
Surgical Operation’s Damage to Polycystic Kidney Disease

People with Polycystic Kidney Disease are usually afraid of the enlargement of cysts. Each time when people take check up, they are eager to see whether the cysts grow bigger. Yes, the enlargement of cysts will more serious damage kidney tissues and will influence kidney function. If people don’t take measures timely, Polycystic Kidney Disease can deteriorate into Kidney Failure.
For there is no method which can cure Polycystic Kidney Disease, doctors only can suggest patients cutting off cyst through surgical methods. Actually surgical operation can not treat Polycystic Kidney, and what’s more, will lead to deterioration of disease. You can imagine the cysts as the grass. The grasses under the tree are little and weak while the grasses around the big tree are very strong because they have enough space and nutrition to support them to grow.
The surgery which gets the big cysts cut off will leave more space for the small cysts to grow. It can only relieve the uncomfortable feelings of patients temporarily. Please remember that common methods don’t stand for good methods. We should take more advanced methods to treat Renal Cysts and Polycystic Kidney Disease for the medical science developing fast.
There are many people with Polycystic Kidney Disease who have done several times of surgical methods to cut off the cysts have realized that surgical operation can relieve the pain in a short time but the interval time of surgical operation is shortening. One of the patient who have done three times operation and there is scar covering her whole abdomen. She said to our doctor that she herself didn’t want to see her abdomen.
Therefore, people with Polycystic Kidney Disease should use methods that can decrease the size of cyst and stop the enlargement of cysts. Surgical operation is equal to leave more space to those small cysts. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can promote blood circulation and then lower the pressure inside the cysts so that redundant fluid inside cysts will be absorbed by cyst wall. It also has the function of providing nutrient substances to repair damaged kidney tissues. 

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