Polycystic kidney disease is nephropathy occurs in two kidneys. Big or small cysts spread in the two kidneys and expand gradually accompanying the age increasing of the patient. Conservative treatment is an active and effective therapy to cure Polycystic Kidney Disease. Chinese medicine cures the polycystic kidney disease through external treatment, which is a safe treatment. The treatment can make the cysts retract, and restrain and renovate the epithelial cells of teratogensis of the tubule and their filamentary secretion.
A distinguishing effective therapy in curing the renal cysts is -- micro-chinese medicine osmotherapy--which let the chinese medicine permeate the skin of the patient. In this way, the chinese medicine dilates the vessel of the cyst wall, accelerates the blood circulation in part of the cyst, take away the fluid in the cyst rapidly and meanwhile reduce the internal pressure of the cyst, restrain the continuous secretion of the epithelial cells, reduce the producing of the internal fluid, make the cyst retract continuously and avoid the expansion of the cyst effectively, reduce the injury to the renal native cells, and cure the polycystic kidney disease in the end.Polycystic kidney disease is the fibrillation and sclerosis of the renal native cells. So that the treatment should block the fibrillation of renal first, and then aim at the specific illness at the same time. After the series of treatments above, an ideal result is likely to come in the end.
To more information about PKD and its treamtent, please browse http://www.pkdcn.com/
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