
May I Have Kidney Disease( Renal Cyst )

There is no specific symptom of Renal Cyst at the very beginning, so most people discover the disease after its reaching in a certain degree. Therefore, earlier discovery of the disease can help a lot in treating the disease. Even though the kinds of renal cyst are various, we can tell whether you have got the disease via some symptoms and tests. I. Frequent urination and trouble urinating This is one of the most common reasons for many people to discover renal cysts. After getting the renal cysts, you may find something wrong about urine, such as frequent urination, color changes of the urine, and too much or less urine in several days, then you can go and check your kidneys.
II. Pain in waist and stomach.
Usually people go to the hospital for a physical check when they cannot bear the pain or the pain last for a long time, which will delay the treatment invisibly because at that time the disease is likely in a severe state.
Pain in the waist and stomach is always dull and will be aggravated by infection or bleeding of the cyst. Moreover, if there is a stone in the kidney, cramp pain will occur.
III. Abnormal in the physical report.
With renal cyst, if you go and do the physical test in the hospital, you may find the abnormal of protein quantity and hematuria. Generally speaking, the protein quantity in the urine is less than 2g per hour without the risk of developing into Nephritic Syndrome. As for hematuria, it may appear under the influence of some inducements such as overstrain, cold, pharyngitis and amygdalitis, and it will disappear spontaneously after several hours or one week.
In addition, some patients may also suffer from high blood pressure and decrease of renal function.
Identifying whether you have got renal cysts is a comprehensive diagnose process, hence you can not say that you have got renal cysts just based on one or two symptoms. Please turn to the doctors and make sure about the disease before accepting any treatment.
Learn more kidney cyst treatment .

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