the kidney is enlarged.
Kidney Stones- causes for enlarged kidney disease has distinct characterization depicted by renal stones or renal failure. Kidney infections causing abdominal pain as well as pain experienced during urination is also possible.
Swelling - Swelling is sometimes noticed when a patient experiences rapid weight gain that cannot be attributed to other causes. As the kidneys fail and become enlarged, fluids cannot be processed properly and begin to accumulate in the ankles, abdomen, lower back and face.
Enlarged Kidneys Treatment
In most cases doctors choose to treat the symptoms of polycystic kidney disease rather than remove the cysts. Because kidney function can be regulated with proper diet and medication, and because of the numerous cysts that normally form over the years, removing the cysts is rarely an option. A doctor usually will opt to treat the symptoms, and then keep a close eye on kidney function and the patient's progress. It is also important to control infection so that the enlarged kidney does not cause other organs to become infected. In extreme cases it may be necessary to remove the waste from the blood through dialysis, or if dialysis is not effective, then removing the kidney or a kidney transplant would be necessary. A transplant would be necessary only if both kidneys are affected, or if the patient has only one kidney and it is enlarged.
Learn about chinese herbs treatment for Enlarged Kidney

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