PKD is a genetic disease, and there are many cysts in the kidneys. With the age becoming old, the kidney cysts will become bigger, and then press the kidney tissues and damage the kidney function. In treating PKD, we mainly adopt Micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy to shrink these cysts in kidney and prevent their further swelling up. And if the overall kidney function decline, we would also recommend Immunotherapy to maximally promote overall kidney function. I am now sending you more information on these two therapies and corresponding pathological mechanism for your consideration.
Kidney cyst from the block of certain renal tubules and then these blocks develop into independent cyst. Cyst wall secretes liquid, and the cyst gets bigger and bigger and press normal kidney tissue, with the final result being kidney function decline.
There cysts are independent and have no channel for liquid excretion, however, there cysts are covered by blood capillaries called efferent arteries. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy promotes cyst-liquid filtrating out into these efferent arteries, and then cyst liquid is taken away with blood circulation.
First, Effective ingredients of
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy promotes the blood inflow to kidneys and enhance the flow speed of blood circulation. By this, the Suction of blood flow will be more powerful. Just imaging blood flow as a tornado, the quicker the pace of ration, the harder things can avoid its suction. Second, ingredients of TCM soften the cyst wall, and inactivate cyst wall’s secretion of liquid. Softened cyst wall paves way for easier cyst liquid filtrating out into blood capillaries, and inactivated
cyst wall become incapable of secreting more cyst liquid. So, once these cysts in kidney are shrunk, they hardly have the chance for relapse.
If there already kidney function decline, and if analyzed from cytology, there are three types of cells in your kidneys. There are healthy functional cells, damaged cells and necrotic cells. Healthy cells are working excessively, and if checked by Biopsy, we can find these cells are enlarged. Long term overloaded station makes them fragile to any
external influence like infection. And this is the reason why some patient with stable condition may experience sharp kidney function decline after an infection like serious cold. As to these damaged cells, they are still working but partial incapability, and they are on the road of becoming necrotic. As to these necrotic cells, frankly speaking, there is no method to restore their function. Treatment for kidney failure should be a holistic treatment that alleviates internal influence to provide a favorable environment for the recuperation and self-repairing of these overloaded and damaged cells, and the treatment should also replenish the absolute number of functioning kidney cells.
As mentioned before, necrosis is an absolute loss of overall kidney function. And this is because that kidney differs from other organs like the Liver in that once there is
renal cell necrosis, the kidneys are incapable of regenerating more cells to replace these died ones. And, this is also why kidney failure is considered as irreversible.
However, Immunotherapy can differentiate into kidney cells. Immunotherapy are original cells with multi-potential and multi-directional differentiation ability, which means that, after cultivation, Immunotherapy can differentiate into functional cells of one specific organ, like the kidney. We take advantage of this very characteristic of Immunotherapy in treating kidney function decline. Umbilical Mesenchymal Immunotherapy Transplant and Cord Blood Immunotherapy are adopted in our hospital, and they mainly differentiate into kidney parenchymal cells and kidney blood capillary cells separately.
Immunotherapy are provided and cultivated by the hospital, and transfused into patient’s body through intravenous drip. So, no surgical operation is needed.
In summary, this treatment is a conservative treatment method, and aims at protecting and restoring overall kidney function to a more satisfying level to avoid the necessity
of dialysis or kidney transplant.
This is only a brief introduction on
treatments for PKD with different kidney condition. At the same time, I hope you can reply me with more details on your condition, like
what are the exact size of your kidneys and the biggest cyst, what symptoms do you have now?