
Complication of Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease common complication of hypertension, hematuria, renal enlargement and cyst bleeding, back pain, infection, fever, lower back pain with hydronephrosis, merger stones have renal colicsuch as hematuria. Early polycystic kidney disease is mainly symptomatic treatment, control of blood pressure and infection, the medium-term viable surgical treatment, surgery can remove large cysts, reduce damage to the kidneys, to extend the kidney using the time patients with advanced only by dialysis (hemodialysis) instead of the kidneys work.
Common complications of Polycystic kidney disease are: urinary tract infections: cystitis, pyelonephritis, cyst infection and renal abscess. Female urinary devices to check their risk factors. White blood cell casts in urine and treatment response to conventional anti-infection rapidly in favor pyelonephritis diagnosis, blood culture positive and local tenderness tend to cyst infection, CT can be found in the infectious cyst.
Common complications of polycystic kidney disease: renal cysts cancer: renal cysts can be cancerous so far are still controversial. When patients with kidney area pain or hematuria law (and) changes, weight loss, ESR does not comply with renal anemia or polycythemia occurs, should be alert to the merger renal cell carcinoma in a timely manner for CT examination, if necessary, when need for renal angiography.
Common complications of polycystic kidney disease: kidney stones and renal calcification: When the pain got worse, the strangulation education or eye hematuria should think of the possibility of merging stones.

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