
How to Prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is the condition in which groups of cysts form inside the kidneys. These cysts are round in shape and are full of yellow fluids. Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic disease and is divided into two types which are ADPKD and ARPKD. Although Polycystic Kidney Disease is hereditary disease, not all the persons with corresponding gene will suffer from it. There are several ways to prevent the onset of the disease.
Firstly, eating healthy food can be a big step in preventing Polycystic Kidney Disease. In the daily life, intake of fat and salt should be kept at a minimum. Meanwhile, try to replenish enough vitamins which are rich in vegetables and fruits. Besides, whole grains also should be incorporated into the regular diet.
Secondly, keep a healthy body weight through doing physical exercises regularly. Exercise benefits us a lot such as increasing our immunity, strengthening our body and promoting our appetite and so on. According to researches, doing physical exercise for about thirty minutes every day is ok.
Thirdly, observe yourself to know whether you have symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease. Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease include severe pain in the location of kidneys, elevated blood pressure, and fatigue and blood urine. In serious cases, patients usually have some other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, enlarged stomach and frequent urination at night. If you encounter any of these symptoms, contact a doctor.
Fourthly, go to hospital for examination regularly. Although symptoms are helpful in diagnosing Polycystic Kidney Disease, medical tests help you confirm whether you have Polycystic Kidney Disease or not.
Sixthly, for some people with Polycystic Kidney Disease, they may also suffer from kidney stone, so taking steps to prevent the production of kidney stone is also necessary.
Seventy, if you are a smoker and found of drinking alcohol, try to kick these bad habits as they can promote the occurrence of Polycystic Kidney Disease.
To prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease, you need to pay much more attention to many aspects and only in this way, can your risk of suffering from this disease be lowered effectively.
Learn about Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment 

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