
Is Multiple Renal Cyst Same with Polycystic Kidney Disease

Generally speaking, Multiple Renal Cyst is not a simplex disease but belongs to Polycystic Kidney Disease or Simple Renal Cyst, which can be tell basing on many factors including the number of cysts, family history, external renal manifestation, age, the location of the cysts and so on.
As one of the most common kidney diseases, Multiple Renal Cyst can occur in people with any ages. Most of the cysts are small and do not have any discomfort, however, there will appear some symptoms if the cysts are larger than 5cm, such as pain in the waist, frequent micturition, urgent urination, odynuria, hematuria.
Nevertheless, Multiple Renal Cyst is not the same with Polycystic Kidney Disease, and there are great differences between them.
◇ The causes and the pathological changes are different. Polycystic Kidney Disease is a kind of autosomal inherited disease, while Multiple Renal Cyst can be inherited or the consequence of wounds, inflammatory reaction, tumour and so on.
◇ Family history is an important factor. There must be some other people who have got similar disease in the family of a patient with Polycystic Kidney Disease, but the patient with Multiple Renal Cyst may not have this problem.
◇ Substance in the cysts are not the same. Urine can always be found in the cysts of Polycystic Kidney Disease, however, the cysts of Multiple Renal Cyst may contain body fluid which is look like plasma and includes red blood cells in it.
◇ Complications are different. Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease have to suffer from many other diseases, such as Hypertension, Renal Insufficiency, and Uremia, but generally speaking, Multiple Renal Cyst has little risk to have these severe complications.
◇ Prevention of the two kinds of disease need to be done from different aspects. Cysts in Polycystic Kidney Disease can be restrained as well as remit the symptoms, while the other one can remove the cyst if it does not have a big size.
The treatment of Multiple Renal Cyst varies with different disease condition. No treatment is needed if the cysts are small and there is no symptom, nevertheless, a timely treatment should be given if there are some discomforts in the patients and the cysts are bigger than 5cm.
Learn about how to treat cyst in polycystic kidney disease

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