
Is Multiple Renal Cyst Same with Polycystic Kidney Disease

Generally speaking, Multiple Renal Cyst is not a simplex disease but belongs to Polycystic Kidney Disease or Simple Renal Cyst, which can be tell basing on many factors including the number of cysts, family history, external renal manifestation, age, the location of the cysts and so on.
As one of the most common kidney diseases, Multiple Renal Cyst can occur in people with any ages. Most of the cysts are small and do not have any discomfort, however, there will appear some symptoms if the cysts are larger than 5cm, such as pain in the waist, frequent micturition, urgent urination, odynuria, hematuria.
Nevertheless, Multiple Renal Cyst is not the same with Polycystic Kidney Disease, and there are great differences between them.
◇ The causes and the pathological changes are different. Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of autosomal inherited disease, while Multiple Renal Cyst can be inherited or the consequence of wounds, inflammatory reaction, tumour and so on.
◇ Family history is an important factor. There must be some other people who have got similar disease in the family of a patient with Polycystic Kidney Disease, but the patient with Multiple Renal Cyst may not have this problem.
◇ Substance in the cysts are not the same. Urine can always be found in the cysts of Polycystic Kidney Disease, however, the cysts of Multiple Renal Cyst may contain body fluid which is look like plasma and includes red blood cells in it.
◇ Complications are different. Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease have to suffer from many other diseases, such as Hypertension, Renal Insufficiency, and Uremia, but generally speaking, Multiple Renal Cyst has little risk to have these severe complications.
◇ Prevention of the two kinds of disease need to be done from different aspects. Cysts in Polycystic Kidney Disease can be restrained as well as remit the symptoms, while the other one can remove the cyst if it does not have a big size.
The treatment of Multiple Renal Cyst varies with different disease condition. No treatment is needed if the cysts are small and there is no symptom, nevertheless, a timely treatment should be given if there are some discomforts in the patients and the cysts are bigger than 5cm.
Learn about how to treat cyst in polycystic kidney disease


The Cause of Renal Anemia

Anemia which occurs in the advanced stage of renal failure is called renal anemia. The degree of renal anemia is usually connected with the degree of renal failure. Generally, the causes of renal anemia are as follows:
1. The generation of EPO is not enough. EPO is the main hormone which can promote the generation of red blood cells. EPO comes into being in kidney. When kidney is damaged seriously, EPO will reduce accordingly.
2. In the end stage of kidney disease, there is mortifier of erythropoiesis in the serum.
3. The damage of red blood cells increases.
4. There appeared bleeding tendency due to the dysfunctionofplatelet.
5. Hyperparathyroidism can also lead to the decrease of erythropoiesis, which can also accelerate the damage of the red blood cells.

Why We Get Hypertensive Nephropathy

Hypertensive Kidney disease is a secondary kidney disease which is caused mainly by long time high blood pressure. Generally, four factors can lead to Hypertensive Nephropathy.
1. People have disorder of nerve or internal secretion.
2. People have family history. People whose parent have Hypertensive Nephropathy are more likely to get it than those whose parents do not have it.
3. Bad living habit can also lead to Hypertensive Nephropathy such as too much intake of salt, smoking, alcohol, obesity, enormous pressure, and environment of life and environment, and so on. If the above mentioned are not paid attention, high blood pressure will develop into Hypertensive Nephropathy after 10 to 15 years.
4. Patients with high blood pressure do not attach importance on it or do not receive effective treatment, which leads to Hypertensive Nephropathy later.


Why does Kidney Cyst cause blood and protein in urine

Kidney cysts refers to a fluid-filled sac in the kidneys. The cystic epithelial cell can secrete liquid continuously and swell in size. A grown-up cyst of over 3cm can likely to get ruptured or combined with infections, which can result in blood in urine and aggravated back or abdominal pain.
Protein in urine usually indicates the injury of kidney filters (glomeruli). Normally, glomerular filtration membrane can block proteins from leaking into urine. But the growing cyst can oppress surrounding renal tissues and damage glomerulis, thus leading to protein in urine. Usually 24-hour urine protein level is less than 2g.
As we can conclude, the growing cyst is the root cause of blood and protein in urine. So it is suggested to shrink the cysts with traditional Chinese medicine, by which further damage of kidney can be avoided and symptoms can be eliminated.
learn more: kidney cyst treatment


May I Have Kidney Disease( Renal Cyst )

There is no specific symptom of Renal Cyst at the very beginning, so most people discover the disease after its reaching in a certain degree. Therefore, earlier discovery of the disease can help a lot in treating the disease. Even though the kinds of renal cyst are various, we can tell whether you have got the disease via some symptoms and tests. I. Frequent urination and trouble urinating This is one of the most common reasons for many people to discover renal cysts. After getting the renal cysts, you may find something wrong about urine, such as frequent urination, color changes of the urine, and too much or less urine in several days, then you can go and check your kidneys.
II. Pain in waist and stomach.
Usually people go to the hospital for a physical check when they cannot bear the pain or the pain last for a long time, which will delay the treatment invisibly because at that time the disease is likely in a severe state.
Pain in the waist and stomach is always dull and will be aggravated by infection or bleeding of the cyst. Moreover, if there is a stone in the kidney, cramp pain will occur.
III. Abnormal in the physical report.
With renal cyst, if you go and do the physical test in the hospital, you may find the abnormal of protein quantity and hematuria. Generally speaking, the protein quantity in the urine is less than 2g per hour without the risk of developing into Nephritic Syndrome. As for hematuria, it may appear under the influence of some inducements such as overstrain, cold, pharyngitis and amygdalitis, and it will disappear spontaneously after several hours or one week.
In addition, some patients may also suffer from high blood pressure and decrease of renal function.
Identifying whether you have got renal cysts is a comprehensive diagnose process, hence you can not say that you have got renal cysts just based on one or two symptoms. Please turn to the doctors and make sure about the disease before accepting any treatment.
Learn more kidney cyst treatment .


Common Symptoms of Kidney Cyst (Renal Cyst)

Most of the time, Kidney Cyst (Renal Cyst) does not present any symptoms. Symptoms appear only when there are infection in the kidneys or cystic enlargement, can the symptoms appear, which also indicates that sufferers should receive treatment within the shortest time.
Common symptoms of Kidney Cyst
Back and stomach pain
Enlarged cysts make kidneys heavy, which may cause pain in the area of kidneys. Besides, if there is infection or bleeding in the kidneys, pain will become more serious suddenly.
Changed urination
Changed urination can be manifested with different symptoms, which include frequent urination at night, urgent urination, changed urine color (red, tea-colored, brown or dark orange), and foamy urine (bubbly urine). All these symptoms tell that there are kidney damages in your body.
Elevated blood pressure
Enlarged cysts suppress the surrounding renal tissues, leading to the increase of blood pressure. High blood pressure is a common symptom in kidney disease, so it also can indicate kidney damages in Kidney Cyst.
With the constantly enlarge of cyst, the kidney will become abnormal large, which sometimes makes the kidneys show a visible lump seeing from the outside. This condition occurs when the cyst grows to such a certain large size.
Felling of fullness
Once cyst becomes very large, it is easy for sufferers to feel full while they are eating and even if they are just eat a few bites.
In many cases, Kidney Cyst does not require treatment at all. However, once these symptoms appear, which telling that there are kidney damages, sufferers should go to hospital to receive effective treatment; otherwise, it is quite possible for them to face dialysis or kidney transplant. (Although dialysis and kidney transplant are two choices, they are have many disadvantages. For more information about renal cyst treatment by Chinese medicine, please consult our consultant online)

Treatment For Flank Pain In Kidney Cyst

Flank Pain is one symptoms of kidney cyst ,you can feel pain ,but don't know what happen ? so you know others symptoms of kidney cyst ?
The follow other symptoms of renal cyst include:
Pain that could include back pain, abdominal pain and/or kidney pain, along with pain on the sides, between the ribs and the hips.
Feeling full all the time.
There are chances that are person might have the need to urinate frequently. He could also experience trouble while urinating and pass blood or very dark urine.
If the cyst is large then it might form a lump in the abdomen or back.
A person could develop a red tongue with a yellow coating on it.
There are chances that the patient could develop a Urinary Tract Infection.
The emergence of fever, chills and a rapid pulse, among other similar symptoms of an infection is also quite possible.
There are possibilities of developing renal tuberculosis as well.
How to treat flank pain in renal cyst ?
When one experiences any of these symptoms, the doctor will put them through an MRI or a CAT scan to determine whether the cyst(s) is benign or cancerous. Simple kidney cysts that do not display any symptoms (other than pain) do not require treatment. However, since complex kidney cysts produce a high risk of turning cancerous, these need to be treated immediately. The following methods are used for the treatment.
Perform surgery to remove or drain cysts. If a patient is experiencing extreme pain due to kidney cysts, a surgeon may elect to surgically remove larger cysts or drain existing cysts if they are too numerous for complete removal.
Traditional Chinese medicine treatment may be a better choice than surgical operation. Chinese medicines can shrink the cysts and protect renal functions by accelerating blood circulation, softening cyst walls, reversing pressure difference between the internal of the cysts and blood vessels. Cyst may re-grow after operation treatment.


Is Kidney Cyst (Renal Cyst) Serious

Is Kidney Cyst (Renal Cyst) serious? Many sufferers are curious about this question as most of them are told by their doctors to leave their cysts alone. Well then, is Kidney Cyst serious or not at all?
Actually, if your cysts are enlarging, it is serious as these cysts may damage your kidneys and result in kidney failure at last. However, why are so many sufferers asked to leave their cysts untreated?
Situation that people with Kidney Cyst are asked to leave their cysts uncontrolled is relatively common in western countries and this is because there is no effective treatment for small cysts.
The major treatment for Kidney Cyst in western countries is surgical operation and the precondition of which is to wait until the small cysts enlarge to a certain degree. Surgical operation can remove or shrink big cysts effectively, however, it do nothing with the small cyst. When the big cysts are shrunk or removed, small cysts will enlarge quickly because when big cysts are removed, there is enough space for small cysts to grow. Therefore, surgical operation can not remove Kidney Cyst from the root at all. This is the real reason why some people with Kidney Cyst are asked to leave their cysts alone.
For cysts which are enlarging constantly, it may put you into a very serious condition. However, for some people, their cysts do not enlarge at all, and under this circumstance, they do not need to receive any treatment. Thereby, answers whether Kidney Cyst is serious or not depends on whether your cysts enlarge.
In terms of the treatment of Kidney Cyst, in China, sufferers adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as their major treatment as this therapy does not present any side effects. With the help of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, many people have avoided the bad consequences, say dialysis and kidney transplant here.
One more point, whether your cyst is big or small, you should do examination regularly so as to take effective measures immediately once it enlarges. For more information, welcome to email me by ckdsite@hotmail.com .


Does Occult Blood In Urine Indicate Kidney Disease

Why is there occult blood in urine? What condition or diesease leads to occult blood in urine? Does it indicate kidney disease? In this passage, specialists in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital will explain it for you in detail.
What is occult blood? As its name implies, occult blood means we can not see it with naked eyes or microscope. Yet if we test it with a test paper, the test paper will react. Why? When red blood cells are broken, the protoheme inside will release. So test paper will give reaction. Why does protoheme broke? That’s because leaving human body, the lifespan will be over.
Generally, the reason of occult blood can be divided into three aspects: inflammation, kidney stone, and tumor. As for inflammation, glomerular nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis all may lead to hematuria or occult blood. In addition, other cases such as physiology period or constipation may also lead to occult blood.
What worry patients most is the occult blood caused by tumor such as benign and malignant tumor of kidney, bladder and ureter.
So many people are still concerned about the question whether occult blood in urine indicates kidney disease. How to get a confirmed answer? Experts in kidney disease hospital suggest that people should go to hospital. More than three months’ large amount of proteinuria and hematuria will tend to be chronic kidney disease(CKD).
When occult blood comes into being, many patients do not care it so much and do not take treatment timely, which makes it deteriorate, however. Experts suggest that they should go to standardized hospital and have normalized examination.

Top 5 Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease

There are usually the following several symptoms before people get Polycystic Kidney Disease. In our daily life we should pay more attention to ourselves, and if these symptoms appear in us, we should go to hospital to do examination, so as to receive treatment as soon as possible.
★ Anemia: For most of the patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, they will experience the process from mild anemia to serious anemia and meanwhile, this process is usually accompanied with nocturia. The appearance of this process has great affinity for the decrease of renal function and erythropoietin which is produced by kidneys.
★ Lump in Abdomen: Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease can feel the different size of lumps in midsection when kidneys enlarge to a certain degree. These lumps can move with the breath and when these lumps cause infections, patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease will feel pain in their belly. About fifty percent to eighty percent of patients have bilateral pumps and fifteen percent to thirty percent of patients can feel unilateral lumps.
★ High blood pressure: High blood pressure is one of the common symptoms for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease, and usually fifty percent to sixty percent of patients have this symptom. High blood pressure usually is prior to the decrease of renal function and is accompanied with headache and dizziness. Blood pressure has a close relationship with type Ⅱ angiotension which is aimed at shrinking blood vessels. When renal function is damaged, renin in our body increase, which will promote the generation of type Ⅱangiotension, leading to the increase of blood pressure.
★ discomfort of waist and belly: Usually, discomfort of waist and belly appears in the early stage of Polycystic Kidney Disease. It mainly manifest with dull pain of back and sometimes severe pain.
★ Abnormal Urine: As the major symptoms, proteinuria or hematuria is one of the early symptoms and usually, proteinuria is the most frequent one. The appearance of proteinuria has a close relationship with glomerular barrier function. Gross hematuria is the major factor for patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease to realize that they should do an examination. Due to the constant increase of cysts, cysts oppress each other, causing fracture of cysts and renal bleeding. Consequently, gross hematuria appears. In addition, in the early stage, mild frequent micturition, urgent urination and diuresis may appear among patients.
Learn about polycystic kidney disease treatment


Polycystic Kidney Disease Prognosis

Prognosis of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) varies from individual to individual. Polycsytic Kidney Disease is divided into two types in clinic: Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) and Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease (ARPKD). The followings are the general prognosis of these two different kinds of Polycystic Kidney Disease.
Prognosis of Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease
Although Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease is infrequent, the prognosis of it is very poor. Usually, the baby dies of uremia (end stage of Kidney Failure) within several months after their birth.
This poor prognosis results from the following several factors: Firstly, compared with Polycystic Kidney Disease in adult, ARPKD is more complicated and apart from causing uremia, it is always accompanied by liver fibrosis and portal hypertension, both of which have poor prognosis. Secondly, as ARKD occurs to baby and the baby is too young to bear some medicines, so it is very difficult for the doctors to prescribe.
Prognosis of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
Prognosis of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease differs greatly. In general, the healthy kidney function accounts for seventy one percent when sufferers are fifty, fifty eight percent when they are fifty eight and twenty three when they are seventy. Male usually has a worse prognosis than female. Besides, early occurrence of the disease always presents poor prognosis. In addition, for some people, their disease may do not appear at all.
Prognosis of Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease is easily affected by many factors such as high blood pressure, times of pregnancy, infection, diet, living habits and treatment chosen by sufferers. Usually, people with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease can live for ten years after the occurrence of symptoms, if their creatinine level has obvious increase. However, if there is no increased creatinine, then they can live for thirty to forty years.
If effective treatment is adopted, it is quite possible for sufferers with Polycystic Kidney Disease to prolong their life. Therefore, treatment plays an important role in the prognosis of Polycystic Kidney Disease. Anything unclear or for more information, welcome to consult our consultant online or leave message to ckdsite@hotmail.com .
Learn about Polycystic Kidney Disease Life Expectancy


Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment Method

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a disorder in which clusters of cysts develop primarily within your kidneys. Cysts are noncancerous round sacs containing water-like fluid.
Dialysis for Polycystic Kidney Disease 

Kidney dialysis is a necessary treatment for people with end-stage kidney disease or permanent kidney failure. You need dialysis if you've lost about 85% to 90% of your kidney function. Temporary dialysis may be needed in some cases.
Hemodialysis is most commonly used to treat people with end-stage kidney disease. However, children who need dialysis usually receive peritoneal dialysis.
Kidney Transplant For Polycystic Kidney Disease

PKD can cause the kidneys to fail. Because kidneys are essential for life, people with ESRD must seek one of two options for replacing kidney functions: kidney transplantation. In hemodialysis, blood is circulated into an external filter, where it is cleaned before re-entering the body; in peritoneal dialysis, a fluid is introduced into the abdomen, where it absorbs wastes and is then removed. Transplantation of healthy kidneys into ESRD patients has become a common and successful procedure. Healthy-non-PKD-kidneys transplanted into PKD patients do not develop cysts.
Ayurveda For Polycystic Kidney Disease

Ayurveda has several medicines which can act on cysts and reduce both the number and size of cysts. In addition, there are several Ayurvedic medicines which act on abdominal cysts, benign tumours, and fluid filled pockets such that the size can either be reduced, or the growth can be dissolved completely. Ayurvedic medicines work effectively for polycystic ovaries, polycystic kidneys, as well as within the liver. Most such medicines are simple herbs which are completely safe for prolonged use and also have multiple benefits like improving the digestion, and improving the function of the affected organ such as ovary, kidneys and the liver. The proper use of such medicines therefore helps in conception in women having polycystic ovaries. Individuals who have polycystic kidneys can be treated so as to reduce the size and number of the cysts, in order to prevent complications like hypertension and chronic kidney failure.
Chinese Medicine For Polycystic Kidney disease 

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has two goals: one is to shrink kidney cysts and the other is to improve kidney function. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is created on the basis of TCM and it has overcome its disadvantages through the combination of advanced western medicine and traditional herbal medicine. This treatment, compared with oral herbal medicine, is externally applied on lower back skin so the pesticide effects can reach to the kidney lesion directly.
Learn about pkd treatment


Chinese Herbs Cure For Polycystic Kidney Diseas

Polycystic Kidney Disease is genetic. Your family member must have the same disease. I suggest they also take some tests. This kind of disease cannot be cured in present medical field, but it can be very well controlled and the patients can live a normal life like a healthy people. We are a kidney disease specialized hospital in China and have treated many patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease. The effect is significant. The characteristic treatment in our hospital are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy .
Chinese medicine has a history of thousands of years. There are many kinds of performance forms of Chinese medicine. There is decoction made by boiling the medical herbs and saving the juice, and there is powder by grinding the herbs and there is also pills, mastic, vina, troche, electuary, injection etc. We use a new processing method to make the powder more refined and easier to be absorbed, so it is called micronization. The matching therapy is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which is mainly used to treat kidney disease. Micro-Chinese Medicine can expand blood vessels, speed up blood circulation on cysts walls, and improve the permeability of the cysts thus making the cysts shrink and decrease, until it stops secreting. When the internal pressure of the cyst declined, the size of the cyst will gradually become smaller, thus relieving the compression of the tissues around, improving microcirculation, and reducing the degree of renal sclerosis. In this way, it can block the progressing of renal fibrosis, and gradually recover the renal function.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has following functions:
1) Through promoting the permeability of cyst wall, cyst liquid will be reabsorbed into blood vessels, then will be discharged out of body along urine , so cysts will shrink gradually. And it also can restrain the secretion of cyst wall epithelial cell, so prevent cysts from growing again.
2) Through dilating the renal blood vessels, more nutrients in blood will be transferred into kidney lesions, so kidneys will get more nutrients.
3) Through degrading the extracellular matrix, the internal environment of ischemia and hypoxia in the kidneys will be improved, and the perfusion flow of the blood to the kidneys will be increased, so the filtered ability of the kidneys will be improved.
After the treatment of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, you will feel much better, and you will see the improvement even during treatments in our hospital.

What Is Renal Cyst

Renal Cyst is a general term for the various cystic masses in the kidneys, and it can be divided into three kinds, namely, Simple Renal Cyst, Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease(APKD) and Acquired Renal Cystic Disease (ARCD). What are their specific characteristics and how do they occur?
I. Simple Renal Cyst
Simple Renal Cyst is a kind of congenital abnormal in one or two kidneys. There may appear one or several round bursal lumens with different size in the kidneys, and they are isolated with other tissues of the body.
This is a kind of commonly seen cystic kidney disease different with polycystic kidney disease, and it is postnatal rather than inherited. Recently study regards it as a consequence of the diverticulum of renal tubule, while the previous study showed it was caused by focal ischemia.
The morbidity of Simple Renal Cyst increases with age, and up to 27% of individuals greater than 50 years of age may have simple renal cysts that cause no symptoms.
II. Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease (APKD)
APKD is usually an inherent disease which is symbolized by various cysts in the renal parenchyma with liquid in them. The cysts can be small in size or large in centimeters. In addition, the quantity of the cysts is not fixed, which lead the disease complex.
Patients with APKD are likely to suffer from nocturia, low back pain, high blood pressure and so on. With the abnormal in their urine and protein quantity, the disease can develop into chronic renal failure gradually. 10% of them may get kidney stone while 30% of them are at high risk of polycystic liver.
III. Acquired Renal Cystic Disease (ARCD)
ARCD always occur after the patients have got Uremia and have accepted dialysis for three years or so. It can be regarded as a complication of the kidney disease. Patients with ARCD are easily to get infected and even get a kidney cancer. Therefore, it is very important for them to take timely treatment and to control the disease.
The three kinds of renal cysts have different causes with the same manifestation, and the treatment for them can be varies. For this reason, it is necessary for the patients to know which kind their disease belongs to after being diagnosed.


How Can Cure Kidney Cyst (Renal Cyst)

Once a cyst is found in your kidney, the first thing you need to do is to make clear what kind of kidney cyst do you have because we may need to adopt different measures to deal with these two kind of kidney cyst. Well then, should kidney cyst be treated?
Should Polycystic Kidney Disease be treated?
Polycystic Kidney Disease, which is also known as PKD, is genetic kidney disease. It occurs with people’s birth and usually is founded when sufferers are 20. in rare cases, Polycystic Kidney Cyst do not affect our kidneys, but, mostly, Polycystic Kidney Disease will lead to kidney failure if we just leave it untreated. Our kidneys play such an important role in maintaining our normal life, so once they are damaged, our life will be affected. Seeing from this aspect, Polycystic Kidney Disease should be treated.
When Polycystic Kidney Disease damages our kidneys, a series of abnormal symptoms will remind us of receiving treatment. These symptoms are lower back pain, elevated blood pressure, enlarged kidneys and hematuria which includes gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria.
Should simple kidney cyst be treated?
Simple kidney cyst is more common among elders and about a half of people, who are over than age 50, can be found to have cysts in their kidneys. In many cases, this kind of kidney cyst does not affect people’ life; however, if the cysts are enlarging, kidneys will at a high risk of being damaged. Under this circumstance, sufferers should go to hospital for treatment, so as to prevent kidney damages.
Besides, whether kidney cyst should be treated depends on the cyst’s location. Usually, a cyst in the deep of the kidneys can result in kidney decline more severely by oppressing surrounding kidney tissues. A cyst on the surface of the kidneys will cause much less kidney damages, but it is easy to rupture, especially when it is more than 5cm in diameter.
For both these two types of kidney cyst, if the cysts are enlarging and your kidneys are damaged, you should go to hospital for treatment; otherwise, a life-threatening condition will be caused. For further information, you can leave me message by ckdsite@htoamil.com or consult our consultant online.

Micro Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Treatment For Enlarged Cysts With PKD

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is an autosomal dominant hereditary disease and usually have a family history. And its incidence rate is 50% and the abnormal gene can be passed from generation to generation. With the enlargement of cysts, patient's kidney will become big so your belly will enlarge correspondingly. Patients usually have some common symptoms like high blood pressure, discontinuous hematuria, back pain, fatigue and so on. What symptoms or discomforts does your children have now?
The most dangerous factor for PKD is the enlarged cyst can press normal renal tissue, causing ischemia and anoxia in kidneys. Kidney can fail to work gradually. There is no effective treatment which can remove genetic disease at present. But that is not to say we can do nothing about this disease. Cllinical experience show that as long as we can control the enlargement of cysts, renal function can be protected and patient can lead a normal life in that case. It is proven that the smaller cysts are, the fewer discomforts there is. So early treatment is quite necessary to reduce the discomforts and halt the aggravation of renal function.
What treatment can deal with the enlarged cysts?
Our treatment for PKD includes Miro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, immunotherapy, stem cells transplant, blood purification. Among them, micro-chinese medicine osmotherapy is the basic treatment. This is not an oral medicine but an external osmotherapy. The effective component can penetrate into human body through waist area. Patients can take this treatment just by lying on the bed. As per patient's reaction to the medicine, patients need to take the treatment 2-3 times each day and it takes 45mins per time, patients can feel massaged during the treatment, safe and comfortable ( check the attachment). The mechnism ot the treatment is to dilate blood vessels, restrain the hyperplasia of cystic cells, increase the permeability of cystic cells. By taking this treatment, cysts can stop enlargement and begin to shrink gradually, which can effectively reduce cysts' pressure on kidneys. Consequently, renal function can be protected. Usually, patients can feel improvement within 7-10days in their urine color, appearance and quantity. Their fatigue can also get improved correspondingly. Compared with western surgery, this treatment has low side-effect, and will not impair normal renal tissue. Chinese medicine focus on diagnostic and therapeuti principle, therefore prescriptions are made as per patient's specific condition. And if your renal function does not decline severely, you can just take this therapy, And if your renal function decreases alot, you need also take other therapy to improve your renal function.
Learn about Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment 


Side Effects of Dialysis in Kidney Failure

Side effects of dialysis make more and more Kidney Failure sufferers avoid doing it. There are two different kinds of dialysis, say hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis; well then what are the respective side effects?
Side effects of hemodialysis
*Low blood pressure. Because of the sudden removal of too much fluid, low blood pressure always occurs.
*Muscle cramps also may appear in some patients
*Itchy skin which may result from the high phosphorus level
*Infection of heart valves can be caused easily because hemodialysis requires access to the circulatory system
*Discomforts such as fatigue, chest pain, nausea
Side effects of peritoneal dialysis
*Apart from in hemodialysis, infection also can be caused by the perotineal dialysis.
*Hernias is another side effects which can occur due to the fluid load in the abdominal cavity
*poor nutrition is easy to occur. Feeling of fullness is always present because of the existence of large amounts of dialysis solution, which will results in the lesser food intake and finally cause poor nutrition.
Actually, no matter hemodialysis or peritomeal dialysis, both of them are not the real treatment at all. It is just a method for sufferers with Kidney Failure to adopt to live a normal life.
Among these side effects of dialysis, some of them like infection can be avoided if proper care and hygiene is maintained. However, in terms of some side effects like low blood pressure, they are inevitable. The root way for people with kidney disease to avoid these side effects is to receive the effective treatment at early stage of their disease. Anything unclear or want to more information, please consult our consultant online or leave message to ckdsite@hotmail.com .
learn about chinese medicine treatment for end stage renal failure

How to Prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is the condition in which groups of cysts form inside the kidneys. These cysts are round in shape and are full of yellow fluids. Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic disease and is divided into two types which are ADPKD and ARPKD. Although Polycystic Kidney Disease is hereditary disease, not all the persons with corresponding gene will suffer from it. There are several ways to prevent the onset of the disease.
Firstly, eating healthy food can be a big step in preventing Polycystic Kidney Disease. In the daily life, intake of fat and salt should be kept at a minimum. Meanwhile, try to replenish enough vitamins which are rich in vegetables and fruits. Besides, whole grains also should be incorporated into the regular diet.
Secondly, keep a healthy body weight through doing physical exercises regularly. Exercise benefits us a lot such as increasing our immunity, strengthening our body and promoting our appetite and so on. According to researches, doing physical exercise for about thirty minutes every day is ok.
Thirdly, observe yourself to know whether you have symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease. Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease include severe pain in the location of kidneys, elevated blood pressure, and fatigue and blood urine. In serious cases, patients usually have some other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, enlarged stomach and frequent urination at night. If you encounter any of these symptoms, contact a doctor.
Fourthly, go to hospital for examination regularly. Although symptoms are helpful in diagnosing Polycystic Kidney Disease, medical tests help you confirm whether you have Polycystic Kidney Disease or not.
Sixthly, for some people with Polycystic Kidney Disease, they may also suffer from kidney stone, so taking steps to prevent the production of kidney stone is also necessary.
Seventy, if you are a smoker and found of drinking alcohol, try to kick these bad habits as they can promote the occurrence of Polycystic Kidney Disease.
To prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease, you need to pay much more attention to many aspects and only in this way, can your risk of suffering from this disease be lowered effectively.
Learn about Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment 


What Is Cyst On Kidney

A renal (kidney) cyst is a fluid-filled closed sac that can develop in any part of the kidney, such as renal cortex, renal medulla or the pelvis. Kidney cyst is a common kidney disorder in people over 50 years old. The cystic epithelial cell can secrete cystic liquid gradually and finally can oppress surrounding renal tissues and result in gradual kidney function decline. A grown up kidney cyst may very likely get ruptured and combined with infections, which can result in aggravated waist or back pain and blood in urine. The following is more detailed information about kidney cysts.
What causes kidney cyst?
Our kidneys are made up of blood vessels that can carry blood to tiny filters. Each filter is connected to a tube. There are about a million units of filter and tube in each kidney. A cyst occurs when a single tube expands, often to a very large size. While the exact cause of a swollen tube is still unknown, the following factors are among major concerns of developing kidney cysts:
1. Congenital dysplasia, which mainly includes medullary sponge kidney, dysplasia, infantile (or recessive) polycystic kidney disease and adult polycystic kidney disease.
2. Gene mutation(non-genetic), which occurs in the process of embryogenesis
3. Infections offers preferable environment for development of kidney cysts. Commonly seen infections mainly include upper respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, skin infections, traumatic infections and device-related infections.
4. Toxins, including chemical agents, radiation, pollution, or such nephrotoxic medicines such as Kanamycin, Gentamicin, sulfonamides, rifampin and indomethacins.
What symptoms can a kidney cyst cause?
The growing cyst can cause expansion and swelling of the kidneys and result in discomfort and pains in the abdomen or waist. A ruptured cyst or combination of infections can lead to gross or miscroscopic hematuria and deteriorated waist or back pains. Protein in urine can also be seen in some patients.
Renal ischemia caused by oppression of augmented kidney cyst can lead to high blood pressure. With the illness condition progressing, hypertension will become more and more difficult to be controlled. Kidney function declines in the developing course, which can be manifested as dropped GFR level.
What can we do for a kidney cyst?
Antibiotics are needed when combined infections occur and anti-hypertensive medications are also necessary to slow down aggravation speed. A beneficial diet is also necessary. Alcohol and cigarettes can stimulate secretion of cyst liquid so patients should get rid of the habit of smoking and drinking.
Follow a low-salt diet and avoid stimulating foods such as salted, spicy, polluted leftover foods and barbecues. Regular tests are needed to keep close observation for the size of the cyst and kidney function state. A kidney cyst more than 5cm in diameter may likely to get ruptured and cause renal parenchyma damage. Thereby, positive treatment is advised. Patients suffering from constant severe pains also need to choose timely and proper treatment.
You may get more detailed information about your specific condition by consulting online experts or emailing us directly.

Can Kidney Cyst Cause Extreme Fatigue

Kidney cyst can cause extreme fatigue in some cases and the followings are the general introduction about how kidney cyst causes fatigue.
Kidney cyst, just as its name implies, means there are cysts in the kidneys and according to the location, size and growing condition, kidney cyst can cause varies consequence. In some cases, cyst dos not enlarge at all and it grows in the surface of the kidney. Under this circumstance, the cyst produces no influence on the displaying of the kidney function. Everything is normal and patients live as freely as before.
However, in some cases, cyst may enlarge ceaselessly and this makes the surrounding renal intrinsic cells and renal tissues are oppressed seriously. Damaged functional cells stop working normally and as a result, kidney function declines. Impaired kidney function is failed in maintaining sufferers’ live, which presents a series of symptoms, including fatigue. Therefore, fatigue only appears in the condition that kidney damages are caused by kidney cyst. Also we can say if an individual with kidney cyst feel tired frequently, it is very likely that his kidney functions have been impaired.
Well then, what can we do with fatigue caused by kidney cyst?
Frequent fatigue affect us by making us has no interest or energy to do our work, so improving this condition is very necessary. Since we have found the root cause of fatigue in kidney cyst, say kidney damages here, we should choose the treatment which is able to repair damaged renal intrinsic cells and renal tissues. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, a natural external treatment, is just such a treatment. Micro-Chinese medicines are mainly herbs and through large amount s of clinical practices, these herbs are proven be effective in repairing damaged functional cells. What is more, as they grow naturally, they do not cause any side effects. Therefore, in china, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotheray is very popular among people with kidney cyst.
Besides, fatigue is just one of the symptoms of kidney cyst and if sufferers just leave it alone, more and more kidney functions will be damaged, which finally cause kidney failure. Therefore, receiving effective treatment not only helps you remove fatigue, but also help you avoid bad consequence such as dialysis and kidney transplant.
read more online chinese medicine treat kidney cyst


Polycystic Kidney Disease :Causes , Symptoms , Treatment

What is Polycystic Kidney Disease 

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys. The kidneys are two organs, each about the size of a fist, located in the upper part of a person's abdomen, toward the back. The kidneys filter wastes and extra fluid from the blood to form urine. They also regulate amounts of certain vital substances in the body. When cysts form in the kidneys, they are filled with fluid. PKD cysts can profoundly enlarge the kidneys while replacing much of the normal structure, resulting in reduced kidney function and leading to kidney failure.
Polycystic Kidney Disease Causes 
In some cases, a person with ADPKD has no known family history of the disease. However, it's possible that someone in the affected person's family actually did have the disease, but didn't show signs or symptoms before dying of other causes. In a smaller percentage of cases where no family history is present, ADPKD results from a spontaneous gene mutation.
Autosomal dominant PKD makes up about 90 percent of all cases of PKD. Mutations in the PKD1 and PKD2 genes cause autosomal dominant PKD. Chromosome 16 and chromosome 4 host the PKD1 and PKD2 gene respectively. Mutated PKD1 and PKD2 genes cause the production of polycystin-1 and polycystin-2 proteins which causes production of multiple cysts in the kidneys and other places in the body. Children of parents with autosomal dominant PKD have a 50 percent chance of inheriting the gene. About half of people with autosomal dominant PKD progress to kidney failure.
Polycystic Kidney Disease Symptoms 

Early in the disease, patients often experience no symptoms. In fact, many people don't realize they have ADPKD because they have so few if any symptoms.
Some of the most common symptoms of polycystic kidney disease are:
frequent kidney infections
high blood pressure
back and side pains
blood in the urine
urinary tract infections
liver and pancreatic cysts
abnormal heart valves
kidney stones
aneurysms in the brain

How To Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a new treatment method which has been studied by Kidney Disease Hospital through many years clinical experience. Through skin penetration, the micro-processing Chinese medicine will dilate the vessel, accelerate blood circulation, remove the cystic fluid quickly as well as reduce capsule pressure, inhibit the continuous secretion of wall epithelial cells, reduce the cyst fluid generation, make the cyst continue to shrink and effectively prevent the cyst from increasing, thus reducing the damage of kidney organization and achieve the purpose of treating disease.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can reduce the formation of cystic fluid, alleviate the oppression of glomeruli, tubules and renal vessels, promote the circulation of the damaged kidney organization, improve the state of renal anoxia and provide a favorable environment for accelerating the repair of damaged kidneys.


How to treat kidney cyst

There are many reasons of the kidney cyst.The emotional disorder ,environment change ,overfatigue or free,unreasonable diet both can cause Bad digestion and absorption. It will make the cells changed.The kidney tubules epithelial cells will increased to form polyp.It will block the cavity of kidney tubules.So the liquid will gather there to become cyst.
As your cyst is 2 cm now,if it larger than 3cm,you may also have the pain problem.So you really need early treatment. The cysts will grow with age. The enlarged kidney cysts will replace the normal renal tissues around and damage the renal function. The damage of barrier function of the glomeruli will lead to urine protein and leakage of red blood cells. You have to avoid spicy and stimulating food, otherwise, the cysts will grow very fast.
I do not suggest to move your kidney out of body,I think there is still kidney fucntion there.
The right treatment for kidney cysts is as follows: On one hand, we have to use western medicine to control the symptoms. For example, your urine protein, blood pressure should all be well controlled by medications.
For treating kidney cysts, we should also use Chinese medicine, which can treat the disease fundamentally. Chinese medicine will restrain the growth trend of the cysts, that is inactivating the epithelial cells of the cyst walls and making it lose the function of secreting. Once the cyst liquid will not be secreted, the cysts will not enlarge.
For the existing cysts, we cannot let them stay here, so we will use medicine to increase the permeability of the cyst walls and the microcirculation. The cyst liquid will be reabsorbed and discharged out through the urine. If the size of the cysts are reduced, the pressure on the around renal tissues will be lower, and the renal function will be better.

Food for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Five low and one high: low potassium, low salt, low phosphorus, low fat, low protein, high vitamin.
1. Low potassium-- high potassium content of foods should be forbidden: all kinds of edible fungi, potato, Chinese yam, cabbage, date, banana, orange, white fungus, peach, apricot, spinach, rape, etc.
2.Low salt—high salt content of foods: MSG, soda cracker, fine dried noodles, soy sauce, etc. the patient whose blood pressure is not stable or has severe edema, should avoid salt. In general, every patient takes salt less than 3g every day.
3. Low phosphorus—high phosphorus content of foods: marine food products and marine plant, such as: seaweed, laver, animals’ bowels, sesame, tea, honey, yolk, etc.
4. Low fat Note: It is forbidden to use animal oil while cooking. Take vegetable oil mainly, don’t take fatty food. It is better for the kidney patient to corn oil contained unsaturated fatty acid.
5. High-quality protein—can take right amount of egg white, milk, and fine lean meat, the amount of intake should be less than 100g. Can’t take vegetable protein, such as bean and each kind of bean products, bean curd, and bean milk. Can’t take every kind of nuts, such as peanut, melon seeds, and walnut.
6. High vitamin-- take more vegetable and every kind of fruit, like pear, apple, cucumber, tomato, etc.
Note: avoid spicy food (such as onion, ginger, garlic, etc), avoid smoke and liquor, and avoid dog meat. While being oliguria, the patient needs to control the water intake. In general, the water intake should less than the urine volume on the day before.
You told to me that you have already let your mom follow a diet without salt and much protein, that is very good for her, but now enough. Without effective control, I am afraid that your mom will also finally suffered with renal failure just like your grandma. I also attach an attachment in email about our hospital, you can have a look, this is the largestest kidney disease specialized hospital in china. We have much experience on treating PKD.

Differences between Kidney Cysts and Kidney Tumor

What are the differences between kidney cysts and kidney tumor? Patients who are found to have cysts on kidney are very worried, wondering whether kidney cysts are the same as kidney tumors. Actually, kidney cysts are not tumors, but they are easily mixed with each other. Hence, it is very important to have a clear identification between them.
What are kidney cysts?
A kidney cyst is a fluid-filled sac that can appear on any part of the kidney. There are generally three types of kidney cysts: simple kidney cysts, complex kidney cysts and Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). As cystic epithelial cells are activated, they will secrete liquid continuously, augment in size and oppress surrounding renal tissues and lead to kidney function decline.
What are kidney tumors?
Kidney tumors, including benign tumors and malignant tumors, account for 2% to 3% among all human tumors. Commonly seen benign tumors mainly include renal adenoma, nodulartexture and renal vascular tumor; while malignant tumors mainly include renal cell carcinoma, renal pelvis cancer and Wilms’ tumors. Kidney cysts belong to the group of benign tumors.
What are the differences between kidney cysts and kidney tumors?
Renal tomography and renal arteriography can easily distinguish the two from each other. Under renal tomography, the part of kidney cysts show light color, while tumors are much darker in color. In renal arteriography, blood vessels in the site of renal cysts are sparse and no contrast agent is concentrated. In comparison, blood vessels are abundant in renal malignant tumors and concentration of contrast agent can be found.
As what’s mentioned above, kidney cysts belong to a kind of kidney benign tumor. There is very little chance for a cyst to become malignant. If any, nephrologists will perform cyst puncture, pull out capsule liquid to undergo routine examination and cytology test so as to make sure whether there exist tumor on cyst wall.
Learn about symptoms anf treatment for kidney cyst 


Natural Treatment For Renal Cortical Cyst

Renal cortical cyst means cyst grow in the renal cortex which refers to the outer part of kidney. Similar with Polycystic Kidney Disease, renal cortical cyst also cause kidney failure if timely treatment is not given.
Usually, renal cortical cyst appears under the common effects of external factor and physical condition. Compared with people who have strong immunity, these with lower immunity are more likely to have renal cortical cyst. Renal cortical cyst can be caused by many factors and what we mentioned just now is one of the common factors.
Renal cortical cyst causes kidney failure through impairing our renal functions which are achieved by damaging our kidneys. Cyst in renal cortex is always filled with yellow fluids which are secreted by lining cells, the major component of cystic wall. When cystic fluids increase, cyst enlarges. Enlarged cyst oppresses the surrounding renal functional cells and thus makes them unable in displaying renal functions. When more and more renal functions cells are failed in working, renal functions decrease. Therefore, if we want to protect our kidneys from being damaged by renal cortical cyst, we need to shrink our cysts.
Surgery is a way to shrink cyst in renal cortex; however, as surgery cause infections and pain easily, many renal cortical cyst patients are unwilling to receive surgery. Considering this into account, we can adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy .
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an external treatment, so it does not cause any side effects. Besides, as this therapy takes herbs as major material, no side effects are caused during the treatment. Micro-Chinese medicines in this treatment have many functions such as promoting blood circulation, increasing our immunity and excreting blood stasis accumulating in the blood vessels. With the effects of these functions, blood pressure can be lowered, which makes the pressure inside the cyst is higher than that outside. Under such a circumstance, cystic fluids ooze out of the cyst and consequently, cyst shrinks.
As long as cyst is shrunk timely, renal cortical cyst will avoid damaging our kidneys and we are far away from kidney failure.


Polycystic Kidney Disease Diet

Food for people with polycystic kidney disease, it is important for those with high blood pressure to eat a diet low in salt. A low-fat, moderate calorie diet is also important. Research studies on diet have shown promising results for mice and rats with polycystic kidney disease; however, none of these diet changes have been shown to be beneficial in humans.
High-potassium foods such as acorn squash, potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, orange juice, lentils and other legumes must be eaten very sparingly. Healthier choices include mushrooms, onions and green peppers because these are low-potassium foods.
Try to eat a lot of high-fiber foods that can combat insulin resistance -- high insulin levels have been linked with heart disease and faster rates of PKD progression. Good sources of fiber, in addition to fruit and vegetables, are whole grains and legumes.
Avoid excess amounts of salt, which causes your blood pressure to rise. This includes products like processed foods, soups, chips and soy sauce.
PKD patients should drink lots of water since water helps flush out waste products and helps you avoid dehydration, a common symptom of PKD. Avoid caffeine -- which causes dehydration -- found in coffee, chocolate, black tea, green tea, white tea, cola and even some decaf products.

Polycystic kidney disease is a herediatary disease , early treatment for polycystic kidney disease can extend your life expectancy , learn Affect Polycystic Kidney Disease Life Expectancy .