The first superiority of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the way of execution. Different with Chinese medicine soup, it is administrated externally. This external adoption can successfully avert the irritation of medicine to the respiratory tract as well as the digestive tract.
Second, the external using do not indicate that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can't be as effective as other oral medicine to directly work in the disease focus, for there is a special device to help with the osmosis of medicine ingredients. The Micro-Chinese Medicine is bagged, and is put in the renal area in the back of patient. It is used like a massor in massage armchair, and when used, it vibrates slightly to promote the osmosis of medicine into disease focus in kidneys.
Third, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a special thing name as "trigger of medicine". It is an ingredient added to enhance the efficacy of a dose of medicine, and is usually something not regarded as "medicine" by normal people. In Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, there is also a kind of "trigger of medicine" to facilitate the acting of medicines.
Last but not the least, the prescription of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an old one which has been proved by thousands of clinical cases through the rather long history. For Chinese medicine, the older the prescription is, the better the efficacy will be, because the old prescriptions are the essence of Traditional Chinese Medicine which is a significant part in Traditional Chinese culture. With the fact of efficacy in the 5000-year history, there is no need to state too much about the practical applicability and the undoubted effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine prescription. Besides, what should be pointed out is, the exact prescription varies somewhat according to different illness condition in clinic, so patients in various cases can all have a satisfying effect from Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
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